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Поделиться22009-02-25 16:46:04
The Ajaba are a shape shifting race that was once included with the tribes of Bastet based on hyenas. But due to conflicts with the Simba werelions, the tribe was cast out and considered oath broken. In the distant past, these shapeshifters were respected for their role as trash collectors. Weak and aged creatures, tribal exiles and outlaws were hunted down and eaten, and bad children were lifted from their beds and taken into the night. The Ajaba, not truly catkind at all, were never well-liked, but they served a purpose. Many human tribes called them “Rainmakers” for the tears they caused to fall, and they secured their villages against the beast by lock, spell and spear. Bastet, especially among the Simba prides, took a more active role; if one of their kind was killed by the hyenas, the local werecats rushed into the night and took revenge. This went on for thousands of years; as far as the Ajaba were concerned, the Impergium never ended. The casualties they suffered in return seemed to be part of the cycle, and kept their own tribe from growing too large.
Before the rise of the Ahadi, the Ajaba were a struggling tribe that was teetering on falling to the Wyrm. When European invaders came into Africa, they brought with them guns, weapons and other troubles such as vampires, Mages, and of course the Garou.
The last of these was a minor threat but the more normal threats wreaked havoc on the shapechangers of Africa.
Some of Gaia's children, however, refused to lie down and suffer such indignities. One such individual was a Simba from Zululand in south Africa named Black Tooth.
As the ivory wars began in earnest during the latter part of the 1970's, black tooth put together a pride of Simba which lashed out at all the European interlopers, be they supernatural or mundane in nature. There were vampires who were subjugated. Mages who were expunged, ghosts who were exorcised this left the land silent. He was not selective in his efforts all who trod upon African soil were subject to his whim, and those who opposed him were eliminated. Most of Africa's bastet supported him, as he fought against the oppression of the colonials. On the Serengeti, the Ajaba refused Black Tooth's rule and to his annoyance, refused to die.
The first of these to refuse to kneel before the unnatural might of Black Tooth were those of the Hyena's King's court. Black Tooth was not pleased with this, and set upon them with terrible rage. However it proved hard, nay almost impossible to kill the “the choosers of the slain”, for they knew the secrets of death and were strong in numbers. However, as is often the case here, the Ajaba were betrayed by one of their own. In 1984 Black Tooth learned the truth of the Ajaba's Yava, and he used it to slaughter them in the Hyena King's court in the Nogorongoro crater. The tribe's numbers went from thousands strong to less than a handful in the span of a single battle, and with their defeat Black Tooth ruled the continent from the Sahara to the Kalahari.
This caused the tribe to become a scattered mess,determined to survive and return by any means necessary. Those with connections in the human world set up escape routes for their brothers and sisters, who took along a handful of ancestral Kinfolk as they left Africa. In overrun metropolises like Bombay, Calcurra, Los Angeles and Cairo, the Ajaba ran in packs, making what allies they could and keeping themselves alive. To endure, they were forced propagate as quickly and surely as possible. To that end, they made bargains with their spirit father Seb-at-Al, an incarnation of Cahlash and with other denizens of the urban darkness: Bone Gnawers, Ratkin, Nosferatu vampires and far worse. For breeding stock, zoos raids and grabbing what ever unsuspecting humans they could. From there they would drag their future mates into “fosterage dens” in the cities' hidden places, where they would breed until they die. In the long run, the ancient rainmakers could have a had a legacy more corrupt than their tormentors: one of thievery and shame.
Ironically, out of this shame, struggle and grief came a spark of hope for the tribe. On the brink of extinction, their rage boiled to terrible heights. It turned these proud warriors into the very thing they sought to destroy. As the Ajaba were defiant, so the Amadu'o became tyrannical. As the Ajaba were rebellious so the Amadu'o became despotic. None were safe from their wrath, and all were expected to participate in their wars of annihilation. These battles mirrored the War of Rage waged by the werewolves. In the north, save for the fact that it was an ongoing conflict that never seemed to end. The garou were motivated by fear and ignorance, and these things can be assuaged. Not so pride, the greatest sin of them all.
With Black Tooth having secured his place as the lion king of Africa, it is Ironic that his destruction, and the beginnings of restoration for Gaia's children in Africa was set in motion by a lone Ajaba. A mere upstart named Kisasi. Her story changed the face of Africa, and it will quite possibly change the face of the world before all is said and done. Born to a Maasai woman of noble blood, one who wanted nothing to do with the ruling Ajaba king of time, she was raised with no knowledge of her heritage. Or even her name, which means “revenge” in Swahili. After her First Change, Kisasi began to explore her heritage and legacy her mother had left for her. This is how she met Kiva, the revered Bagheera elder, who told Kisasi the significance of her name, as well as the events that led to the destruction of the Hyena King and his court. Surprisingly, however, the young Ajaba wanted nothing to do with the vengeance her named suggested; rather, she decided then and there that she was going to fix things, and was too young to realize that that was a hopeless venture.
Thank Gaia for the blind and stubborn determination of the youth!
As it turns out Kisasi made and excellent diplomat, and managed to make contact with the Mayi'o Simba, other Bagheera, the Swara, the two tribes of Garou in the region, the Mokolé, the Rokea, and a number of extended Kin networks throughout sub-Saharan Africa. She didn't know she wasn't supposed to like the Simba, and didn't care that they didn't like her. She simply refused to surrender in the face of antagonism, and they found her enthusiasm infectious. Before long, all of Africa's Fera believed that a united attack force could defeat Black Tooth's Endless storm, and lo, so it was. She also made them believe that that coalition was worth maintaining thereafter, and the Ahadi is the result of this belief.
Kisasi's efforts paid off in spades for the other Ajaba in the world. She gave them a banner to rally behind and the chance to redeem themselves, and they snapped it up with all the eagerness of a starving hound. The Mayi'o Simba and the other Bastet finally forgave the Ajaba's past sins, and as a result the Ajaba are once again growing in numbers and strength. Unfortunately, not all are committed to the Ahadi as Kisasi and her supporters are. Those who remember Black Tooth's reign of terror still nurse old grudges, and they are unwilling to forget or forgive, no matter the cost to themselves or others. Th most radical of these, led by a fearsome male named Shari, know only hatred for the Simba and who stand by them. Their hatred is unreasoning, unabating, and undeniable, and the threat they pose to the Ahadi is nearly as great as that of the Wyrm or the Vampires that infest Africa.
Поделиться32009-02-25 16:46:20
1 Tribal Home
2 Culture and Kinfolk
3 Organization
4 Yava
5 Aspects
6 Appearance
7 Books to Get
8 See Also
Tribal Home
Although the Ajaba once ranged from India to south Africa, the Serengeti grasslands were considered their tribal home. The Hyena King's court, which fell in '84, was located near Mount Kilimanjaro in modern Kenya. The Simba have locked it off from the survivors, now; a magical ward prevents them from returning for 100 years. With his fall it is unknown if the magicks that bound them away from this holy site are still in effect. In general, these elusive creatures prefer open countryside to city life. The few who migrated to urban areas saved the race; without their help, the survivors of black Tooth's massacre would have been picked off eventually. Now the tribe has new courts in the U.S., India and Egypt.
Culture and Kinfolk
In the past, werehyenas placed great importance in family ties, ancestry and group identity. They ranged in packs of three to six members and kept their kinfolk close. Most hunting parties had human, hyena and shapechanger members, and although the Ajaba had the upper hand, the kinfolk had a say in group activities. But when Black Tooth slaughtered most of the tribe, the ancestral bloodlines were cut; and much of their Kin shared the same fate. alongside their cousins. This caused the Ajaba to mate with whomever they could to keep their kin alive: vagrants, lunatics, even each other. The older members disliked “polluting their blood” with undesirable strains, but it was survival. Now with Black Tooth gone, the breed struggles to return to balance.
Ajaba society, like that of their hyena kin, is made up of tightly knit family groups. These groups consist of related Ajaba and their kin, and they form the basis for larger groups called clans. In some ways clans are analogous to Garou tribes, though they tend to be smaller and are limited to specific geographical regions. They lack the racial and cultural influences that characterize Garou tribes, and rarely even have official names.
Ajaba society is fiercely matriarchal, too an extent that would do the Black Furies proud. Females, who serve as the pack's warriors, leaders and spies, dominate most packs. In contrast to the Black Furies, however, the role of the male is not trivial. They indeed play a critical role in pack society. Those who survive to adulthood leave the pack at an early age, joining up with other packs packs to serve as mystics and taletellers. In this way, the legacy of Gaia and the history of the Ajaba remain intact. Without this custom, Ajaba packs would remain hidebound and insular, and vulnerable to external threats. (a weakness that the “Ajaba King” discovered the hard way.)
Metis due to Black Tooth's influence on the tribe are fully excepted members of this tribe, acting as bodyguards and lieutenants. They also have a strange and slightly unnerving mutation; they are either gender changers, or are hermaphrodites. Even so, they cannot reproduce.
Politicking among the Ajaba is fierce, and social status is very important. Reigning females must always defend their position against challenges from their underlings, and these challenges are often quite a bit bloodier than similar affairs among Garou. As such, it is not uncommon for Ajaba in power to have numerous allies, among them both warriors and mystics that can help to legitimize their position. This is where the power of the males in Ajaba society reveals itself: males that enter a pack do so with no preset social rank, which allows them to ally themselves with any females who will have them. This means that Ajaba mystics wield considerable power, as they alone often determine the fate of the entire clan. simply by choosing whom they wish to support in the numerous ritual challenges that plague the typical pack.
Beyond the pack scale, there is currently no real structure to Ajaba society. The Ajaba of today are still recovering from the near-genocide of their breed in 1984, and at the same time they are also reorganizing their clans, discarding the chauvinistic ways of the Ajaba King and instead adapting new traditions more in keeping with Gaia's will. It goes without saying that Kisasi speaks for the Ajaba as a whole, but at a local level her influence is often quite limited.
Поделиться42009-02-25 16:46:36
Each of these secrets were taken by the Simba, and used by Black Tooth; even so, they are not common knowledge the lions cultivated their image of superiority, and insisted that the Yava had nothing to do with their success against the hyena-folk. However, they are now just trying to get over their connection with Black Tooth maintain some dignity.
Each Ajaba has a nick the size of a quarter on the back of their skulls. Strike this spot and you demolish the brain.
Mixing white wine in a hyena's footprint intoxicates the animal who left it. The stronger the drink, the longer the effects last.
An Ajaba cannot bear the taste of baby meat; an infant younger than a year of age is always safe.
In the past, all Ajaba were functionally Ragabash. This is changing, however, with the current trend toward restructuring Ajaba society, something has emerged. Aspects. They almost act like Garou Auspices; however currently only two major aspect are recognized among Ajaba elders. It is possible that more might emerge at some time in the future.
Dawn: Dawn Ajaba, if female, are filled with fury and Rage, eager to battle the Wyrm and prove their worth to Gaia and her clan. They are feisty and combative, easily offended and hyperactive, and they are one of the main reason the Wyrm is feeling the Ajaba's bite in Africa. Dawn Metis have a higher rage but still serve as protectors. In the case of males, Dawn aspects tend to be taletellers, a role similar to that of the Galliards in Garou society.
Dusk: Dusk Ajaba turn their Rage inward, learning more subtle ways to leave their mark on the world. Dusk females tend to become skulking assassins, striking down their foes in the manner of a Rage-filled Ragabash. Dusk males commit themselves fully to the study of Gaia's mysteries, and they are some of the most potent mystics Gaia's children have ever seen. Dusk Metis have a low rage, but once again. They hold to protecting the tribes fertile members.
Ajaba may descend from any human racial stock. Regardless of their heritage, werehyenas tend to have large lower jaws, thick teeth, bristly hair, heavy builds, broad shoulders and hoarse voices. They're not the most attractive of the cat-folk and always have an unnerving air about them, course that could be their insanely disturbing laughter.
