(Four Level Four)
Airt Sense (Level Four) - This is the same as the spirit Charm, and can be taught by any type of spirit possessing that particular Charm.
System: Corax using Airt Sense must spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7) to utilize it. The understanding of the ways of the Umbra granted by this Gift halves travel time through the spirit world.
Attunement (Level Four) — The Garou may commune with the spirits of a city or town and gain information about the area from them, including rough population, enclaves of Garou or other beings and secret tunnels. This Gift does not function in the wilderness, since the Bone Gnawers have lost the knack for conversing with such spirits easily. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift. When the Silent Strider learns the Gift, she must choose if it functions in the city or the wilderness. The "city" version is identical to the Bone Gnawer Gift. The "wilderness" version is similar, but the roll required is Perception + Survival
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Perception + Streetwise. The amount and accuracy of the information depend on the number of successes rolled. On a botch, playful spirits lie (which can be fatal, depending on the nature of misinformation).
Attunement (Bastet Level Four) — Bastet who’ve set up Den-Realms use this secret to view their holdings from where they stand. By going into a light trance, the werecat in question communes with the spirits in her territory and learns what’s going on throughout the Den-Realm. Visitors, intruders or crises can be discovered long before they get too close to the cat herself.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Survival (difficulty 6). The more successes she wins, the more she learns. On a botch, the spirits lie.
Balor's Gaze/Raptors Gaze (Level Four) — This Gift emulates the power of one of the Fianna's legendary enemies. One of the Garou's eyes glows a livid red color, and all enemies caught in his gaze are stricken with pain. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Rage point and one Gnosis. She must then roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). For the rest of the scene, any foe at whom the Garou glances must roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and equal or exceed the player's successes or double over in pain. Any beings thus affected take wound penalties as though they were at Crippled (-5 dice to all actions), regardless of their current health. Any characters already at Crippled are considered Incapacitated.
Battery (Level Four) - A Ratkin Engineer can use this Gift to energize himself or other wererats. This can temporarily increase physical abilities, though often at the risk of inflicting temporary damage as well. Some dangerous wererats use direct electricity to affect this, while more sedate ones simply mix up noxious concoctions of battery acid and other foul fluids. Convenience stores now sell many odd “energy beverages” that are commonly adapted for this purpose.
System: Spend one or more points of Gnosis and roll Wits + Repair. Every two successes on the roll can increase a Physical Attribute by one for the duration of a scene, as long as the Engineer has spent an equal number of points of Gnosis. No Trait can be raised higher than 6 in this way (not countingnon- Homid Attribute bonuses).
.Beast Life/Forest Lord (Level Four) — The werewolf with this Gift can communicate with other wild animals and attract (or even command) them. Domesticated animals will speak with the werewolf, but they have given themselves to the ways of humans and must be persuaded to obey the Garou. Any animal spirit may teach this Gift, although Lion and Bear are most often sought as teachers. Children of Gaia who use this Gift never do so if the animals attracted would come to harm, unless the very heart of a caern is threatened.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). The character gains the ability to communicate with all animals automatically. One success can attract specific types of animals within a 10-mile radius, and those that can reach the werewolf in a reasonable amount of time will do so. Each additional success adds 10 miles (two successes indicate a 20-mile radius). All wild animals become friendly to the character. They follow any reasonable request the character makes, and many unreasonable ones as well. A character who uses this Gift to force an animal to sacrifice itself had best pay homage to its spirit or risk angering Gaia. The effect lasts for one scene, but the time may be extended by spending one Gnosis point per extra scene desired.
Being One (Level Four)
Belly Ride (Level Four) -While in Vasuki form, the Nagahcanenter anunconscioushuman’s stomachby wriggling down her throat. The human will be oblivious to the creature’s presence, even using rationalization to deny its presence. System: The player spends one Gnosis, then rolls Dexterity + Stealth. The serpent can remain in the victim’s stomach for one day per success; after that, he is vomited out. At any time, the Nagah can trigger this vomit reflex or escape from the sleeping victim through her throat. The Nagah is unaffected by anything unpleasant or harmful created by the victim’s stomach, and he cannot harm the victim while inside her belly.
Best Policy (Level Four) - "Honesty is the best policy," or so the human proverb goes. Rokea are not known for duplicity, but even Brightwater betweeners, who lead double lives of sorts, are not well suited to lies of any kind. With this Gift, an honest comment, no matter how inflammatory, is taken in stride and accepted. This Gift is taught by a remora-spirit.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Expression (difficulty 6). The Gift lasts for one scene. Listeners take anything the Rokea says at face value, as long as it is true. Also, if the truth requires the Rokea to reveal herself to a human being, the Veil covers her words later. For example, the Brightwater might explain to a security guard at a Pentex facility that she and her slew need to get by the gate to stop a load of toxic chemicals from being dumped into the Sea, because they live there and don't wish to be poisoned. The security guard agrees (he wouldn't want his living space poisoned, either) and lets them pass. Later, he might remember that someone came through the gates, and even what they looked like, but he'll be certain they had the proper clearance.
Blades of the Mantis (Level Four) - The character using this Gift grows longer arms, with long, wickedly sharp blades, much like those of a praying mantis.
System: The player spends one blood point; the«, character's first set of arms grows by roughly two feet, developing scythelike blades which do Strength + 5 aggravated damage. The length and sharpness of these blades makes them particularly easy to use (difficulty 5 to attack).
