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создание персонажа Бастет (увы, на английском)

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Karoush: The Litany
This is the Code our Ancestors Made.
This is the Law of the Moon and the Sun.
This is the Law of the Shaping of Secrets.
This is the Law of the Change.
Honor Yourself
   We hold Magic within ourselves, within our hearts and minds and spirits. To dishonor ourselves is to disperse that magic and scatter our souls.
       We are to remain clean -- to cleanse ourselves of filth, divest ourselves of our former lives, care for our own health and avoid the inbreeding sickness. Possession is unclean, and we must shake other spirits from our skins, lest they taint our own.
     When we fail -- we must purify ourselves with washing, seek cures for our sickness, raise the deformed ones we bear and cleanse our souls with ceremony. If the Unmaker's spawn ride us to destruction, we are obligated to take our own lives. If we do not, others will do it for us.
Honor Your Word
      We are the wisest of the Changing Breeds, and come from places that respect the meaning of honor. Let the dogs and monkeys piss on trust; we are honest Folk -- with each other, at least. It's acceptable to lie to other creatures; they're not of our blood and not bound by our laws.
        We are to remain truthful -- to break no oaths before the Folk, and make no false witness against one of our kind. A promise made is a bond sworn to Seline; we will act on it as if the goddess Herself would punish us for failure. We will flee to survive a fight, but will not run when others depend on our strength.
    When we fail -- we must make restitution to those we deceive, in deeds, trade or money. We may be challenged to Hanshii or punished by rite. We may be exiled or branded. At the very least, we will be disgraced, and remembered as liars to all of the Folk.
Honor Your Kind and Kind
         We remember the Kinfolk who keep our lind alive, and we respect our cousins in the other tribes. The great cats are more precious than our human lovers, but both of them are blood relations. All Bastet are sacred in the light of the moon, and our sternest oaths protect us in these twilight times. All our laws pertain to Kin and Kind, and we respect each other as siblings under the moon.
   We are to remain just -- to quarrel not with each other without cause, to seek open restitution and honorable combat, to respect a challenge and the challenger, and to obey the lorespeaker and host of the taghairm. When our Kin and Kind are in danger, we will aid them; when they cry, we will succor them.
       When we fail -- we will take the judgment of our fellows, distance ourselves from our Kind, forsake the taghairm and accept the brand of the oathbreaker. If we allow our Kin to come to harm, we will accept that their spirits will carry news of our cowardice, and we accept that label as just.
Honor Your Earth
          We are the children of the moon and the earth together, shaped by the fathers, sired by the mother and suckled by the teats of Seline and Gaia as one. When corruption eats at the heart of our world, when the Asura devour the spirit of the land, we will not stand by. Our weapons are many -- secrets, claws, teeth and allies -- awnd we will not hesitate to employ them for our world's survival. Our people have walked too close to extinction for us to take such matters lightly.
        We are to remain fierce -- to poison not the earth nor allow it to be ruined. We will inform others of plans to pollute the wild and hunt down poachers of game. We will stand beside the other Killi, even the hated dogs, if that means stopping the demons. We will not ally ourselves with shadow powers or drink corrupted wisdom. We will stand brave in the face of the Unmaker's wrath and we will triumph.
We do not fail our Earth and mother. That path leads to death.
Honor Your Silence
       We are the keepers of secrets, and our fates depend on silence. Each of us bears the hidden doom of our own people, and we know the cost of betraying that trust. We also know that we have what others want -- or what they think they want -- and it amuses us to make the m squirm. Our knowledge is our concern. We will not share it unless we wish to.
   We are to remain quiet -- never to let our Yava leave our lips, not allow them to fall into other hands. Our mysteries are our own to dispense, and we will value them by Rank and title. We will hide ourselves from outsiders; they will think they know us, but we will delude them. We will wrap our lore in riddles and tales; let the clever ones puzzle out their meaning. We will act as if we know even more than we do, for it keeps outsiders guessing. Let them wonder at our insight; they value us more highly when they do.
     When we fail -- we will cover our tracks with misdirection, pretend to be other than what we are, fill the air with idle rumors and hide messages in code. She who fails to keep the Yava will be killed -- there is no better mercy -- an he who acts upon it will be ripped apart by hunting cats. There is no forgiveness for this crime.