Поделиться52009-02-25 16:47:22
The Bastet are a collected group of Changing Breed who are based on the felines of the world. These cats being most of the Big Cats: Panthers/Leopards, extinct Cave-Lions, Jaguars, Tigers, Lions and Cheetah, to a handful of “small” cats: Puma/Mountain Lion and Lynxes . The term “Collected Group” is used, due to fact that unlike the Garou, whose tribes, though different in ideals and some physical characteristics, are not only varied based on the different number of cats that have been presented; But also the wildly different Origin Stories (known as Caliah) each tribe has for the Bastet as a whole. And whiles this can be argued that the Garou themselves all have tribal stories that differ from one another, comparing those stories is similar to comparing the histories of someone that grew up in upper Egypt to someone who lived only a mile away. There are many more common themes that all can agree on.
With the Bastet, comparing such stories is like comparing the history of a Native American Indian who lived 200 years ago with a Modern man from India. There may be similarities, hell, there may be even names that are the same. But over all the stories don't quite match up.
And for the Eyes of Gaia, whose very purpose is to learn and keep secrets, that suits them just fine. After all, what goes on behind a cats eyes should be his own business..
Yes, it has been said that the Bastet have many creation stories, after all stories are how a cat learns secrets. But there is one story that stands out among all the others. While some will say that the Silver Lady (Luna) created the Bastet by making humans cats and cats human, a different story can be heard from time to time.
How the Bastet Came to Be
Long ago, before the humans learned to bend the world to their will, Gaia created the Changing Breeds. Powerful beings borne of flesh and spirit, the Changing Breeds had the task of safeguarding Gaia's creations, both from the ravages of the spirit world and from their own selfish desires.
She created the Garou to be Her warriors, the Corax to be Her eyes, the Mokolé to be Her Memory, and so on and so forth. There were many Changing Breeds, and all had an appointed role to play in protecting Gaia's children from the trappings of Rahjah (The Weaver), the madness of Cahlash (The Wyrm) and the raw chaos of Mother Nala (The Wyld.) All of Gaia's creations excelled at their tasks, and She moved Her attention to other matters, secure in the belief that all would be well.
Sadly, it was not to be. When Gaia looked in on Her creations a short time later she found that, while most of them were quite good at doing what She designed them to do, all were rather inept when it came to working together. The Garou, for example, spent more time fighting one another than anything particularly malign, while the Corax were so intent on sharing information with one another that they forgot to share it with anyone else. The Ratkin were so caught up in their task of spying on humanity that they neglected the world beyond, and since the Mokolé spent all their time wallowing in the mud and remembering the past, they did little to address matters in the here and now.
Similar problems existed with all the Changing Breeds, and Gaia pondered the situation for a while as She tried to figure out what to do. Some time later Gaia tracked down Cat, and asked him for his assistance in resolving the Matter. Cat wasn't sure how he could help Gaia, since he was by nature a solitary creature. This in fact was the reason She had passed him over when first creating the Changing Breeds. But She needed his help now, and he could hardly deny the will of the Mother. So it was that, with Cat's help, Gaia created the Bagheera, the first of the Bastet. Bagheera would see things as the Corax and guard secrets as the Mokolé, and fight more fiercely as the Garou did. Bagheera would do all these things and more, and in the process remind the other Changing Breeds of how they must work together to accomplish their goals.
Gaia looked upon the beautiful Bagheera and She was most please. She saw, however, that there were places Bagheera could not go. Some were too far away, and some were simply inhospitable. There were also things Bagheera could not do; they were swift, but not as swift as the Corax. They were strong, but not as the Gurahl. Clever, yes, but not as clever as the Nuwisha. As beautiful and fearsome as she was Bagheera would need help if she were to truly aid Gaia's children. And so Gaia created Qualmi, a clever beast whose riddles encouraged (or enraged) Gaia's children to think and ponder, to look inward as well as to fight. Some say the Qualmi inspired the Garou to create their Star Gazer tribe, maybe, maybe not. Gaia next created the fierce and mighty Balam, who stole off into the dark places where others were afraid to go, and tore the hearts out of any who would defile Gaia's beauty. Then came Swara and Pumonca, the brothers, whom Gaia charged with wandering the worlds of flesh and spirit, bringing their lore to all they encountered. Gaia looked upon all these children of Cat, and she was pleased. But She didn't stop there. As Cahlash's madness sought to engulf Gaia's children, She responded by creating the mighty Khan, whose strength could shatter mountains and whose claws could rend spirits. And when Cahlash sought to tempt the hearts and minds humans, Gaia created the mystical Bubasti, who slipped inside of human society in an effort to help the Ratkin control humanity from within. And so the seven children of Cat were born of Gaia, all of them beautiful, strong and proud. But Gaia knew they would be unruly, as children tend to be. She knew that if they became enraptured with their own beauty they would forget why they were created. And so She bore Cat one final child, the most majestic and regal of them all. This child was Simba, and his pride was such that there was no battle he would not fight, no challenge he would not meet, no obstacle that could not be overcome. The other Bastet saw the great Simba and were shamed, and Gaia saw that they all took their duties much more seriously from that day forward.
Gaia was pleased with Her new creations, and confident that they would solve the problems Her other children had encountered. But it was not to be; the others were jealous of the Bastets' beauty, and felt insulted that the werecats' even needed to be brought into existence. After all, were they not the best and brightest of Gaia's children?
What did this say about their own abilities that a whole Changing Breed needed to be created in order to pick up slack?
This of course was nonsense; the Battle were created to help the others, not take their places. The fools would have known this if they had spoken to Gaia directly, but since they were hurt and offended they simply assumed that they understood Her intentions and treated the Bastet accordingly.
For the Bastet this was, in a word, intolerable. All they really wanted to do was to nap in the sun, enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and play on their own whims.
But Gaia had given them a task and they felt it was their duty to respond to the best of their ability. But now, they were being snubbed and punished by the very siblings that they were created to help! The insult to their pride was unbearable. When the Ajaba openly defied Gaia and the Garou began to subordinate the other Changing breeds to their will, the Bastet responded as any cat would. Slinking in a sulking manner to the shadows, vowing to ignore the other Changing Breeds until the time came were they would come to their senses and show the cats the respect and appreciation they deserved. As history showed, this did not turn out well for the poor cats. The Garou reacted poorly to this, their response (like so many other times in their brutal history) was nothing less than genocide, as they destroyed anyone who would not obey them.
Many of the Changing Breeds suffered, and the Cats were no exception. Most of them were eradicated in places that would become the Americans and Europe, and the only reason they did not suffer similar fates in the south was because the Garou simply did not exist in those places. In the aftermath of that calamity their hatred and spite rose to new heights, and the bitterness, contempt, and mistrust born of those times remains even to this day.
Поделиться62009-02-25 16:47:44
The War of Rage
Before the werewolves began their epic campaign to wipe the other fera of the Mothers face, the Bastet could be found all over the world. The Simba held grand courts in Europe and North America, while the Khan were mighty emperors whose grip encompassed all of Asia. The Bagheera and Qualmi were mystics and advisers, the Swara ran all across the world. It was a golden age for the cats, and they were content to share the power Gaia had blessed them with. The Garou, Gaia's chosen warriors would not have any of it.
The War of Rage left deep and horrible scars on the Bastet, not just on the surface, but also on their spirits as well. In some ways these scars are like those left on humanity in the fires of the Impergium; in the case of the Bastet, though, the result is a deep and lasting hatred of the Garou. One that can only be controlled with a great deal of effort. Modern Bastet are thus conflicted; The wise among them see the necessity of working with and helping the dogs to whatever extent possible, but also know that modern Garou aren't responsible for the sins of their predecessors. That realization, however correct it may be, wars with an instinctive desire to claw the eyes, hearts, and other vital spots of the werewolves on sight, so that they may right one of Gaia's greatest mistakes.
But despite the bad blood between them, Garou and Bastet can work together when it the situation calls for it. Hell in these final days it demands they do. This need has helped to produced pacts such as Emerald Courts of the Hengeyokai, and the Ahadi of Africa. In all cases, however the willingness of the Garou to swallow their pride and make amends has been paramount for successful cooperation. The Bastet know they need the Garou, but their own pride compels them so strongly that they would rather die than to be a subservient role to the werewolves. It is only when the Garou make the first move in asking for help that the Bastet are really willing to listen.
The Bastet Today
Bastet Elders are glad to point out, things have certainly been better. Big cats in the wilds are dwindling due to pouching and destruction of their habitats. And with out wild Kin, no Changing Breed can survive. What's more, when the Ceilican, a secretive European tribe was demolished at one of their gatherings in the heart of their homeland Scotland; the sudden loss of an entire tribe, it rather shockingly pointed out the Breeds mortality to the rest of the cast.
Despite the increase in the rate of global industrialization, not to mention alarming rates of habitat fragmentation and destruction worldwide, the modern era has spurred some changes for the Bastet. The growing trend towards global diversity has taken root in a few homid Garou, who have begun making concerted efforts to contact and make peace with the Changing Breeds of all spots and stripes. This effort has really paid off when it comes to the Bastet, it might well be too little too late, however. As the Bastet's feline kin are being annihilated all over the world, only time will tell if they can even recover to take advantage of the Garou's peacemaking efforts.
No, this isn't an oxymoron. Despite what outsiders see, Bastet do have some minor organization. Among their own tribes that is.
And while it is true that each tribe has a role, the Simba are Warrior Kings, the Kahn Warrior Generals, the Balam Warrior Priests, the Qualmi and Bubasti are mystics, and the Bagheera are Ambassadors; it isn't heavily enforced by any one tribe or group of Bastet. This is mainly due to the fact that each "role" is more than a continent away. Leaving the cats to do their own thing.
On a more individual level, few Bastet operate in any kind of numbers. Most cats only form small hunting parties when the time calls for it, and the rest tend to be strict loners. Since Bastet do not mate with Bastet,(or rarely do, there are Bastet metis after all to prove this.) few will do more than take on a Kin or two as permanent companions.
The noted exceptions to the rule are out there however. The first and foremost are the Simba. A Simba pride may not be as tightly knit as a Garou pack, but when each has the tendencies of an Ahroun, they aren't pushovers either. Swara males will often form small bands, usually only two or three, to mutually protect mates and Kin. The Bagheera, despite their usual solitary nature, will often form War Parties to deal with a specific threat. And lastly, the Kahn of the Beast Courts are as likely to join a Sentai (pack) as any other Hengeyokai.
Поделиться72009-02-25 16:48:01
Despite how much the Baset revere Seline, they do not share the Garou's connection with her, and therefore lack Auspices. They do have have, however Pryios, serve the same general purpose, but are much more subdued of an influence on the Bastet's personality. Pryio is a subtle indicator of true personality, and determines how one will handle challenges and approach life as a whole. While Pryio is determined by the hour of a day that a Bastet undergoes first change, it can be subject to change whenever the cat goes some severe life altering change. Because of this shifty nature to Pryio, and lack of a spirit to back it up, there are no gifts linked to ones Pryio.
Daylight: Bastet with the Daylight Pryio are typically open and direct in their dealings. They can be taken at face value and prefer straightforward battles if conflict is needed. Daylight Bastet tend to be diplomats, warriors, lawgivers, and protectors. (Ae, a good mix of Ahroun and Philodox). They are nurturing sorts, and have an optimistic take on life. Those with Daylight Pryio refresh their willpower by facing serious challenges head on and win through courage and good nature.
Twilight: Twilight cats have a penchant for mysteries and magic. Seeing the world in shades of gray they are often detectives, lawyers, spies, or mystics, searching for hidden meanings in all their endeavors. They also my be romantics or artists, letting their emotions flow and drive them a positive or negative direction. Twilight Baset are insatiably curious, and they refresh their willpower by solving mysteries, thinking through their challenges or creating works of art or literature. (Ae, they are the wild card in the deck. A good mix of all the auspice roles.)
Night: Night Bastet tend to be withdrawn and perhaps duplicitous, focusing on their own endeavors to the exclusion of all else. They are short-tempered and fiercely territorial, and prefer to be either scholars, taskmasters or other driven dedicated sorts. Bastet with this Pryio are the ones most likely to become assassins or man-eaters, and they tend to acquire a degree of infamy in relative short order. They refresh their willpower when they protect their space, safeguard their secrets, or bring pain to others.