Blood Hunt (Level Four) - The Myrmidon may locate any single creature encountered within the last 24 hours or any individual she has ever fed from.
System: The Ananasi rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) and spends one point of Gnosis for every scene of pursuit. The Gift lasts until the werespider locates her target or calls off the search.
Body Wrack (Level Four) — The Fury causes a target immense, crippling pain. The Fury needs only point to the target for this Gift to be effective. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + 3). Each success causes the victim to lose one die from all dice pools as pain wracks her body. The effects last for one scene.
Book of Years (Level Four) — The Galliard taps into a floodgate of knowledge from her ancestors. While the amount of information thus received is overwhelming, the Garou, if she keeps her head about her, can find information on nearly any topic. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift, although certain reptilian spirits have been known to impart it as well.
System: The player rolls Wits + Enigmas or Ancestors (whichever is higher; the Garou need not have the Ancestors Background to learn this Gift) at a difficulty of the local Gauntlet. The character falls into a trance and is immediately immersed in a deluge of memories stretching back to the dawn of time. This flood continues until the character terminates the Gift, and the memories get older the longer she remains in the trance. For every hour the character remains under the Gift’s influence, the memories stretch back roughly five centuries. For each hour that the character remains in the trance, however, the player must roll Willpower (difficulty 7) to keep the character grounded in her own time. If the roll fails, the character must either immediately terminate the trance or lose a point of temporary Willpower as the memories threaten to consume her. If the roll botches, her body disappears and reappears somewhere in the Umbra; the Legendary Realm and the Battleground are both popular choices.
While the character cannot hope to remember all or even most of the information she sees, she can attempt to search for specific moments in history. The result is a sort of vision quest; the Storyteller may choose to simply describe what the character sees or might lead the character on a quest through the memories of the Garou until she finds the information she needs.
Brethren call (Level Four) - The Ananasi is able to call others to her aid in a time of crijis. The cljaracter has the choice of contacting the two closest Ananafi, or a massive quantity of nearby spiders. The Ananasi do not magically appear, but are suddenly informed of the character's difficulty and location. If the character chooses to summon the local spiders, they converge on the area en masse, with the single mindset of aiding the Ananasi in trouble. The spiders do not gain magical intelligence, but within those limits do alt; can to help the Ananasi who summoned them.
System: The player must spend one blood point aim roll Willpower. The difficulty in contacting other Ananasi, is equal to the distance (in miles) that the character is from" their Sylie, divided by 10 (minimum of 3). The difficulty in summoning the local spiders is 7, with every success summoning twenty spiders to the Ananasi's aid.
Bridge Walker (Level Four) — The Galliard has the ability to create minor moon bridges through which she alone can travel. The Garou travels between the ends of this moon bridge in one percent of the time it would take to travel that distance normally, allowing her to disappear from in front of a foe and reappear behind it instantly. Note that these moon bridges are not protected by Lunes, and they attract the interest of spirit creatures occasionally. These beings have even been known to follow the Garou into the physical world. A Lune teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point to create the bridge. The moon bridge lasts for only one passage, unless the player spends a permanent Gnosis point during its creation, in which case it lasts until the next full moon. The maximum distance that can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou's Gnosis in miles.
By the Light of the Moon (Level Four) - The Kitsune can see any hidden creature by moonlight, including obfuscated, invisible, spirits in the Penumbra, mages, hengeyokai, changelings and anything else attempting to hide. Owl and bat-spirits teach the Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls perception alertness, the storyteller sets the difficulty based on distance, physical barriers, crowds, etc. that could block the view. The effect lasts until moon set, but the Fox must roll each time she wants to find another hidden creature.
Call Elemental/Command Water Spirit (Level Four) — The Garou is able to call one of the four classic elementals to his aid (earth, air, fire or water). An elemental teaches this Gift. For the Nagah who use this gift, they can only call upon water Spirits.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the area's Gauntlet). She must then roll Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7) to make the elemental look favorably upon the Garou. The elemental vanishes at the end of the scene.
Call the Cannibal Spirit (Level Four) — By dancing under the night sky, the werewolf can summon an avatar of Great Wendigo to hunt down a target of the Garou's choice. The Garou must possess a piece of his target whose heart the Wendigo devours.
System: The Garou must dance for three full turns. The player spends one Rage point and one Gnosis point, then rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 8). If the roll botches, or if the Wendigo is somehow prevented from killing its target, it will return to kill the summoner.
Carrion Clothes (Level Four) - Wild foxes sometimes catch birds by pretending to be dead; wild Foxes catch larger prey in like manner. This Gift cloaks the Kitsune completely in the trappings of death — no aura, no breath, no pulse, no telltale movement; the faint smell of first rot emanates from a roko thus disguised, and a conviction :that the body is dead creeps into the mindsof those affected. Even those with magically sharpened senses may be mistaken — possibly for the last time. This Gift is taught by the spirits of flies, flesh- jgsubs and other insects in the recycling trade.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makes a Stamina + Stealth roll (difficulty 7). The Gift will hide small motions only; visible attacks, creeping corpses and Gifts that involve gestures or speech will break the spell. Mortals and inexperienced shen may be slow to realize what they're dealing with, however — the first thought may be that the body is undead, rather than living. Shen with special senses may roll Perception + Occult (difficulty9) to realize the spirit remains.