Bastet Character Creation
Character Creation Precess
Step One: Choose Concept, Tribe, Breed and Nature, Demeanor and Pryio.
Step Two: Choose Attributes (7/5/3)
StepThree: Choose Abilities (13/9/5)
Step Four: Choose Backgrounds (see Tribes, below), Gifts (three Level One Gifts from General, Breed and Tribe in any combination), and Renown (3)
Step Five: Record Rage and Willpower (both by tribe), Gnosis (by breed), Merits and Flaws and Rank (1). Spend Freebie points (15) as desired.
Artist: musician, painter, dancer, actor
Loner: drifter, lorekeeper, sage, hermit, mountain cat
Native: hunter, tribesman, modern renunciate, shaman
Professional: lawyer, teacher, cop, programmer
Scholar: professor, linguist, keeper of the old ways
Searcher: mystic, treasure hunter, forbidden secrets scholar, traveler
Sneak: spy, assassin, thief, gossip, scavanger
Thrill-Seeker: daredevil, circus performer, criminal, racer
Vagabond: biker, escaped cat, street person, runaway
Warrior: guardian, guerrilla fighter, avanger, terrorist

Homid: Born of human parents, your new life is a mystery and an adventure. (Nickname: monkeychild)
Initial Gnosis: 2
Initial Gifts: Cat Claws, Sweet Hunter's Smile
Metis: The offspring of a censured union between Bastet, you have a permanent disability but a deep link with primal creation. (Nickname: halfbreed).
Initial Gnosis: 4
Initial Gifts: Create Element, Sense Primal Nature
Feline: Big cats birhted and raised you, whether wild or in captivity. Your kind are all but gone, and you must fight to survive. (Nickname: wildcat)
Initial Gnosis: 6
Initial Gifts: Mark as Mine, Kitten's Cry



Daylight: You have an open and honest heart, and tackle things head-on.
Twilight: you see life in many shades and prefer complex, artistic pursuits to plainer things.
Night: You like to be left to yourself, and grow angry when someone intrudes on your private pursuits.


Bagheera (werepanther/wereleopard): Wise travelers, hungry for knowledge and even of temper -- for shapechangers.
Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 4
Beginning Gifts: Humbaba's Escape, Treeclimber
(werejaguar): Furious defenders of the wilderness, they hold a grudge against whites for demolishing their ancient people
Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 3
Beginning Gifts: Hunter's Mists, Storm of Pests
Bubasti (mystic Egyptian werecat): Mysterious and sinister, these cats pursue forbidden knowledge to regain their ancestors' glory - and to increase their own
Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 5
Beginning Gifts: Alms to the Poor, Scholar's Friend
Ceilican ("lost" faerie werecat): Thought extinct, they disguise their survival in erratic behavior and misdirection.
Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 3
Beginning Gifts: Mother's Blessing/Curse, Satyr's Wisdom
Khan (weretiger): The defenders of the earth and fists of the gods, they hold strength and honor as the greatest achievements.
Initial Rage: 5
Initial Willpower: 2
Beginning Gifts: Rhino's Favor, Skin of Jade
Pumonca (werecougar): Keepers of their native soil, these wanderers maintain a deep connection to elemental powers.
Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 4
Beginning Gifts: Mockingbird's Mirror, Wanderer's Boon
Qualmi (werelynx): Riddling shamans, these odd creatures delight in puzzles and enigmas.
Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 5
Beginning Gifts: Breakfast of Stones, Turned Fur
Simba (werelion): The dark kings, who would rule all catkind if they could, and dominate all within their grasp.
Initial Rage: 5
Initial Willpower: 2
Beginning Gifts: Majesty, Submit
Swara (werecheetah): Elusive and high-strung, they hold a deeper bond to the spirit world than any others of their kind.
Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 4
Beginning gifts: Diamond Claws, Impala's Flight




Allies: Friends of any species.
Contacts: Your sources of information and aid among the human population.
Den-Realm: A magical place where you and the land are one.
Jamak: A spirit ally with whom you exchange favors.
Kinfolk: Non-Bastet relations, either human or cat, who are immune to the Delirium and know what you are.
Mentor: For the year, your teacher and friend. Afterward, you must trade this for another Background.
Pure Breed: Your pedigree and lineage among your people.
Resources: The amount of wealth you have at your fingertips.
Rites: The ceremonies you know and can perform.
Secrets: Inside information that can be both valuable and dangerous to possess.
Trinket: An object you possess that has some magical or mystical powers.



Gifts Choose three Level One Gifts from General, Breed and Tribe, according to character concept.
Renown All character begin at Rank One.
Rage, Gnosis and Willpower See Tribes and Breeds, above


Freebie Points
Trait Cost
Attributes 5 per dot
Abilities 2 per dot
Backgrounds 1 per dot
Gifts 7 per Gift (Level One Only)
Rage 1 per dot
Gnosis 2 per dot
Willpower 1 per dot



The Wakinyan hates all that is dirty. He loves what is clean and pure. His voice is the great thunderclap, and the smaller rolling thunders that follow his booming shouts are the cries of his children, the little thunderbirds.   
-- John Lame Deer, "Wakinyan Tank, the Great Thunderbird
Storytellers should make the most of a Jamak; it appears when important things are in motion and often asks favors which may begin a whole new adventure. Each Jamak has a distinct personality; it may be a bit two-dimensional, but it exists. The spirit's Gifts and bonuses come with a price beyond the Background points paid. A Jamak becomes a regular supporting character, complete with its own eccentricities and demands.