Karoush: The Litany
As with all the Changing Breeds, the Bastet adhere to a code that they use to keep alive. It is much shorter than the Garou Litany however, it is there to keep a Bastet in line and honor all that one says and does.
Honor Yourself
Honor Your Word
Honor Your Kin and Kind
Honor Your Earth
Honor Your Silence
The Yava is of utmost importance to any Bastet, and is only taught to cubs who have proven themselves to be able to survive their first years alive. Sometimes they are so closely guarded that they don't learn them until they are Akaa (rank two, equivalent of Fostern). These three or four tribal secrets are weaknesses that the tribe as a whole possesses. Most are supernatural, but all are kept secret from outsiders, because they tend to grand power to those who who have learned them. They are the most rightly guarded of all Bastet Lore, and are only exposed under the most extreme circumstances, if even then
Поделиться82009-02-25 16:48:20
Wise sages, potent judges, the werepanthers of India and North Africa may take their roles seriously; But are seen as the more laid back of the Bastet tribes. This, however, isn't an invite to take advantage of them. They maybe slow to anger, but once pushed, they can become whirls of spinning death.
Savage sentinels of the New World who can give a Khan a run for his money when it comes to their rage against the any invading Garou and humans in their native South American home lands. They are engaged in a fierce battle for territory in the Amazon, going against both the agents of Pentex and the Garou. And give neither any quarter.
Directly related to Egyptian demigods are rumored to be the old of the Nine Tribes, these sorcerous cats use cunning over brute to attack their enemies. They are odd and plumb the mysteries of magic and science to discover a way to undo the extinction of their feline Kinfolk the kyphur of Egypt.
Werecats in the truest sense, who supposedly died off centuries ago, but they still survive in the modern world wreathed in their own madness.
The mighty weretigers oath bound to defend of the Earth, sworn to battle the Asura demons on their own terms. These fists of the gods hold strength and honor as the greatest achievements. If any tribe could lead the Bastet, it would be the Khan, sadly so few remain in the modern world.
Wandering werecougars who keep a watchful eye on the lands of North America. Though not particularly wise, quick or magic proficient, children of Thunderbird are strong and adaptable.
Riddling werelynxes who confound their companions with enigmatic remarks and tricksters' tales.
Proud werelions who believe even now that they were born to rule the other tribes, by force if necessary
Werecheetahs who embody the messenger's speed and the traveler's urge. Unknown to most Bastet, these sleek and subtle creature hide a spiritual power few other werecats can match
The First Twins' cubs, the Khara Sabretooths of North America are long gone. Their legacy lives on, however, as the primal bridge between modern cats and their human aspects. They may have been the first Tribe, or may not. Since they were killed by an Ice Age, that may never be known.
Bastet do not follow Totems in the manner of the Garou. Bastet claim they were created by Selene (Luna). Bastet, as individuals or as Prides, do take spirit allies called Jamaks rather than accept the patronage of a Totem.
Поделиться92009-02-25 16:48:51
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Bagheera are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after panthers, leopards, and even snow-leopards. Werepanthers and wereleopards are one in the same, brothers and sisters of a common tribe that hails from India and upper Africa. Their existence carries on a pact which began during the Impergium and continues to this day. --- a bargain in which humans and big cats keep peace between each other and cull the worse elements of both.
Legend states that Bagheera came from a forbidden love between cats and humans, and remain close to both. Over the millennial, they've urged their cousins to end the Impergium, striven for peace with the Silent Striders, Children of Gaia and Black Furies, and policed their own kind for the Unmaker's taint. Unlike many cats, most Bagheera keep close ties to their human and feline Kinfolk; this bond may account for the tribe's strength and numbers. No other Bastet race is as plentiful or as respected as the Children of Saraam.
Even so, no one who's met a Bagheera wants to risk their temper. The panthers are renowned for their threefold nature. When calm, a werepanther can be wise, inquisitive and even-tempered; when their passions are aroused, they become aggressive, wanton and temperamental. If they grow angry, look out – a frenzied Bagheera lays waste to everything around them. Like the goddess Kali, they become a cyclone of destruction. Even the Simba steer clear of a panther's wrath. Bagheera are perhaps the most well-traveled cats of all. Curious and scholarly, they enjoy new experiences and take advantage of modern conveniences to wander as much of the earth as possible. Most panthers go through three distinct phases of their lives:
The Akari, or “searching”: A werepanther revels in their new identity in this phase of their life. Anything they care to do they will do and with total abandon.
The Pourra, or “foundation”: This is a phase of calm and contemplation. The cat finds a serious mate, raises a family and sees to their well-being. Many Bagheera set up semipermanent homes in their Pourra phase, and establish libraries and networks of friends.
The Doyala, or “passing on”: Finally in the passing Doyala stage, the Bagheera shares the wisdom and lore they've discovered in their youth. A Bagheera never stops moving, but they tend to bond more closely with the community they are in than most Bastet do.
Supposedly, the Bagheera were originally supposed to fill the equivalent of a Philodox role in Bastet society. Although the post never materialized (much to their relief), they still carry a collective authority in their manner and bearing. Perhaps its the Bagheera temperament --- calm and relaxed by Bastet standards --- or the caste-oriented cultures from which many of them come. In any case, a werepanther, it is said can be counted upon to be fair, honorable and wise.
So long as one stays on their good side.
The Arthashastra says “Government is the science of punishment.” The Bagheera certainly live by that rule. Panthers tolerate a lot of free-spirited behavior, but serious crimes (rape, cannibalism, oath breaking, ect.) warrant stern justice. Outlaws --- human, cat, and Bastet alike --- find themselves haunted by Bagheera war parties. Like the posses of the Old West, these taklah gather quickly, spring on a target to bay, dispatch it and disperse. The quarry is judged by a combination of Gifts and intimidation. If they are innocent, the group's leader turns the taklah around to apprehend the real culprit. If guilty, the panthers often kill them on the spot. At the very least, the offender is branded (often with an Exile Rite) and sent on their way. Some Bagheera practice justice as a vocation, and travel the world hunting down criminals of all three species. Truly outrageous crimes have provoked massacres led by leopard-men and screaming black panthers. In recent years, the tribe has run afoul of Pentex, and this has cost the cats ---badly. Even the largest werecat tribe is no match for Corruption, Incorporated.
As a rule, a Bagheera is generous, trustworthy, playful and fair. They are slow to rage, but when they do, nothing short of total destruction will satisfy them. The greatest werepanthers can call up Gifts that turn them into huge, multiarmed killing machines, and even young ones can drop a Cape buffalo with a good hard swipe. “Vishnu birthed the cat, Uma Stroked it and Kali set it in motion” is a common expression. Although most Khan claim it applies to them, the Bagheera seem to be more in tuned with the concept.
Поделиться102009-02-25 16:49:18
Tribal Home
Like their feline Kin, Bagheera range from Africa to southeast Asia. The greatest number of the tribe, which may claim as many as 500 members worldwide, settle in the jungles and cities of India. Before they reach pourra, however most panthers move widely, gathering gossip for later in life.
Culture and Kinfolk
Raised among many religions: Hindus, Moslems, Buddhists, tribal cultures and Catholics, most Bagheera have very strict ideals of honor. A youngster is expected to be a little wild, but there are rules, even for Bastet. The Litany is taken very seriously by Bagheera elders, and cats who spit on it are punished quickly and without mercy.
This sense of justice marks relations between the panthers and their Kin. Humans across India and Africa still go into the jungles at night to find werecat lovers, and they revere the children as gifts from Heaven Four great societies --- the Ambari Macho, Chui Mal, Beral Meye and Leopard Men of Chupa – worship the panther and leopard as deities. Many Bagheera Kinfolk come from these societies, although modern Folk choose lovers from across the world.
In the wild, leopards are just the most common wild cats alive; between the zoos, preserves, jungles and plains, Bagheera have no trouble finding feline mates. Thus, the tribe enjoys a healthy mix of homids and felines, with almost no metis members.
Bagheera remain very loose; most lower-ranking panthers remain in touch with their elders, and often respect any advice or command they may give. Other than that, the cats are left to their own devices unless a war cry sounds. This summons often conveyed by spirits or through Kinfolk networks, calls a war party together. The Bagheera of highest Rank leads the group, judges the accused and deices the punishment. Such calls once took weeks to assemble, but modern communications allow most elders to call a hunt in a day or so. A Bagheera who responds to a war cry agrees to do as they are told; they may sometimes dispute a judgment, but most cases favor the elder. After disastrous fights with Black Tooth, Pentex and the Nagda-Rackburn Khan, the tribe has put a moratorium on large-scale cries unless some disaster threatens. The tribe has lost too many members in recent years to risk more one-sided battles.
Secrets Sought
Bagheera prefer learning cultural lore, supernatural puzzles, languages and political gossip. Their innate sense of honor keeps most away from forbidden occult research, although some Bagheera cultivate darker secrets.
Bagheera sleep deeply during the New Moon. Once they slumber, nothing short of violence can awaken them.
Make a trail of salt; a panther will follow it from beginning to end without stopping.
Blessing a leopard's prey with Aabhaya (a hand gesture meaning “protection”) will force the cat to flee unless their rage is just.
Поделиться112009-02-25 16:49:43
Sleek and graceful, the majority of them have black fur in their cat-forms, some African members have spots and yellow-brown fur however. For some reason, the black line runs truer in women than in men, while the yellow-leopard genes run stronger to the males. An exceedingly rare bloodline has the tricolor markings of the clouded leopard of southeast Asia; these markings favor neither sex – they are just plain rare. Bagheera heads (in cat-forms) tend to be flat and boxy; in human form, they often have strong cheek bones and prominent noses. A werepanther's eyes are said to be the wisest among catkind – even the youngest appears to be in deep contemplation.
Of all werecats, the Bagheera are perhaps the most attractive – they are choosy when picking their mates, and have very good genes on both sides. Many favor the arts and sciences, and enjoy high-tech toys or the preforming arts. World travelers, they dress however they wish; some prefer the simple clothes of Indian villagers, whiles other love rich ostentatious eastern designs or comfortable western fashions. Their choice of weaponry and ornaments are likewise diverse – if making generalization about werecats is difficult, making them about this tribe's fashion choices is impossible.
Поделиться122009-02-25 16:50:32
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Balam are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after the jaguars of South America. These Central American cats favor their ancient heritage, though some of the more modern take to firearms to wipe their foes of the earth. The embodiments of wrath, Balam are temperamental, hardy and quite xenophobic. If they don't like it, they attack, and they don't like much. Khan may be the chosen warriors of Seline, but the Balam certainly by far the most aggressive of the Nine Tribes.
Among the region's native people, the Balam hold an ancient place in folklore and religion. Legends claim the single tribe extends from two ancestral families.
The Olioiuqui who were spiritual travelers, winged werecats who stepped into the spirit worlds and granted visions to those who obeyed the gods. These jaguars taught Olmecs, Aztecs, and Maya the ways of war, and accepted bloody sacrifices in return.
And the stealthy Hovitl Qua. Cousins to the Olioiuqui, they cultivated the ways of invisibility and purification. Patrons of the jungle night, these mystical cats could dim the sun and awaken the forest with their arts. To the people of the rain forest tribes, they offered hunting lore and trips into the spirit world.
Both tribes claimed the right of sacrifice from their followers, and both got what they wanted. Warriors among the preconquest peoples dedicated their hears and heads of the their enemies to the jaguar gods, who assumed grand places in their pantheons. The Olioinqui themselves walked as gods in the streets of Tenochtitàn, Xicalango and lost Atloxrlia, calling rain and culling the lawless. The Hovitl Qua wandered along, calling mystics and hunters to play deadly games in the night. Those who returned were considered touched by divinity, as very few did so.