Jamak Traits
Jamak prefer to stay immaterial. They may speak to their patrons and appear as ghostly images, but unless a werecat goes into the Umbra, she won't have much "physical" contact with a Jamak. Rarely, a major crises or minor whim causes the spirit to manifest itself across the Gauntlet, or to join an Umbral fight. If this occurs, use the following guidelines for the spirit's Traits and feel free to add anything that seems appropriate. Remember, Jamak are avatars of a larger whole and may possess many startling abilities. Some basic Traits:
   *10 points of Power for every point in the Background Cost;
   *The Materialize Charm, plus Airt Sense, Healing, Reform, and any other Charms you feel would be appropriate;
   *10 to 15 points to divide between Rage, Willpower and Gnosis.
   The Jamak given bellow represent a small fraction of the Bastet spirit allies. Other notable Jamak include Bodingo the Yapping Dog, Burning Cat, Grandmother Spider, King Snake, Holo the Rhinoceros Lord, Gundee the Swollen (hippopotamus), Waloo the White Crane and Anjura the Lady of Hawks. Many Garou totems have personalized aspects as well, and the cats are often familiar with their names. Feel free to advise your own personalities for such spirits. After all, the dogs understand only part of the story....



Background Cost: 1
A brooding scavenger bird, Bonyscrap lurks near the dying and the doomed, waiting to pick their corpses. He does not , it should be noted, always wait until the prey dies. Although honorable Bastet shun this Vulture-spirit, wise cats know he has valuable insights to share with those who tolerate his company. The Bubasti, in particular, listen to what Bonyscrap has to say.
Favors: The vulture occasionally whispers clues and hints that foreshadow the future into a werecat's ear. First, though, the Bastet character has to endure the spirit's reeking breath, foul presence and obnoxious comments. Bonyscrap usually taunts his "buddy" before giving up the goods, which consist of bits of information that the Storyteller wants to pass along to the player. Alternately, the spirit's favor may simply add a die or two to Enigmas or Investigation rolls, although this option's not nearly as much fun to roleplay.
Ban: Bonyscrap is an obnoxious cuss, and often insults finicky Bastet just for fun. He usually offers bites of a rotted roadkill or a partially-devoured meal, accompanied by a blast of avian halitosis. Any cat who can put up with this abuse is considered all right in Bonyscrap's book.


Background Cost: 1

The many forms of Butterfly recall the metamorphosis at the heart of creation. Unlike so many other creatures or spirits, Butterfly is always changing, forever bursting into new shapes, colors and sizes. A special favorite of the Balam, Bagheera and Qualmi, this Jamak values the peaceful heart, full of wonder at the dance.
Favors: Butterfly grants its ally with the Gift: Monkey's Uncle, and adds +2 to the Bastet's frenzy roll difficulty. Although it shifts across the color spectrum, Butterfly is without anger or despair. This spirit stands as a symbol of hope and renewal.
Ban: Allies of Butterfly cannot attack a foe in anger, only for defense.

Citlacoatl, the Feathered Serpent King
Background Cost: 3
A crafty, clever spirit, Citlacoatl floats across the humid forests and arid plains, chuckling to himself. His folk know the tiny shadows where even werecats never venture, and they listen from the newspaper's shade and the hanging branch as humans scurry about their short little lives. The Serpent King is endless, and like his folk, understands the ways between life and death. His jaunts span the Three Worlds of creation, and his tongue tastes the essence of Gaffling, ghost and Epiph alike.
     Only Pumonca and Balam understand the wisdom Citlacoatl brings; most other Bastet disdain his council and chew his children between their fangs. Fair enough -- cats may have nine lives, but serpents are eternal. Citlacoatl watched the rise and fall of Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Olmecs and so many others, and he watches their ghosts even now, wandering through the Flayed Shadowlands as if they still lived. Mortal men amuse the Serpent King. A cat who respects the spirit's wisdom might learn to share that humor -- or to fear it.



Favors: Citlacoatl winds between the worlds of life, death, consciousness and dream. To find him, a werecat enters a trance and goes seeking. Occasionally, the Serpent King Follows the werecat, if only for amusement. There's a lot of fun to be had in mortal warfare; Citlacoatl has an odd (some would say sick) sense of humor. Bastet who make him laugh or protect his kind might learn the Rite of Nine Lives or the Gift: Walking Between Worlds. More often than not, Citlacoatl just sends snakes to his allies' aid, or teaches them the Dance of the Cobra if they're admirably wise and persistent.
Ban: Although there are similarities between Citlacoatl and King Snake, the two have never come to an accord. A follower of one becomes the foe of the other. Citlacoatl also hates the agents of the Unmaker Wyrm; creation is too much fun to be destroyed.
Hatii the Thunderer
BAckground Cost: 5
One of the most powerful Jamak, this Elephant-spirit rarely chooses allies among catkind. There's too much bad blood between his protected cousins and the predatory cats. He will never choose a Simba ally, for it's been said that in the early years following the Impergium, the children of Akuma hunted elephants for fun. Hatii never forgives a slight, nor does he forget an act of kindness. To the Khan, he's a valued ally, a strong and wise friend who gifts his chosen few with tough skin and an excellent memory.
Favors: It takes an outstanding act of courage or wisdom to attract Hatii's attention;p werecats who heroically defend elephant herds, especially from other werecats, are his favorite allies. To them, this spirit grants an additional two points of Stamina in battle. This bonus only appears during a fight, and fades when that specific fight ends. Additionally, he may gift the werecat with the Photographic Memory Merit for one specific even per story, and occasionally offers a hint to some puzzle which confounds the Bastet (AN "under-the-table" hint from the Storyteller might come through as the elephant's guidance). On the grasslands of Africa or India, a herd of elephants might intervene to save one of Hatii's chosen from death.
Ban: Hatii's allies must defend herds of his cousins whenever possible, and should hunt down and kill anyone who murders an elephant for sport or ivory.
Ika-Ika the Monkey King
Background Cost: 3
A noisy and boisterous spirit, Ika-Ika represents caprice, mischief, nonsense and ferocity; his friends, however, understand the wisdom inherent in Monkey King's chaos, and respect his drive to break rules whenever possible. When he finds someone he respects (a rare occurrence), Ika-Ika is a loyal and powerful ally. While he might kid his friends, or play pranks on them,k he'll be the first Jamak to show up if something's wrong. The Bagheera and Swara find Ika-Ika amusing, while the more serious Khan and Simba resent his careless ways. Bubasti, as a rule, hate this mad spirit, and avoid those who befriend him. Naturally, he loves to annoy their kind, and favors a cat who does the same.
Favors: A Favor from the Monkey King means an extra dot in Dexterity and Acrobatics, which last the remainder of the day. On a more permanent basis, he sometimes teaches his friends the Gifts like Treeclimber, Farsight, Clawstorm and Monkey's Uncle. These last two Gifts he leaves for respected allies, not simple buddies; a Bastet must achieve at least Third Rank and maintain a long alliance with Ika-Ika to receive such valuable Favors.



Ban: Ika-Ika likes anarchy; his friends have to know how to kick down the walls and let loose. Even so, they should know where to stop -- the Monkey King is wise chaos, not cruelty. They should also understand the value of friendship. When he's feeling wild, Ika-Ika might show up in person, either as a monkey or as  crazy man. His friends should welcome him if they want to keep him.
King of Cats
Background Cost: 3
Dashing, quick and clever, the King of Cats embodies both the bright works of Rahjah and the dark charm of Cahlash. Although most Bastet follow one aspect or the other, very few realize that both spirits are one and the same -- a rogue who does good deeds even as he violates good conduct.
Some see the King of Cats as the first of their kind, the one who saved Seline from the Asura; others believe he's an avatar of both Father spirits. Whatever his origins, the King of Cats is a dapper fellow with a sharp sword and a razor wit. Although his dress changes to suit the occasion, he seems to prefer swashbuckler trappings. Though he turns feline if need be (sometimes white, often black), the King of Cats prefers to dance around human guise, daring enemies to harm him. He is the soul of valiant rebellion, and favors those who live and die with style.
Favors: Allies of the King of Cats receive the Grace Merit and a permanent point of Dexterity if they live by his codes: Play hard, laugh at death, and go out with a flourish. He can teach any Bastet Gift, but seldom does.
Ban: The King of Cats will not tolerate a sober disposition. If one of his allies falls into depression or morbidity, he abandons her to find another.

Background Cost: 6
The majestic symbol of kings and conquerors, this Lion-spirit roars proud challenges to all rivals. The revered spirit of many Simba prides, King-Of-Beasts crushes enemies beneath his mighty paws. His mane is like sunshine and his roar is 500 thunders. No creature can meet his gaze for long; cowering, they slink away and hide.
Still, King-of-Beasts is a generous despot. Though he demands total obedience, he gifts those he loves with strength and magical prowess. It's a rare Bastet who can "afford" this spirit's patronage, also Simba prides often follow him together (pooling their points as do the Garou with a pack totem.) Once, many humans gave homage to this spirit, and he favored them as well. In the modern world, men have grown too "smart" for totems. His allies come from the Bastet, and from some Garou packs.
Favors: This Jamak speaks in formal tones and demands the same from his chosen. Werecats who can meet King-Of-Beasts' high standards might receive one extra dot in Strength in battle and may reduce all Intimidation difficulties by three. Their voices seem to deepen, and those who can see auras notice that the followers seem to blaze with power. The King also teaches many Gifts when he feels a pride is worthy. These benefits extend to every member of the pride that allies itself with the totem (maximum of four characters).
Ban: This spirit is a harsh ally; his followers must bow to his majesty while dominating every other creature in sight. Any faltering or cowardice will cost the entire pride his aid, perhaps forever.