Then the Spaniards came, bringing diseases, new spirits, conquering wizards and the worst of all, Garou. Rash Olioiuqui died by the hundreds, and their descendants fled into the jungles. There, they mingled with their Hovitl Qua cousins, who had their own problems. Sickness raced through the forests, poisoning the night cats' people and killing the cat-gods themselves. Wolves came from the north and east -- Silver Fangs, Black Furies, Bone Gnawers, and Uktena --- and began a new War of Rage in the jungles which had escaped the first. The jaguars, never social to begin with, turned on their siblings, and both tribes were virtually extinct by 1600.
The survivors were wiser than their parents had been. Establishing a new tribe, the Balam, they recalled the old Litanies, retreated into the jungles, and created a coded called the Flore Ki Wenca --- "the Blood of Two Hearts." This convent declared an end to the old tribal rivalries, set up new territories, and promised that the Balam would always aid each other when in need. Two Balam, the warchief Six Birds and the healer Blue Morning Skies, called on the great totem Night Jaguar to bless the tribe. This partnership of two shattered tribes is remembered in the werejaguar honorific "Two Hearts," a title they claim alone. To this day, the tribes' descendants resent the white invaders -- whom they call " Rotted-Hearts" -- for forcing two to become one.
Once the Flore was sealed in a blood rite, the Balam scattered and set up new Den-Realms. For several centuries, no one disturbed them. This peace ended as human settlements and firms began cutting through the rain forests. The jaguars have not been amused by this. Today, the Balam fight a war on two fronts; in the cities of Central America, they struggle with the corruption that has come with the newcomers' ways. In the rain forests, they war upon Pentex and other agents of destruction. Despite their impressive magics and war savvy, the jaguars are losing. They're too few, too fractious and too independent to organize as a tribe, and so they fall. The invaders-- human, spirit and Garou alike -- are too numerous to be driven away by a single Balam or a small war party. Fierce as they are, the jaguars are outgunned, outnumbered and just plain out classed.
The saddest thing about this siege mentality is that the Balam have a beautiful culture underneath the sheen of blood. Their rites, often practiced alone, involve melodic songs, devoted prayers and the ancestors and hallucinogenic visionquests. In their Den-Realms, the Balam recall their rich heritage in elaborate artwork that only Umbral travelers can see. Those werejaguars who've established such homes offer sanctuary to other Balam in need, and always wear some bit of jewelry that ties into the designs they have "at home." These tokens represent the tie between the jaguar, their land and their ancestors. In many ways, they're symbols of the jaguar's soul. The fact that many Garou and Pentex Fomori in the Amazon War take Balam jewelry as trophies infuriates surviving jaguars, who make sure to reclaim Two-hearts honor in Rotted-Heart blood.
Поделиться132009-02-25 16:50:47
Tribal Home
Most Balam retreated to the rain forests of Central and South America long ago. The founders of the tribe established Den-Realms there, and have left them to successors (often, but not always, family) before their deaths. These Realms, called Tona, feature rich vegetation, healthy wildlife, pure streams and a strong spiritual presence (almost the equivalent of a level three to five cearn!). Naturally, this makes them prime targets for many enemies: loggers, farmers, Garou and fomori. Many of these ancestral "estates" have fallen to invaders, and this makes the Balam even madder.
Some modern jaguars prefer the cities to the wilds, and others range across the mountains and plains. Sooner or later, Balam set up their Den-Realm and consecrates it to his forbears. From that point on, they rarely leave the place for long. The average jaguar will sooner die than leave their Den-Realm to be destroyed; and those who do are considered a disgrace to the tribe, and are shunned by their people.
Culture and Kinfolk
Placing great importance on honor and family, the cultures that the Balam come from stress strength under pressure, personal responsibility and family honor. The Balam tend to choose lifetime mates from local humans and cats, and despite their hostility to one another, are very affectionate to them. Many tales tell of a jaguar who came in the night to lure a young man or pretty girl away from their village. Such people are never heard from again --- the Balam take their mates to the Den-Realms and give them whatever they desire.
There they are pampered and protected for the rest of their lives, and the children are raised with love. The tribe's haunted history breeds a desperate attachment to the family; once bonded, a Balam never strays.
Bloodlust aside, most Balam revere the spirit world. Many use natural hallucinogens to bring them vision-trances, and they covet the secret of Walking Between Worlds. Jaguars with territories bond closely with the spirits there, and protect the land from invasion and corruption. In essence, they promise themselves to the land's service, and take that promise seriously.
None, really. In an emergency there may be a call from a jaguar for their allies in the name of the Flore Ki Kenca. This cry for help might or might not be answered, depending on the situation and the caller's Rank. Occasional war parties come together under stress, but they rarely last longer than a month. The Balam are notoriously fractious, even the most well-tempered werejaguars fight each other at the slightest provocation.
Secrets Sought
Like any culture in search of its identity, jaguars treasure secrets about their ancestors --- language, artwork, cultural details, ect. Some gravitate toward their human roots and build collections of Aztec, Mayan, Olmec and Toltec lore, others wheedle secrets out of the spirits who walked beside their people. Some commune with the animal spirits and ignore their human ties completely. All Balam, however, have one common interest: any secret which hurts the invaders.
Demons feed the wrath of the Balam; send one against a Balam, and that Balam will rage into madness.
Burn the heart of the jaguar and you destrouy its soul forever.
Jaguar feathers hold great power. If you find one, burn it by the great cat's face. Once it is ashes, the Balam will die.
Like the Bagheera, Balam are born black or yellow. Black jaguars tend to be female, but both colours claim strong birthrights. Black cats command the powers of the Moon, while their brighter siblings carry greater wrath in their hearts.
Most Balam come from hardy South American stock. They favor Mayan jewelry, Incan body art and modifications (extended earlobes, body paint, flattened foreheads, pierced tongues, ect..), and archaic clothing. Nearly all of them have sharp-filed teeth, even in Homid form. Few Balam are white -- the Rotted Hearts have caused too much damage to forgive. Although many Balam use archaic weapons, modern firearms fascinate them, both for precision and for sheer destructive power.
Поделиться142009-02-25 16:52:19
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Bubasti are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after the Kyphur cats of north Africa; however because of the slaughter of these felines, the tribe has had to make due with servals and caracals to keep the feline breed alive. The results are less than promising. Despite these things making the tribe rarer now than even before the War of Rage, they have a reputation as sorcerers and conspirators. And it isn't undeserved -- the Bubasti pass mysteries to each other in deep vaults and underground chambers. The magic they practice tends to center on spirits, the elements and souls, and occasionally involves sacrifices of ..."lesser" beasts --- such as humans.
For almost 5000 years, they've been a part of the Nile Kingdoms. As the war between vampire elders ripped those kingdoms apart, the fortunes of the tribe suffered as well. The harshest penalty of that fight, however, may well have been one that the shadowcats themselves brought on: the curse of eternal hunger.
These werecats are always lean and hungry; starved for food and drink, ravenous for knowledge. They literally can't get enough of either. By the time one reaches middle age, a Bubasti has most likely acquired an enormous library, a host of enemies and a mortgaged soul. Their power is often vast -- these cats are masters of Shadow Craft and even far darker arts; but it is never enough for to satisfy a Bubasti. The average shadowcat cat eat a table's worth of food in one sitting and not gain a single pound of weight. this curse gives them an endless appetite, and they pursue it with abandon.
There is a certain .. glamour to their condition. Most shadowcats are eerily compelling, and most humans find them irresistible. They can argue anything from history to quantum physics, and carry an almost physical aura of command. Those sensitive to the touch of Cahlash (the Wyrm) grow uneasy around them however, but people with a morbid sense of style flock to them. This fascination may be one of the things that has kept the race alive. It hasn't been their feline Kin after all.
Long ago, the Egyptians worshipped the cats of Kyphur, a huge breed of wild cat that flourished along the lower Nile. These cats became the casualties of the tribe's long war with the vampiric Followers of Set. Most Kyphur cats were simply killed, but several of them were captured, Blood Bound and preserved as servants of the vampires. Aside from these gruesome relics, the breed has been extinct for 2000 some years. In the deepest chambers below Cairo, Memphis and the tombs of Giza, the Followers of Set keep captive Kyphurs for their own entertainment. These ghoulish beasts, now swollen to the size of panthers, live blind in filthy pens. Sometimes, for a favor, the Setites let a Bubasti see on of its ancestors. Maybe, one might even be allowed to mate with it.
This insult has not gone unrewareded. A bitter if one-sided war has crept quietly along for as long as the Kyphur cats were taken. The shadowcats remain on the losing side, sadly, but the manage to bloody the noses of the Kindred every so often. This war has taught the Bubasti patience; hungry as they are, they learn how to delay a strike for years or even decades. Hidden between the cracks of some of the world's most ancient and overcrowded cities, a shadowcat or two reaches out every so often to tweak some vampires' nose before disappearing into the crowd again. Their archives are filled with tomes and scrolls looted from the holdings of Set's children, and those cats who survive their forays grow clever and wise.
From birth, the Bubasti tend to be very quiet children. Books and questions are their passion, and they eat like there's no tomorrow. Most shadow cats are born to rich, scholarly families, but a growing number have come from the gutters. Until recently, they were a sickly tribe, mentally impressive but physically frail from their 2000 years of inbreeding. The millennia of Egyptian blood was given a shot to the arm when, in the 1800s, Napoleon's troops came through; the English and German occupations added another ethnic mix to the tribe's stagnant genes. The result has been a boon for the tribe; the Bubasti, whose birthrates and health had declined since the Ptolemaic Dynasty, were estatic over the surge in vitality. More shadowcats have been born in the last century than there had been in ages past, and they've been stronger than their predecessors. The vampires may receive an unpleasant surprise in the coming decades.
Поделиться152009-02-25 16:52:34
Tribal Home
Unlike most Baatet, the shadow cats tend to remain in a single place for years or decades. Despite numerous setbacks and their ancient enemies, the Bubasti have never ran from their homeland. Maybe it is pride that keeps them rooted in Egyptian soil, maybe it's something more. Some outsiders claim there's a mystical connection between the tribe and their motherland. These guesses are closer to the truth than any Bubasti would admit.
Culture and Kinfolk
In the Golden Age of Pharaohs and Nile queens, the shadowcats would breed with only the noblest aristocracy. Like the shifting Egyptian sands, those days are at an end. Now the last few centuries have seen strong infusions of "mongrel blood." This "contamination" has probably the thing that has saved the tribe however. Though most Bubasti are to prideful to admit such.
As stated before, the Followers of Set killed off the Bubasti Kyphur cats, and forced the tribe to breed with lesser cats, such as the servals and caracals. However, weird magical rites, including experiments with vampires blood and enchanted human "hosts," have bred feline offspring from human mothers. Horrifying tales of women giving birth to cats in Cairo delivery rooms attest to the successfulness of such experiments...
For Bastet, this tribe is fairly unified. Six elders, called kheper, maintain sanctums deep in the bowls of Egypt's large cities, they meet once a year. Each one sponsors a group of two Bon Bhat, four Hani, and a member of Tilau and Akas, who in turn watch over the Tekhmet. Estimates vary; according to common wisdom with in the tribe, 52 Bubasti exist across the world. The kheper try to keep close watch on those they know of, at such number, every cousin is important. Although the kheper do not issue orders per se, their younger cousins know better than to refuse direct request of a very powerful Bastet.
During the height of the Bubasti's influence, the tribe worked as a fairly unified group, meeting every full moon in the necropoli and celebrating terrible rites in the Temple of Bast. Each year, human celebrants joined the cats for a wild festival which lasted from late April to early May. Both normal cats and larger Kyphurs were revered as sacred beasts, and their devotees flung themselves at the vampires and their agents. Allied spirits filled the night, scourging the bloodsuckers with pains and plagues. The eldest Bubasti (who, according to legend, received eternal life during that powerful age) recall those days fondly. Ever so often, they speak of a gathering of Shadowcats and allies that will fill the streets of Cairo and return Egypt to its former glory. Most younger Bastet dismiss those plans as ravings, but who knows? If the elders are as old as they claim to be, as patient, they might have set events in motion that could united the tribe after all. Only time will tell this tale. In the meantime, the shadowcats lie still, emerging every so often to take a tidbit for their ever-present hunger.