Background Cost: 2
The creator of the world according to some folklore, the wise and patient Mantis dreams its way out of trouble. This Jamak knows the seven levels of silence, from meditation to death, and teaches them to its allies. When some problem threatens, Mantis folds itself still and waits. Sooner or later, the solution comes. The Khan and Bagheera understand Mantis' wisdom, and the Simba of the Kalahari claim its example helped them temper their tribal rage.
Favors: Mantis sends dreams and prophecies to those who understand how to be still. In game terms, this lowers the difficulty for rolls involving Enigmas, Investigation or Occult. THis bonus depends on the successes the cat makes on a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to remain still and clear her thoughts. Each success lowers the difficulty by one. Such discipline often takes an hour or more, and cannot be done in combat or hectic circumstances.
Ban: Allies of Mantis cannot be hasty or reckless. if they aren't smart enough to be still, the spirit leaves them alone.

Mistress of Catkind
Background Cost: 5
Creation, as the Bastet know, is a woman. From mad Mother Nala to the endless birth-death of Ahu and the comforting hands of Seline and Gaia, the cats recognize the female essence that gave them form. The Mistress of Catkind is that essence in spades, the embodiment of fierce maternity, nurture and passion. Through her many faces, the Bastet recognize the greater power she represents. Freyja, Durga, Hecate, Sekhmet -- all these names and more personify the Mistress to human eyes. The Bastet themselves echo her most obvious manifestation, Bast, in their racial name. Even so, the Mistress is a personable spirit. Like the King of Cats, she channels her divinity behind an accessible face. Let other boastful Jamak rival her for power; those who embody All need not make displays.
The Mistress appears in a variety of forms; sometimes she comes in the form of a great white cat, sometimes a woman clad in moonlight, a goddess in robes of war, a white buffalo or a tiny blue kitten. Unless she's angry, her voice is soft and her touch, and all sounds fade as she approaches. This spirit teaches all the skills of survival, from hunting to magical Gifts, and often appears when her followers need her, not before. Sometimes she takes human guise for fun, or becomes a white tiger on the Siberian cliffs. Whatever face she wears, the Mistress' followers recognize her instinctively. WhILE SHE NEVER expects them to bow to her, this Jamak deserves respect, and has no trouble getting it. As gentle as she seems, the Mistress can bed fierce and unpredictable. In defense of her children or of nature, she lashes out like a cornered lion. Doting mother, passionate lover, goddess of war, mystery-walker -- the Mistress of Cats is all those and more.
Favors: The Mistress comes to comfort her lost or fearful children, or to rally them for a good fight. In every aspect, the Mistress teaches all the Gifts of catking to those who deserve them. Occasionally, she grants some special power or sends animal minions to a follower's aid; under most circumstances, however, the Mistress prefers to come in person, advise a cat, and leave.
Ban: While the eternal Nala may be drawn to Cahlash, her Mistress aspect despises corruption. A fierce enemy to Asura, she has nothing to do with the servants of Cahlash, especially if those servants are cats. Needless destruction or perversion is anathema to her. A Bastet who joins Cahlash will lose this Jamak forever.



Old Snapjaw
Background Cost: 2
A favored spirit-friend of the Bubasti, this devourer guards mystic knowledge. An Alligator or Crocodile-spirit (depending on where you find her), Snapjaw lurks bellow the waters of transition, watching things pass away until someone approaches her store-house of secrets. If he is worthy, she tests him until he solves a series of riddle-games; if he seems foolish or hesitates to do what must be done, Snapjaw consumes him, sometimes killing him entirely, more often just marking him to warn other Jamak of his cowardice.
Favors: Snapjaw tests her chosen constantly; a werecat who guesses the answers to her riddles (Wits + Enigmas tests with varying difficulty) may add an extra three dice to his Dice Pool for any Enigmas roll that does not involve Snapjaw's own riddles ("You have to figure that one out yourself, boy!"). Old Snapjaw's ferocity also conveys an extra point of Rage to the Bastet who wins her favor.
Ban: Those who approach Old Snapjaw must not hesitate to do whatever is necessary to learn a magical secret. She does not choose cowards or fools.
Background Cost: 5
Like a crack across the sky, Thunderbird comes on endless wings. His domain is courage and purity, and he sleeps on the tops of mountains and rides the skies in forms so vast that the human eye can't recognize him. The tester of courage, Thunderbird roars and flashes to frighten the seekers of visions while cautioning them to be brave. Those few who can withstand the fury of the Thunderbird's cry gain this spirit's respect.
Thunderbird lives cloaked in clouds. He has no head, but he does have a great beak filled with sharp teeth. He has no feet, but great grasping talons. He has no face, but shoots lightning from his eyes when angry. Although he seems to be a raging spirit, Thunderbird likes humans and favors the Pumonca and Wendigo above all creatures. In his voice, the crack of creation can be heard. In the winds, the beat of his wings can be felt. Cats who can withstand his tests of bravery are rewarded by his friendship.
Favors: Many Pumonca Gifts come from Thunderbird, and he teaches them to any cat he favors. In emergencies, he may send a thunderbolt (as per the Gift) or two to buy the Bastet a chance to regroup. Hawks and eagles often come to the aid of Thunderbird's friends. and bursts of sheer terror scare his enemies away.
Ban: Thunderbird detects a coward. Running away from anything in fear may cost an ally his favor, although he tends to be more forgiving than many other spirits. Corruption and its agents are abominations to him; an ally of this Jamak must destroy anything tainted, or at least try to redeem it. Those who side with the forces of decay (including vampires, fomori and Banes) may be struck down with thunderbolts.



Background Cost: 2
Buzzing eternally, Tzinzie the Fly Lord spins across the universe, biting whoever he pleases and pestering folks for the sheer hell of it. He stands for elusiveness, for a trickster nature which flits past larger, slower beings, tantalizes them with a false promises, and disappears, laughing.  Most Bastet pay no mind to this annoying spirit, but those who understand him (usually Bubasti, Ceilican or Qualmi) realize what a profound folly-finder Tzinzie can be. By dancing under the nose of the serious and the Wrathful, the Fly Lord points out their own foolishness. Those who join his dance find the steps becomes that much easier.
Favors: Cats who ally themselves with Tzinzie often learn the Catfeet, First Strike and Swipe Gifts, and gain an extra dot in Dexterity when feeing from a bigger, more powerful opponent.
Ban: Tzinzie's chosen must never bully the weak, nor should they let a self-important person rest peacefully.
Background Cost: 2
The spirit of Secrets, Whispers leads her allies to discoveries. With a little effort, her chosen can decipher messages no normal person could understand. This Jamak drifts in the air, unseen and barely heard. It's said that she's the echo of the Jamaa themselves, of celestial voices that filter down to the mortal world as half-heard memories. She's a hard Jamak to find, and tends to reveal herself only to the wisest Bastet.
Favors: Whispers' allies reduce all Enigmas-related difficulties by -3 if they make their Perception + Awareness roll first (difficulty 7 or so). On a whim, she might bestow a Gift like Night's Passage, Cheshire Prank or Eavesdropper's Ear. No one makes assumptions about Whispers' motives.
Ban: Allies of Whispers must avoid making loud noises, especially while speaking.



Rites of the Bastet
A witch; and one so strong
She could control the moon - make flows and ebbs,
And deal in her command with all her power.
--William Shakespeare, "The Tempest"

Potent as the Gifts of cat magic are, some tasks require more ceremonial rites. Although the Bastet, being less social and more individualistic, don't place the same importance on rites as their lupine cousins, some occasions are still significant enough to warrant and elaborate ritual.
Most Bastet rites are solitary; while they often include chaya, these ceremonies ar performed by a single cat. Taghairm Rites are an exception - these ceremonies demand the presence of a number of Bastet. Other werecats can participate in the solitary rites; their presence just isn't required to complete the rituals. Like Gifts, rites involve story elements more significant than the game mechanics. Such rituals are important milestones in a werecat's life, especially the Rites of Kuasha, Need and Moon, and shouldn't be brushed off with a simple "Yeah, you did the Rite of Contrition and everything's fine." Folklore speaks in hushed tones of mad-cat rites, where screeches and yowls could be heard for miles and villagers locked themselves inside, lest they catch sight of the dancing cats even by accident, and be hunted down and ripped to pieces. The Folk are not casual with their rites - no stranger, not wizard nor werewolf, not mortal nor immortal, is welcome at feline rituals. Play a rite for all it's worth; to a Bastet, it's worth a hell of a lot.
In game terms, Bastet rites function much like Garou ones. Each rite level requires at least 10 minutes worth of ceremony to enact, although the cat-folk don't require the various celebrants the werewolf rites do. A cat can only perform rites that she has the Knowledge Ability to understand, and must set aside a ritual space by learning and preparing a spot for a sacred working. Although the Bastet don't have the strict social codes that Garou abide by, they take their rituals fairly seriously. The cat must be in the right state of mind to invoke the proper magics, and among some tribes that may take a bit of preparation in itself.