Secrets Sought
Bubasti prefer to uncover ancient or forbidden lore, magical enigmas and gossip about vampires in general, but the Followers of Set in particular.
The Yava of this tribe are secrets so deeply guarded that not even the Tekhmet don't know them. The Passing of the Yava occurs at the second rank among the Bubasti, and involves blood-oaths before the Khepher. The Followers of Set would do a lot to gain these tribal secrets, and young shadowcats are told "Better death than the serpent's kiss."
When all the immortals of the tribe are slain, the tribe itself will die with them.
The Black Soil of Khem is forever tied to the tribe; if all the Bubasti in a generation flee the land they will be the last of their kind.
Bubasti are always hungry. Though no amount of food or drink will ease their craving, they will always eat what's put before them.
All Bubasti have a certain "look" --- dusky skin, black hair greenish eyes and thin, long limbs. Even those cats with European blood adopt the traits of their more exotic parents. Bubasti are unusually attractive, with a graceful manner and disconcerting gaze. In cat-forms, these Bastet are always midnight black, without any form of markings.
Bubasti favor clothing and jewelry with Middle Eastern flavor (never turbans, however), and conduct their secret ceremonies in classical Egyptian garb. In all forms, they stay exceedingly neat, even for werecats. Any Bubasti, regardless of race or breed, wears occult jewelry and symbols of some kind. Moon, ankh, scarab and eye motifs are common. The weapons they favor tend to feature slender blades adn spikes, and can be quite artistic.
Поделиться162009-02-25 16:53:01
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Ceilican are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who seem to be modeled after housecats. However when it comes down to it, they were originally based on the European Cave Lions. But because of the history, and nature of these Bastet, time has forced them to breed with a mulitude of different felines.
Legends claim that this tribe died out in the great witch-purges of the 1500-1600s. As usual, legends lie; they didn't die, they simply went underground. A mercurial breed, these faerie cats danced with the Good Folk and demons alike, and led humans along for the festivities. Their wild ways caught up with them; faerie lords enslaved them and witch-hunters burned them. By the time the tribe's survivors sailed to the New World, they were but a handful. Common wisdom calls them dead, and the Ceilican won't dispute the claim.
The Ceilican are a hidden tribe, a fact that is driven through a Tekhmet's head during their fostering. There is no telling how many of the old secrets still work, and they're still in circulation. A new-changed kit often feels like the only one of their kind; by the time they've appraised otherwise, their family's secret has become obvious, Ceilican pretend to be members of other tribes and keep in tought through an arcane network called "the Silent Way." The name is a paradox: The Silent Way is actually a musical code. In the old days, bards bore messages between the cats; now, demo cds or concerts carry the tunes. Messages are hidden in the lyrics and chord structures. Most Ceilican consider it a special treat when a Silent Way message actually gets airplay --- particularly when it's an insult directed at another tribe.
Still, these cats take their secrecy seriously. There is no telling when the old weaknesses might undercut the tribe one last time. They believe Arcadia fell, but claim that a "false faerieland" called Doirionn Blair still exists. Within this "Storm Plain," the Unseelie lord Samhach and his allies covet the survivors of the Ceilican. Better to say quiet and live free, they reason, than to risk eternity in a fae lord's castle.
Of all the tribes, the Ceilican have adopted best to the modern world. Most of them favor sports, music, mass media and, frighteningly enough, psychology. Passion intoxicates these Folk; anything that stirs up emotions draws them like ants to sugar, and they're not shy about whipping up a few frenzies now and then just to keep things interesting. Most Ceilican have a narutal aptitude for technology, too; no other tribe is as comfortable with computers and mechanical devices as the ring dancers. All varieties of Ceilican favor blades over guns; blades just simply have more style. Most Ceilican dabble in magic as well. There's a definite cunning bent to this tribe, a mischievous spark that ignites either playful games or malicious villainy. More than often both.
The Ceilican curse manifests in a divided nature. While most Bastet affect a Pryio, or moon-favor, which indicates their overall personality, the Ceilican shift Pryrio unpredictably. A friendly dancing cat my become sullen and conspiratorial without warning, which makes friendships with them difficult. Even most freewheeling Ceilican have a manic, unstable air; add this to their extreme deep-cover antics and you get an enigmatic and volatile tribe.
Поделиться172009-02-25 16:53:19
Tribal Home
The original tribe hailed from the northern lands of Europe. Their cousins and feline kin were the maneless lions and wildcats that inspired the ancient kings of the areas. As their original cousins died out, the Ceilican grew closer to the fae, with whom they supposedly share a blood-tie. During the 1500s, tribal refugees fled Europe for North America, where they interbred with the Pumonca and the wild cougars. The modern line calls America its home; although some Ceilican return to Europe, many of them feel that the old enemies are just too powerful in their native lands.
Culture and Kinfolk
Even today, Ceilican favor their Old World roots. Most speak Gaelic, French, or Norse as second languages and live by mockarchaic codes. The fae cats are romantic to a fault, and love to make a production out of everything they do.
Passion is in everything they do, and key to attraction. Ceilican love to be around people in glamorous position. Rappers, Rock artists, actors, artists, cultists, gangsters, politicians, athletes, wizards --- this tribe's Kinfolk are a stimulating if very dangerous lot. Some cats prefer bhemian subcultures, while others go for the upper crust jet-setters. Like their changeling cousins, these cats love to inspire their Kin to great works of art or passion, and often work as muses, patrons or entertainers. The subcultures they embrace bring out all the tribe's best and worst qualities, and they rarely stay in any place or relationship for any length of time. The common sentiment among this tribe is "Come in with laughter, leave in tears, and always keep 'em guessing."
Like the Bubasti, the Ceilican have lost their original feline Kin, and for the past few centuries, they have breed with leopards, cougars, and wildcats. This produces a wild mix of pelts and features, and of course works quite well with the whole "hiding in plain sight"; few Bastet have reason to question a Ceilican's parentage.
Like many Bastet, Ceilican wander. Unlike the others they have maintain a network and meet as a tribe once each year on Halloween. This Samhain revel gathers on the Scottish moors and lasts until sunrise. The locals still lock their doors on that night, and no one dares to go a-spying. During the rest of the year, the hidden cats stay in touch through the Silent Way. While they never act as a tribe on a grand scale, each member knows how valuable cooperation can be.
At least once a year each Ceilican shifts their personalities, changing their look and lifestyle to take on another name. They may return to their old ways eventually, but cannot settle into any role for long. Before they leave, the changing cat sends out a series of clues to their new persona. In time, their friends track them down once again. A changed cat remembers who they once were, but until they return to that identity, they recall the memories like movies they once saw, not like things they had experienced.
Secrets Sought
Ceilican love gossip, folklore and personal secrets. Elusive as they are, they love digging up dirt about others.
Whiles stories claim that Tybalt undid these bans, its very possible that they can cam back into force over time. Pure iron makes Ceilican uncomfortable, and affects them as if it were silver. The fourth Yava came into being recently. Thus far, only the fae cats know of it, though it affects everything they do. The other secrets rest in troves of certain faerie folk and witch-hunting groups for the day they might come in handy again.
The faerie cats fear the touch of cold iron. It burns them like a brand.
Reciting a Ceilican's name backward three times causes them discomfort; recite it six times thus, and they will die.
The sound of a silver bell or church hymn strikes a faerie cat deaf for three days after.
The race's passion undoes them. Each year, they must forget who they are and become someone else. Some do this more often than others, and by their landless ways, you shall know them.
Of all Bastet, the Ceilican most closely resemble domestic house cats; they are, however, much larger. The size of small panthers -- and can be quite fierce. Many have patterned fur -- stripes and patches are common --- although most favor a predominant colour like black or white. Rebels at heart, lost of fae cats enjoy punk and pseudo-medieval fashions. Such clothes allow them to be their flamboyant selves and get away with it.
Поделиться182009-02-25 16:53:55
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Khan are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after tigers. These noble and honorable warriors stunning examples Garou Philodox should be, and what their Ahroun should be. "I am darkness and light, the shadow hunter and king of the sun. My claws hold the earth, my tongue tastes the sky. I am steadfast and strong, compassionate and caring. I am tiger, and my words are pure."
With this oath, a Tekhmet joins the ranks of the Bright Kings. The ranks of the Khan, a proud breed whose pedigree reaches to the beginning of time.
The Simba may declare themselves nobility, but the weretigers fit the title. Regal hunters and warriors, these Bastet evoke the respect the lions demand. From the snowy mountains of Asia to the cities of India, the weretigers hunt the spawn of Asura and defend the last of their Kin. They are solid, dependable, smart and strong. Their weaknesses, such as they are, come from being too trusting or too sure of themselves. Khan are straightforward and action-oriented, not clever schemers. Whatever one of these Bastet do, they do it with full-tilt vigor. Wither it be fighting, romancing, hunting, studying, even contemplating. They throw themselves into all tasks with a mighty passion, and their bodies, in any from, bristle with vitality.
Most Khan love company; but the tigers' territorial nature comes out if another Khan is around for long. But they do often enjoy companions. And who would deny a tiger's friendship? It is said that they were brought forth to battle demons, and many of them take that charge literally. Vampires, Asura and fomori have few enemies as relentless as a tiger. Perhaps that is why the Khan have been brought to the verge of extinction; They made too many of the wrong kind of enemies.
In the mountains of Tibet, Siberia and China, they learned subtle magicks and martial arts; many a mountain tiger can quote Taoist philosophy at length. Shapeshifters as passionate as the Khan, the idea of harmony through nonaction is an appealing one (that, for them, works better in theory than in practice). Technology is a wonder that Khan strive to understand, and despite this, some become quite good with computer programming and heavy equipment operation. Still, the majority of the surviving weretigers prefer an archaic existence, favoring clothing, weapons, and behavior that is best suited from a more romantic time period.
In ages past, the tiger tribe wandered through emperors' courts and hermits' caves. They walked mountain roads with Buddhist monks and peasant girls, and chased the ghosts from temple ruins. Most preferred to remain in their powerful cat forms, but spoke with the tongues of sages. The powers of the elements burned in their paws, and they kept the hated werewolves at bay. The Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords struck pacts with the sultans, but no such deals kept the tigers and vampires apart. That hatred, which simmered for 5000 years, proved the Khan's undoing.
Once, the Khan enforced the Impergium with glee. Time, however, showed what wonders the people offered. Khan left the jungles, entered the cities, and were ensnared by their own curiosity. The glories of India, China, Tibet and Korea called the tigers out of hiding, and the Khan were amazed. Soon Bright Kings studied philosophy, learned wu shu, guarded wizards and knelt before monks. Some traveled with the Mongols and brought back stories of the West. In time, the West came to them, and the tribe's decline began.
A warrior's rage is his curse. That curse has nearly undone the Khan four times, and the most recent was nearly the last. Four great wars between Khan kings have decimated the race:
The Marudikleh War of Prehistory.
The Tàg War between Mongol and Hindu tigers.
The bloody Clouster's Purge of the 1800s.
The near-fatal Nagda-Rackbur Feud of the 1950s.
The last conflict, between an English lord and the former Sultan Amir Nagda, turned into a bloodbath, when both sides fell to darkness. Lord Rackbur enlisted hundreds Kindred allies while the sultan courted evil spirits. Both sides rallied the Khan and Bagheera, then slaughtered their opponents through battles and assassinations. The end came when the treacherous sultan took advantage of the Sun Sleep Yava. While the Khan slumbered, Nagda's agents hunted them down. By the time a massive Bagheera war band hilled both rivals, less than twenty Khan remained. Their numbers have not grown much since then, and sultanate has been dissolved forever.
The slaughter of the true tigers hasn't helped matters. Human hunters killed them in such numbers that the great cats themselves court extinction. Between the loss of their Kinfolk and the wars with the vampires, Asura and their own kind, the Khan are an endangered breed. To avoid further risks, most weretigers scattered themselves around the world. Moving targets are harder to kill. After the fall of the ancient sultanate, the Khan have no true leaders, so each fends for themselves. It's a whole new world for the ancient tribe, and the tigers seem to be peacefully enjoying the view. For now..