Rites Chart
Type: Roll Difficulty
Kuasha: Charisma + Rituals 6
Moon: Manipulation + Rituals 9 - phase of the moon
Need: Wits + Rituals 7
Taghairm: Charisma + Rituals 7

Overlapping Rites

Many Bastet rites duplicate Garou rites in effect, if not in form. Storytellers and players should work together to define the variations in a rite, for example a Bastet might perform the Dedication Rite only at Twilight. The following rites are shared, if not in name, by both werecats and werewolves.
Kuasha: Dedication Rite (Rite of Talisman Dedication), Rite of Contrition
Moon: Bind the Spirit-Fetish (Rite of the Fetish), Rite of Summoning, Rouse the Sleaping Spirit (Rite of Spirit Awakening)
Need: Rite of Cleansing, Rite of the Opened Bridge
Taghairm: Festival of Flowers (Gathering for the Departed)



Kuasha Rites
During a werecat's "apprenticeship," he undergoes many trials and learns many things. Most kuasha celebrate a pupil's progress with a series of rites which they pass to a new Bastet as his teachings end. Most of these rituals are considered Level One rites; once taught, they can be performed at any time. The kit has earned the privilege to learn the secrets. The more advanced rites are taught to brilliant pupils who attain higher levels of knowledge before they finish their training. Of course, if the Tekhmet fails his First Year, or if he has no official training at all (like the Hitchhiker template in chapter five), he won't know any of these rites until another
Bastet sees fit to teach him.

Speaking of the Name
Level One
Names have power; thus, all Bastet change their birth names to new titles during their First Year. This rite, performed by the Tekhmet and the kuasha together, "seals" that new name and makes it part of the cat. Traditionally, the Swara mark this rite (and the apprentice) with a ceremonial tattoo, usually across the initiate's chest. The Balam often pierce the newcomer's lip, earlobe or nostrils with a jeweled plug. Simba and Khan mark the rite with a hunt, usually a human target, in which the initiate tastes the blood of her first kill as a Bastet. Pumonca and Qualmi send their kits on short visionquests, take them to sweat lodges, or offer them ordeal rituals like the Sioux sun dance, while the Ceilican bless their new members in old faerie rings. The more ceremonial Bagheera and Bubasti perform elaborate and formal rites to welcome their offspring; these rituals, which might take as long as a day to complete, often involve two or more elders who have been invited to attend.
System: Aside from a standard roll, a new name and the ritual needs of the tribal ceremonies, this rite requires nothing special.



Rite of Recognition
Level Two
To be accepted into a new Rank, a Bastet must perform this rite before the spirits, his peers, or both. Like many werecat rituals, this ceremony can be done by a solitary cat, and it often is. A Balam in the wilderness doesn't have to travel to the nearest taghairm to be recognized - the spirits will carry tales of his deeds to other cats.
To petition for a new Rank, the cat stands in a circle prepared for the rite with herbs and, if possible, trophies of his achievements. Speaking the ritual phrases, he recites his deeds, relates his accomplishments since attaining the last Rank, and demands to be recognized for what he has done. If he succeeds, the others agree and declare his new standing; if not, they tell him why they're dissatisfied and deny his petition. These reasons can range anywhere from a lack of progress to bad politics. The Bastet may only perform this rite once per season.
System: In addition to the usual rite roll, the cat must make a good impression (either Charisma or Manipulation + either Enigmas, Etiquette, Expression, Leadership, Occult or Politics, depending on the cat, his audience, and the case he's trying to make). The difficulty for this roll often depends on what the cat has done in the past, and how he stands in the eyes of his jury. Unless the werecat does something truly striking between attempts, this rite rises in difficulty each time it's failed, then repeated. Neither the cats nor the spirits respect a loser.

Passing the Yava
Level Two
These secrets contain the seeds of survival or destruction for the entire tribe.
Passing them on to a youngster is a sign of the utmost trust and pride. Imagine handing a loaded gun to you child and telling him to shoot at a target behind your head; that's the kind of importance the Yava convey. They're not passed on lightly, or to fools. Thus, this exchange, often the last rite between the kit and her mentor, is deeply important.
This ritual, traditionally performed at dusk, involves a recitation of the three secrets, a reminder of their importance, and an admonishment to keep them safe. The kuasha informs her apprentice that someday he too will pass on the Yava, and that his judgment will reflect the future of the tribe. To betray the trust, even under torment, is the worst crime a Bastet can commit. Before this rite is performed, the mentor scans the area for spirits or other eavesdroppers. If the area is clear, the secrets are then between elder and kit. Afterward, the two spend their last night together and part ways at dawn. Although they may very well remain friends, the first Year has ended. The kit is on his own.
System: Although the kuasha traditionally checks and secures the ritual site before beginning the rite, this ceremony requires no special materials.