Поделиться192009-02-25 16:54:08
Tribal Home
Although the caliah places the tribe's beginnings in India, they range as far north as Siberia and as far east as Japan. In the last two centuries, many of them have gone west, or have sired European children. The latter branch of the family has fared better in recent years than the Asian tigers. The decimation of their tribe has hit the Khan hard, and they've fled the hunting grounds for safer quarters.
Culture and Kinfolk
Since their genesis, the Khan have enjoyed the best, bravest and most beautiful Kinfolk in their regions. They've bred into noble lines throughout Asia and sired kittens in the healthiest tiger bloodlines. Many of those noble families have fallen to poachers, vampires and other enemies over the last hundred years, and the Khan's fortunes are not what they used to be. Still, each weretiger has an impressive pedigree and a savage noble hearth.
The tribe's traditional cultures stress honor and obedience. The treachery of Nagda was worsened by the stain it but on the tigers' pride. While solitary in nature, most Khan, establish protectorates where they defend a given family or land against corruption. The fact that "defense" occasionally includes killing certain people doesn't detract from the tribal purpose. The Khan were created to war against demons. Those who court the darkness must die.
For nearly a thousand years, the Khan enjoyed a sultanate, with one Rank Six Bon Bhat, a court of advisers (Khan and Kinfolk), and a small army of spirits, tigers, and humans to enforce their will. This system tottered during the English occupation and crumbled to pieces when the last sultan betrayed his own kind. They currently have no organization; each Khan declares their territory and makes the rules within.
Secrets Sought
An honorable folk, the Khan prefer to gather lore about forgotten cities, remote enclaves, bustling metropoli, and the day-to-day life of the places they live in. As of recent they have also been seeking secrets that could save their kin (in truth such rites if learned could be a boon to all shapechangers.)
The Khan belong to the tribe of the sun; when he sleeps they sleep also. During an eclipse, all Khan slumber for one day, then awaken hungry.
Khan cannot resist the meat of an innocent child, though it violates their laws to eat it.
A tiger cannot resist a direct challenge. To turn one away costs them their rage for a fortnight.
The regal warriors of their kind, Khan tend to be large, broad-shouldered, brawny individuals in all forms. Although males of all breeds are noticeably larger than female counterparts, both genders can be pretty impressive. While many Khan tend to be bad-tempered and aggressive, others love company of all kinds (and are powerful enough to demand respect). Weretigers bred with English men and women during the 1800s, largely out of respect for their feroscity. Thus, modern Khan are either white, Chinese or Indian.
Поделиться202009-02-25 16:55:43
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Pumonca are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after North American mountain lions also known as puma. Loners, wanderers, secretive hermits who watch the world around them and occasionally push things back into place, these are the traditional roles of the Pumonca werecat. A Pumonca is a longer among loners, whose travels take them across --- but rarely out of -- the North American continent.
Pumonca share a common tie with their land of birth. Some tales say that a cougar will die if they leave their home. From the southern swamps to the western plains and the eastern forests and hills, these wandering cats can be comfortable anywhere. While most hail from Native American ancestry, a number of their kind breed with settlers and trappers in times past. Cajuns, mountain folk and hobos added to the gene pool, and have left their mark on the whole. Today, bikers, hippies, storm-chasers and drifters of many races wander the United States and Canada, often sticking to the wilderness until some secret or crisis draws them out into the open. For a moment anyway. They never stay out for long.
In all forms, the so-called Storm Walkers are sturdy, wiry and tough. Their feet or paws are callused from endless wandering, and they tend to wear little in the way of clothing or carry many belongings. Even the harshest weather seems to slide right past them, and their temperament tends to be laconic and even -- until something defiles the land, or the beings on it. The Pumonca's rage is a frightening thing, as deep and solid as the werecats themselves. What they can't change by strength, a Pumonca will alter by stealth; these cats excel at earth-sense, and they know the land around them even if they'd only just arrived. Their bond with the elements, as old as the breath of the Thunderbird, runs very deep.
The tribe traces their roots to Mother Earth and Father Sky in all their many forms. Thunderbird, guardian of Purity, swept the tribe into being and he flies beside them wherever they go. All Pumonca, even though without official Jamak, revere the Thunderbird for his honor, wisdom and ferocity. His charge to defend the sacred land almost led to the tribe's extinction, but they follow that command gladly, even now.
In the oldest of days, Pumonca were like bogeymen. Any village that grew too careless or prosperous felt the touch of the Storm Warlker, the cat that came in the night to punish the foolish and the bad. Some cougars sat at Wendigo fire and fought beside the Croatan when the Wyrmcomers came. As the white men drove the pure folk from their homes, Storm Walkers loomed out of the night and took revenge.
Soon, they crossed claws with the Garou from across the sea, who began a new War of Rage against the native shapechangers. That war didn't end until both wolves and cats joined forces to battle the Storm Eater in the late 1800s. by that time, the Storm Walkers, never numerous to begin with were whilttled to a ragged few.
In older days, the Pumonca relied more on their physical prowess than cat magic. It wasn't enough: faced with the mystic power of the white wolves, the Storm walkers fell like rain. It was Old Stone Face, a Comanche shaman, who renewed old bargains with the element spirits and bought the Pumonca a measure of power for their fights. Invoking kinship and offering favors, Old Stone Face learned many secrets, then passed them to his siblings. These Gifts, combined with others taught by the Wendigo and Uktena, bolstered the Pumonca's power. Modern pumas still prefer to rely on their own abilities; still, the Gifts didn't hurt though. Given the tribes small numbers and solitary nature, any assistance is welcomed help.
After the war for the West, Old Stone Face called his remaining cousins together. He acknowledged the ruin The Wyrmcomers had brought to the land, but counseled peace and renewal. Old Stone Face had survived many years, and had learn that many whites were worthy folk. Old Stone Face suggested that Pumonca choose the bravest and most honorable Kinfolk they could find. Race was not something to be nit-picked over. Most pumas heeded his words; and as such modern Pumonca are a diverse lot, unified by their respect for the land and their self-reliant ways.
These days, a Pumonca travels alone. Any trail shared with one will be a short one. They still maintain a bond to the land, and consider it a sacred tast to hunt corruption. The elements are a Pumonca's kin, the road the tribe's home. A Storm Walker still, follows the wind.
Поделиться212009-02-25 16:55:56
Tribal Home
All Pumonca call the North American continent home. In many ways they are as much a part of the land as the dust from which they are said to have been born from. While many of these wanderers come from Native American ancestry, members of the tribe have never chosen lovers exclusively. Many cougars dislike Europeans for the changes they have brought, both to land and its people, but few have found their aggressive drive and imagination fascinating. Even the most adventurous Pumonca, however prefer to remain in their ancestral territory. Any trip overseas is bound to be a short one.
Culture and Kinfolk
In days of old, Storm Walkers chose mates that were the smartest of women and the bravest of hunters. Their cat-Kin were cougars, solid and strong. In the past century, the tribe has embraced loners of all kinds, while the big cats have been hunted to near-extinction. The cougars now hide deep in the wilderness, and the people must live close to the land. Thunderbird is the protector of purity, and his people must remain unspoiled.
The tribe's ways stress honor, strength and self-reliance. No whiners are accepted. All Pumonca and Kinfolk, regardless of their species, are hardy wanderers with an insatiable curiosity and sense of adventure. They speak little, but see everything.
None. What? You were expecting one? After fostering, both cougars walk in opposite directions for one full day. It took a major effort for Old Stone Face to unite the tribe, and it has never happened sense.
Secrets Sought
These cats seek the secrets of the land, the lore of native peoples, and the corrupters who would poison both. They have no great love for magic, and consider those who follow it to be dangerous.
A Pumonca is one with their land; if one leaves it for more than a full moon cycle, they will die.
The essence of the poisoned land (toxic waste, radiation, sewage) is deadly to a puma. Immerse them in its toxins and they will quickly perish.
All beasts fear the puma. No horse will bear one, no dog will follow one. The great cats are their Kin and they are friends to them, but no other animal will approach a Pumonca without terror.
The Pumonca are quintessentially American. Whatever their race or gender, they're spirited, loconic and tough. These loners travel light and dress plainly. Many favor Native American jewelry, tattoos, weapons and clothing, although some prefer fringed leather, motorcycles, revolvers and Western wears. Their cat-forms tend to be either dusty yellow-brown or black, with white marking, short, powerful jaws, small eyes and thick strong paws. Pumonca are bulkier than most werecats, but lack the mass of a Khan or Simba or the raw ferocity of the Balam. Their strength is steady, quiet and timeless.
Поделиться222009-02-25 16:56:35
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Qualmi are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after the lynxes of North America. And just like their feline Kin's coat chances to match the season: the Qualmi werelynx adapts to their surroundings. Enigmatic masters of animals and disguise, these Native American Bastet cloak their secrets in misdirection. Riddles fascinate them, and few of their kid offer straight answers to any question. For anyone with a literal mind, dealing with these Riddle Dancers can be a fruitless and infuriating effort. No wonder they live alone!
unlike the wandering Pumonca, this tribe remains largely at home in the wildernesses of Ganada, Alaska and the northern United STates. Solitary by nature, Qualmi often surround themselves with animal companions but shun the company of other people. They attend raghairms occasionally, but more out of curiosity and manners than of obligation. In spite of their hermetic tendencies, Qualmi are generous Folk; a chance encounter may be taken home, fed and given presents if the Riddle dancer likes them. A person or animal in need will be sheltered and fed for months at a time if necessary. This generosity may be a tribal trait, or it might stem from the customs of the northwest native peoples. Either way, it's common to all Qualmi.
The price of such hospitality is the werecat's riddling nature. Guests will be asked endless questions which seem to make no sense, and will be given equally nonsensical answers to their own queries, and have to endure long periods of empty silence. Most of these questions have deeper meanings, but quite a few of them are just asked for the Bastet's amusement. As a rule, a lynx loves to see what kind of answer their guest replies with. And then judges them accordingly. Cleaver people are valued companions, while dolts who must be spoon-fed are quickly driven out the door. A Qualmi enforces solitude in subtle but relentless ways. Soorner or later, a guest moves on, if only out of sheer frustration.
Puzzling out the "history" of the werelynxes is impossible, even for the cats themselves. Their calih are convoluted affairs, with not real points of reference. Ever Qualmi tells their tribe's story differently; some point to a human tribe called the Snoqualmie who hunted and fished along the coasts, while others claim to have been born from the mating of a pine cone, a salmon and a burst of sunlight.Some ancestors figure prominently in many tales; Strange Owl Woman, who fought the Wyrmcomers in the Old West; Weeping Skunk, who fooled Coyote himself into giving up his Gift of shapingchanging; Glowing Bundle Leap, who swam to the bottom of the sea to feed her children with shellfish, and may others whose legends seem fantastical to literal thinkers. Qualmi lore has the feeling of a large joke with a serious punchline, but very few outsiders have the patience to puzzle it out.
Un like most Bastet, Qualmi enjoy the company of wolves. The cats' friendship with the Uktena reaches back before either tribe can recall. Many Ridder Dancers hold positions of honor in northern cearns, and trade secrets with the spirit masters. The Wendigo remain more distant; the Qualmi have never been warlike enough for their tastes. While most werewolves find a lynx's riddling ways infuriating, Theurges and Philodoxes enjoy trying to puzzle out the werecat's true meaning. Many of these riddles find their way into Garou Gamecraft.
To lessen their solitude, Qualmi have made friends with the animals. Like the Garou, Qualmi associate themselves with beast spirits and often receive guidance from Gafflings of Salmon, Eagle, Whale or Elk.
"There's wisdom in a hawk's cry and serenity in moos turds," sums up a lynx's out look. Animals, at least, are more honest than people.
Beyond appearances, they loath hypocrisy, and most can see right through deceptions, then are quick to punish lairs with tricks of their own. These Bastet are slow to anger, and their rage takes a slower path than simple violence. Qualmi punish slights by setting up magical traps and spirit lures. Gold prospectors in the 1800s often found themselves buried alive in shimmering dust, or were tricked into shooting each other by phantom voices and paranoid dreams. When forced to fight, a lynx explodes into a flurry of claws and teeth, then flees as soon as possible.
Tales portray the Qualmi as master magicians, but that may just be more misdirection. They certainly seem more enigmatic than powerful, but then again ... it is difficult to tell. They just might be showing off. The magicks they do demonstrate often involve shapeshifting into many different forms . Perhaps they gather their riddles by watching things from a hundred different perspectives. Maybe Qualmi only appear to be solitary -- when you can change forms, you recognize and appreciate the many different shapes that life comes in. Qualmi often depend on these associates for information, and sometimes for protection; in return, they offer a never-ending stream of food, gifts and quizzical company.
Поделиться232009-02-25 16:56:47
Tribal Home
Qualmi range across the northern American reaches, build solitary houses or dens, and --- barring crises -- remain around there until death. Some lynxes enjoy traveling, but they're the exception, not the rule.
Culture and Kinfolk
From youth to old age, the werelynxes are a vigorous, physical tribe. most of them enjoy swimming, even in frigid water, and fish by diving through holes out into the ice. Their friends and Kinfolk are clever and sturdy, with a fond humor and inquisitive minds. Their feline Kin wander further south and east than the Bastet themselves do, and occasionally appear in the southwest or even Europe.
Qualmi never mate for long; lovers part way before the children themselves are born. These children are nursed through infancy, then given over to trusted friends for raising. If the Changing Breed carries through, the friends direct the kit back to their parent, otherwise, they may never really know who their mother was.
The only time Qualmi gather is when an elder takes a youngster in for fostering. The First Year often lasts about six months with Qualmi; they grow nervous in each others' company and quickly make their own space elsewhere.
Secrets Sought
Riddles. And lots of them. However they enjoy elemental lore, and native culture too, but seem intrigued by modern mass media. Many lynxes have televisions in their remote dwellings: TVs which get excellent reception without cable access... and without power, for that matter.
The power of a lynx lies in their riddles; to unravel them is to undo their magic.
The Qualmi share a soul with the salmon; poison the salmon, and you harm the tribe.
No lynx can speak the truth about their parents. Confront them with their names and faces, and the Qualmi in question will be lost for days.
Nearly all werelynxes descended from northern tribes like Inuit, Ojibwa, Cree, Mohawks and the occasional Sioux. A few modern Qualmi have white ancestors or lovers, but "intergration" has been slow among this tribe, if only because of isolation.
Generally, they're a small folk in both Homid and cat-forms, with dark, thick skin, deep-set eyes and wiry builds. Youngsters have gray hair, and they appear to age quickly. Even when one is angry, they seem to be giggling about some private joke. Their cat forms are thick-furred, large-eared and big-pawed, often spotted but occasionally striped. Depending on season, a Qualmi's coat may be either white, dirty gray, yellow and white or brown. In human from, they'll dress in rustic "outdoorsman" clothes, often with Western or Native American motifs. Fish, birds masks and furs are common themes and decorations, but all Qualmi wear some insignia of the moon on their person at all times.
Поделиться242009-02-25 16:57:21
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Simba are are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled after the lions of Africa.
The simba represent the best Gaia has to offer, in that they are regal, proud, and powerful beyond compare. However, they are also arrogant, domineering, and malicious, even under the best of circumstances. Before the rein of Black Tooth and his Endless Storm, they were known as "The Lords of Sunlight." Like the blazing mane around the heads of the Kings, werelions liken themselves to the sun. All things have a place and an order and rebels must be reminded of this fact. The real fact, at the time, was that the other tribes dislike the lions; the Simba may have called themselves "Lords of Sunlight," but other cats had many .. other names for them; Such as "The Dark Kings," an unflattering comparison to the Khan. The Simba aren't villains; they are magnificent lords, slayers of demons. They are simply out of order. When the balance is restored, when the humans know their place and when cities become graveyards, the lions will be proven right. The demons of the modern age can be traced to the end of Impergium and the laxity of the Changing Breeds, in the Simba's mind. And they intend to put thing in the right order, if that requires bloodshed, so be it. Warfare is the sport of kings.
The Simba blame feline independence on the sins of the early tribes. The Bastet govered the true cats, when the lions called watua-"children." each tribe had its place, and the lions were born to rule. When the lion prince was slain, the other tribes slunk away in disgrace. Their purposses have been forgotten in their shame.
n the chaos following the prince's death, three brothers, Amadu, Abuja and Mayi, warred to lead the remaining Simba. Amadu won the first battle, and took the fiercest Kin and cousins with him. Mayi defeated Abuja, and gathered up the most of the smartest of those who survived. The third brother took the rest and went north. There, he founded another branch of the family, the Mor Grian. This sub-tribe, smaller and less aggressive than thier cousins, melded with (or became, history is fuzzy here) the Ceilican. The African Simba consider Abuja's whole line a joke, and call their departed cousins nihili bogga--"dead little sisters". No Simba will admit kinship with the Ceilican, and they take such inquiries as insults.
Maryi's clan wandered into the deserts and plains, in time, they learned the ways of Mantis and made peace with the bushmen. No Impergium was necessary here, after all, humans respected the rightful powers. In time, the Mayi'o put aside their rage and attuned themselves to nature. They would hunt, but no longer killed for sport.
Amadu's clan was another matter. They never gave up on the Impergium; when white invaders threw the lands out of balance, these Simba began a war, one that blew up in their faces. Cat-Kinfolk perished by the hundreds, and the humans were dragged away. Some Simba made the crossing into the Slave Worlds, but they were few and far between. Most fought to the death, and in the end, they fought it.
Many kings came and went, most dying at the hands of hunters or herders who no longer feared the Lords of Sunlight. The Amadu'o became a dozen scattered prides, who bred with the lions but avoided the humans. Other Bastet claim the Amadu'o are too feral for their own good. They rage without any purpose, and have become more murderous than lions and humans put together.
The greatest Simba Chieftian. Black Tooth was a prime example of this. A huge descendant of Amadu himself, he was a scourge upon the Changing Breeds of Africa. With his pride, the Endless Storm, he ravaged the land from the Sahara to South Africa. Other Simba would ally with him least die; Bagheera fought him, and but were quick to lose. The Swara simply ran away (but when don't they?). The Ajaba suffered the worst of Black Tooth's wrath, however. With help from vampire allies and dark magic, he turned the Hyena King's court into a slaughterhouse. Most younger abattoir revered this lion king: He was at once an inspiration and an embarrassment to his tribe. All will not argue that he was a monster, however they aren't quick to point out that he was successful monster in what he did.
The Mayi'o kept to themselves for the longest time Black Tooth and the Endless Storm forced that to change. He and his Pride magnified all the worse traits the Simba are known for thousandfold, and in the process blackened the Simba's reputation almost beyond repair. But when the Mayi'o came to help the beleaguered warriors fighting to crush the Endless Storm's tyranny, Gaia's defenders couldn't help but forgive the Simba for their failings. Lord Hakimu proved that, whatever their faults, many Simba were clearly on the side of Gaia, and they were planning to stay there for the long haul. The most social of the Bastet, the Simba are showing that they once again can be symbols of strength, unity, and perseverance for all of Gaia's children. Just as the Silver Fangs serve to inspire and lead the Garou, the Simba can similarly serve as a tallying point to unify and direct all the Changing Breeds of Africa. This role, ordained by Gaia, still gives the Simba gigantic egos, and as a result few are content to follow the dictates of others.
Поделиться252009-02-25 16:57:40
Tribal Home
Calish place the tribe's beginnings in what is now Zaire. Sience then, they've moved from India and Ireland to the bottom of South Africa. The Triangle Trade landed several Simba in the Americas, and few werelions roam there without tribal allegiance.
Culture and Kinfolk
Simba are found throughout Africa, and to the lesser extent in parts of India. Werelions value strength and order. despite their bloody reputation. Simba adore their loved ones, and watch their Kinfolk very closely. Children and kittens are raised within the pride and must constandly prove themselves to survive.
Simba have rites of initiation and rank. Body markings -- tattoos, neck extensions, scars and painted designs -- these are common markers, particularly among the Aggressive Amadu'o. The Amadu'o of East Africa favor Kin found in and around the Serengeti regions, while these in the south favor the lions of the Transvaal. the Amadu'o favor accomplished hunters and killers, and tend to choose mates from among the Bantu tribes ( such as the zulus or the Maasai) or even whites, who fancy themselves big game hunters. Advancement is by combat, and only three adult males are allowed to remain in a pride. Most have only one. Females fight to be First Huntress and First Wife, respectively, few can be both. Losers either die in combat or wander the plains in search of a new pride. Some Simba drifted into India centuries ago, and their descendants have become the most aggressive of their kind.
The Mayi'o Prefer harmony to aggression. They, for their part, seem to favor the lions of the Okavango Delta, relying on their ferocious strength to keep their bloodline strong. The Mayi'o, on the other hand, favor more reclusive people, and often avoid relative newcomers like the Bantu and the whites altogether. Instead, they choose their mates from among ancient peoples like the San Bushmen, looking to their human halves for wisdom and understanding just as the Amadu'o look for cunning and ruthlessness. Smaller than their cousins, they avoid scarring their "young," respect outsiders and prefer negotiation to violence. Naturally, the other lions see this as weakness, and refer tot them as wimps. Most Amadu'o avoid the Kalahari, so no one bothers the Mayi'o much. Those who insist on a fight discover that even for their peace loving ways these are still werelions. It is a mistake that few make twice, even if they have the chance even do so.
It is still a bad thing to cross a Simba, as the Ajaba can attest to. When hunters stalked watua, Simba mated with the toughest of them -- most often by force -- and killed anyone who showed any sort of weakness. They are now trying to recover from Black Tooth's stain on the tribe. And nothing is more deadly than wounded and cornered cat.
Very much so. These are lions we're talking about here. Every Pride has the following structure:
One Mtolo: "Father", or dominant male.
Several Kirii: "Wives".
Anwana:"Young hunters".
Small prides defer to larger ones, and may owe allegiance to a Chakuca or "High King". Black Tooth being a prime example. Some lions roam freely and may their own fortunes alone. As a rule, Simba avoid the cities. Some "renegades" settle into townships, but few prides do.
Secrets Sought
Power. You have it? They want to know how you got it and how they can get their hands on more. Aka, anything that helps the tribe (or the lion in question) attain even more. Be it physical, mystical or political.
The other tribes would love to know these secrets for sure..
A rope made of a lion's mane will bind a Simba fast.
To defeat a lion, steal their roar. In it, you may find a bit of their soul. A Simba will not harm any who hold that soul until they find their roar again.
No male Simba will kill his wife, or allow another to do the same.
Most Simba are muscular, charismatic and over all attractive. Their hair flows thick and rich; white Simba have cascading hair which blossoms into a mane during transformation, while African ones have thick afros or dreadlocks. Although female Simba have no manes, their hair grows wild and thick. This alone tends to make them stand out as many African tribes believe that the absence of hair marks the line between man and beast. Thus, Simba are considered "not quite human," (then again what shapeshifter is?) Most Simba descend from Zulus, British, Germans, Bantus or Bushmen. Although they're not fond of magic, a tangible aura of command surrounds event he youngest lions. Maybe that explains their attitude.
Werelions often dress in tribal garb, although some prefer "white explorer" khakis or modern military uniforms. They tend to be auspicious of technology, after all it can't be manipulated by force or personality. Simba will pit themselves against the elements with as little clothing or equipment as they can manage, survival, after all comes through strength.
Поделиться262009-02-25 16:58:20
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The Swara are one of the nine remaining tribes of the Bastet who are modeled cheetahs. It is very easy to dismiss these Bastet; they aren't really tough, large, magical, or even attractive. They are, however, fast, and amazingly dexterous. More importantly, they possess a tribal secret that puts them on a level few of their tribe mates even understand -- a more spiritual level.
The Swara can step sideways, a rare talent among the Bastet. It isn't a Gift that they can teach, but a natural ability they learn as they mature. This affinity with the spirit world (a secret they guard from other werecats, who would 'kill them if they knew) has created a spiritual yet isolated culture. While other werecats are distracted by the earthly enigmas, the Swara concentrate on the worlds beyond this one. Thus, they often grasp signs and subtleties others may miss.
Of all the Bastet, the Swara understand how vital the war against the Unmaker (the Wyrm) has be come. They understand Gaia's sickness, and go out of their way to defend Her. They're also extremely paranoid. And in the World of Darkness, who can blame them? Their tales are full of betrayals, reverses of fortune and massacres. To them, everyone in the world is corrupt or getting that way.
Like the Pumonca, Swara are loners and wanderers: their territory, however, extends across the whole world, and beyond. This well-traveled outlook tends to feed their cultured paranoia rather than dispel it, and they make only superficial ties outside their tribe. Only animals and spirits are worthy enough companions for a cheetah; Bastet, Killi, and humans beings wear too may masks to be trusted. The lesson, driven home by a year of dark tales and a lifetime of isolation, is that the world is going to hell, and has been for quite some time. Despite this, the Swara aren't gloomy Folk; they're just acquiescent. More isolationists than nihilists, they live the best they can with what they can.
All Swara revere the Moon. To them, Seline is the savior, and her handmaidens the Lunes are trusted friends. Swara call themselves "the Silver Folk" in her honor. Cheetah lore recounts what may have been the first journey to the Moon. Ayio Bon Parr, a Swara (not some human named Neil Armstrong) made the trip in the days of the Impergium. According to them, Seline herself called for the end to both the War of Rage and the culling of the human flocks, choosing Ayio to send this plea. This did not make the Swara heroine very welcome in the Simbas' dens, but they listened well enough when Ayio brought them to the Moon's Court herself. To this day, the cheetahs teach their kits to sleep outside when the moon is full and to give their thanks to her each night.
In the name of the Moon Mother, the cheetahs try to keep the sacred places clean of taint. Many cearns and glens throughout Africa have a Swara or two standing guardian to them. It is a thankless job, but one that the Silver Folk handle with grace -- even humor, if that can be believed. The Silver Folk, caliah prophesies that Seline will call Her most devoted followers home as the Apocalypse starts into swing. From there, they'll watch the end of the old corrupt world and see the rebirth of a new fresh one.
Although they still call the Triat and other spirits by Bastet names, the Silver Folk know almost as much spirit lore as the Garou themselves. Even so, they loathe the wolves (rightfully so too!) with a passion that boarders on frenzy. Few Swara will even speak civilly with a werewolf, let alone walk beside the wretched dogs. There are of course exceptions to any rule, but in general the cheetahs watch the Garou from a distance and learn all they can. Wisdom is not poisoned by eyes or ears, but by the heart.
Поделиться272009-02-25 16:58:32
Tribal Home
Although they range across the world and journey into the Umbra, most Swara begin and end their lives in the grasslands of Africa. Their extreme xenophobia makes settling anywhere else difficult. Some rare few cheetahs overcome their upbringing and set down roots, but their innate nervousness makes them odd company. If and when things fall apart, a Swara often takes this as confirmation that no one can be trusted and bolts moving on once again.
Culture and Kinfolk
From Silver Folk kits' fostering onward, a Swara learns distrust. The best way to avoid being betrayed, they figure is to keep your distance from outsiders and don't trust anyone to begin with. Most of the tribe favors its feline ancestry; many are more willing to mate with a cat than with a person.
The human side of the family favors the bushmen and herders of central and southern Africa. Early on, the cheetah-children are set apart from their more outgoing peers by their timid, nervous ways, and they often end up being ostracized long before First Change even has a chance to happen. Among the Bushmen and Bantu, community is vitally important; Swara avoid community, and are considered odd from the childhood. The kuasha's lessons merely reinforce what the cheetah already feels in their hearts; the world is a hostile place, so avoid it when you can.
A werecheetah keeps to themselves after their fostering, until they find a mate. The two bond cautiously, then separate as soon as possible. A mother will raise her children just long enough to ensure their survival, then leaves them at the home of some trusted Kinfolk. For a year or so, she watches the family until she's convinced they won't harm her children, then fades off into the woods or grasslands. Fathers are presumed to do the same, but do not have the same obligations.
Secrets Sought
As custodians of the earth and destroyers of corruption, most Swara prefer to learn about threats to the existing order. Naturally, the things they learn will only reinforce their paranoia, but they help the Silver Folk do the Job that Seline has decreed for them.
The Swara are very protective of their mother's good name. By telling tales of Damaa's cowardice, you can reduce a cheetah to madness.
The soil of the moon intoxicates the Swara. Mix it into ones drink and they will laugh and dance for days.
The Unmaker has his hand deep in all Bastets' souls. A frenzy will herald his approach. A Swara fears such frenzy, and must avoid its taint at all costs.
Whatever their form or breed, a Swara is lean, slender and wiry. The majority of the tribe itself descends from black Africans, though a few odd European Swara exist. The latter usually have lighter coats than their relatives do. They dress for speed and comfort, not style, and tend to take daredevil chances just for kicks. Each Swara receives a tribal tattoo from their mentor just before graduation into the loner's world. These tattoos often appear in a fairly obvious place: on the shoulder blade, a bicep, or on the face, depending on the person's human culture. African or feline Swara often decorate the faces of their kits, while, human European Swara prefer to mark a youngster on their arm or back rather across the face. They sport little in the way of jewelry, after all it gets in the way, but any adornment a Swara wears has some spiritual significance.
Поделиться282009-02-25 17:01:06
From World Of Darkness Wiki
Many Garou believe the werebears are extinct. They are great healers and kept the secret of life and death. Of course when they would not tell this secret to the Garou, the werewolves tried to kill them all. But once roused, bears are not so gentle...
The werebears are tied to Gaia to an extent experienced by none of the other Changing Breeds. Gurahl cannot easily pass into the Umbra, and must learn a special rite to do so.
While Gurahl do posses Auspices, theirs are based on age and maturity. These Auspices are listed below in chronological order.
ARE-kus (ARE-kus)-Ragabash
Uzmati -Ahroun
Kojubat (KOY-yu-baht)-Galliard
Kieh (KEE-yuh)-Theurge
Rishi (REE-SHEE)-Philodox.
Whiles Garou tribes can center around almost anything from pure breeding, to being chosen by a spirit; Gurahl tribes are a tad more fluid. Whiles most of the tribes come from different forms of regional bear, many (an oxymoron here) Gurahl tends to go where they are needed the most.
But the four Gurahl tribes roughly conform to the ecosystem they have chosen to protect.
Forest Walkers
At home in the vast forests of the Pacific Northwest and southern woodlands of the US as well as the forests of Europe and the rainforests of South America, these born storytellers are among the most outgoing of the Gurahl.
Ice Stalkers
Natives of the arctic and sub-arctic regions, these Gurahl encourage artistic ability and possess an insatiable curiosity.
Mountain Guardians
Primarily associated with the grizzly bear of the American northwest, these strongest of the Gurahl seek to expand their Kinfolk base.
River Keepers
Originating near the great rivers of the world, these water-loving Gurahl are superb athletes and dedicated conservationists.
Code of Ursa
Cherish the Cubs
Protect the Land
Heal the Sick
Nurture the Needy
Teach the Supplicant
Breed Wisely
Cleanse the Tainted
Guard the Secrets
Rights of the Elder
Remember Your History
Avenge Wrongful Slaying
Поделиться292009-02-25 17:03:03
From World Of Darkness Wiki
The werefoxes are magicians and politicians, holding together the society of Eastern shapeshifters in China and Japan known as the Beast Courts.
The Laws of Heaven
Like with all the Changing Breeds, even the foxes have laws that were given to them to follow. These laws were given by Luna to Bai Mianxi, the first Kitsune and mother to her people. It is said that the Silver Lady gave them to her, and drilled her in them every day of the year that she spent in the little heaven. She repeated them over and over until she could recite them in her sleep. Then Luna asked her what they meant.
I Command You to Destroy That Which Harms Gaia
I Command You to Aid Your Brothers, Your Sisters, And That Which Serves Gaia
I Command You to Revere Your Mother, Myself, Your Aunts, Your Uncles, And Our Favored Servants.
I Command You to Keep Your Duty First in Your Heart, And to Listen For My Teachings.
I Forbid You to Exterminate the Humans
I Forbid You to Make War on Your Brothers and Sisters
I Forbid You to Break Your Word
I Forbid You to Commit Suicide For Reasons of Honor
I Free You to do Anything Else Necessary to Achieve Our Goals
Already blessed by Luna herself, A Kitsune's Path is both profession and a near-religious calling. They are very like an auspice, but with one major difference. The Paths are chosen not by the sun, not by the moon, but by the kits themselves. At the end of Nogitsune time, when a Nine-Tails is ready for adulthood, an older Fox performs the Rite of the Crossroads. The element the kit chooses defines the remainder of her life; once chosen, it can not be undone. Unlike other hengeyokai, or other shapeshifters for that matter, Kitsune do not have the option of a Rite of the Second Face (a rite that changes ones auspice, it is known under another name in the West) to change her road.
However, given that a Path speaks for everything that makes a Fox who she is, none really see the need to "try on something else for a change," Each path is a combination of two of the four classical "elements": fire, air, water, and earth. Each essence is put into four bowls, making it so that there are only four Paths. (Ae, Fire doesn't mix with Water(duh), and Earth doesn't mix with Air). What results is the following paths.
Kataribe (Bard): From a Combination of the elements of Earth and Water comes Nendo(Clay). This path acts much like the Garou auspice of the Galliard but with a dash of Philodox.
Gurutsushi (Dreamweaver) From the combination of the elements Water and Air comes Kiri(Fog). Much like the Ragabash, these tricksters are difficult for outsiders to understand. They are masters of the mind and illusion, but are equal parts healer and trickster.
Doshi (Sorcerer): From the combination of the elements Air and Fire comes Inazuma(Lightning). Like Theurges of the Garou, Doshi are masters of magic and spirit communication.
Eji (Warrior) From the combination of the elements Fire and Earth comes Yogan(Lava). This is the path of the Warrior, or the Ahroun.
Поделиться302009-02-25 17:04:30
А ВОТ ЧТО в "Ворлд оф даркнесс-ВИКИ" пишут о нас, Нувиша
The werecoyotes are just as much trouble as their father, Old Man Coyote. They are always scheming, always ready to knock the mighty on their ass. They are frequently mistaken for Garou, but do not have the murderous Rage of their cousins.
Of all the Changing Breeds, it is the werecoyotes who have the strongest tie to the Umbra. They are tricksters, troublemakers, and jesters. Though once loyal to the moon in the same way as the Garou, they apparently perpetuated some prank against Luna so reprehensible that she turned her back on them entirely. As such, werecoyotes all represent the epitomy of the Ragabash auspice, having no Rage at all. Perhaps because of this, Delirium works differently with the werecoyotes. Rather than becoming terrified, mundane humans simply refuse to accept that a werecoyote in Manabozho form (the equivalent of Crinos) exists, giving them a sort of invisibility. This is known as The Trick. Their mastery of the Umbra and the weakness of their ties to instinct have caused many werecoyotes to largely abandon Earth and fight for Gaia (in their own perverse way) entirely in the Umbra.
Trickster's Laws
What? Rules? Bah! Who needs them? Just kidding. The Nuwisha do have a Litany of sorts. Though isn't like the Garou Litany. Coyote asks his children six things. He knows that some rules need to be broken, but with these, he is likely to punish the stupid. Sometimes a coyote just doesn't have a say in the matter of how things go.
Let a Fool Die a Fool's Death.
"Teach" Those Who Need Teaching a Proper Lesson
Always prank the WYrm
Be Subtle
Respect Luna
Think, Then act