Kuasha Degree
Level Three
With this rite, a teacher passes on the secrets of her teaching, so that the pupil may become a kuasha. Normally, the Degree must be uncovered through the "proper channels" - that is, the secrets of the rite must be dug out of a series of mentors, contacts and friends, then pieced together. An especially apt Tekhmet might impress her mentor so well that he passes on everything she needs to know before her apprenticehsip ends; it's rare, but it has been known to happen.
The Kuasha Degree contains all the rites, advice, secrets and preparations a Bastet needs in order to take a pupil, and confers the right to do so. Even so, the elder usually cautions her kit to take a bit of time to see the world for himself before he begins teaching someone else about it. Taking a kit means responsibility; most kuashas stress that their pupils must run free for a while before taking on such a burden. At the end of the ritual, the mentor invests her student with the power to take a student of his own, and advises him to do so carefully.
In the Degree, a Tekhmet learns how to find taghairms, how to petition spirits, how to find a new-Changed Bastet and how to chastise him for doing wrong. It relates to responsibilities and rights the mentor receives under Bastet law, and offers lots of common wisdom about the feeding and caring of a kit. The Yava is not passed on through this rite - that requires its own rite. The Tekhmet has been taught how to pass on the tribal secrets, but isn't told what they are until the mentor and student part ways.
System: This rite takes six hours, often longer, Aside from making time to talk and having the freedom to do so, this rite doesn't require special preparations.



Moon Rites
These magical rituals can only be performed beneath the glow of Seline and the vault of Ahu. Moonlight is an essential part of all the following rites, so each of them occurs outside after sundown. Although cloudiness won't prevent the rite, it'll make performing it a bit more difficult (add 1 to the difficulty, add two if it's raining, unless the rite conjures a storm). Bastet often chooses full-moon phases to enact such rituals; the strength of Seline makes the rites easier and more powerful.
Moon Rites invoke the power of the Bastet patron, strengthening their ties with her and infusing them with her essence. All Moon rites have mystical effects; tales of them having colored human folklore and superstition for millennia. These are the most sacred rites of all; anyone caught spying on them will be hunted down. This punishment is rarely necessary; Moon Rites evoke such power that any non-Bastet - including wizards and other shapechangers - fell distinctly uneasy and physically sick. All spies must make Stamina + Enigmas rolls once or twice during the ceremony or freak out (the difficulty is 5 + the level of the rite). The effects of the breakdown depend on the spies and the Storyteller, but include insanity, uncontrolled nausea, total panic (as the Delirium) or phantom pains. Vampires and werewolves have been driven to frenzy, while sorcerers have fallen into Quiet as a result of peeking at Moon Rites. Bastet elders, of course, know what such signs betray, and the worst fate - being ripped apart by angry claws - often follows a spy's discomfort.

Rite of Warding
Level One
A simple precaution taken around any site of importance, this rite is typically performed before the guests for a taghairm arrive. By calling up spirits, securing the corners of entrances of the site and charging the safety of the area to Seline, the Bastet sets up an "alarm system" which bars the site against lesser intrusions and alerts the ritespeaker against greater ones.
System: By spending a Gnosis point, the ritespeaker ties herself to the place for the duration of the Warding. This warding continues for one hour per success unless the ritespeaker either leaves the area or dismisses the guard. For as long as it lasts, any non-Bastet who enters the area triggers a mystic feeling of unease; the ritespeaker will not know exactly who or what the culprit is, but she'll know something isn't right. Intruders cannot enter a warded site at all without succeeding in a Willpower roll (difficulty is 5 + the caster's successes) - the energies of the place simply drive them away for no explicable reason. Even spirits cannot pass through a warded area without alerting the ritespeaker.



Rite of Claiming
Level Three
This mystic secret proclaims the foundation, or transferral of a Den-Realm. To do this, a Bastet travels across his territory on foot, marking the boundaries with scratches, urine and other forms (graffiti, incantations, blood, etc.). When the circuit is completed, the werecat performs the rite in the place where he began, and binds himself to the essence of the place. From then on, the area is his Den-Realm, and he may do what he wants within it.
Occasionally, Den-Reams exchange hands; some upstarts take the lands from dying elders, while others receive old friends' territory for safekeeping. This rite is still essential to becoming one with the land; until it's performed by the new owner, it's just another hunting ground. Sometimes, a dying elder will pass the rite along to the newcomer as a gesture of respect. If the Den-Realm has been ripped from her hands, however, the old owner's not likely to help the thief. Although Den -Realms may be expanded by performing this rite again, no werecat can keep more than one separate Realm. Fewer still would give up their lands without a fight. The Den-Realm is the cat's true home, and until she dies, it remains a part of her.
System: Standard roll; the rules for Den-Realms can be found in Chapter Three.

Eater of the Dead
Level Four
The Bubasti alone command this rite, a vile punishment reserved for oathbreakers among their tribe and thieve from outside it. By calling to Sobk, the Egyptian crocodile lord, an elder Bubasti sends the soul of the offender into a labyrinthine spirit realm deep within the ground. Here (they say), the victim is stalked by Sobk, who pursues him, corners him, judges him and may consume his soul.
Once a transgressor is caught, the shadowcats, bind him for the rite. During the ritual, the offender's tongue is ripped out, his eyes are seared and his ears are plugged up. Special wrappings, prepared in sandalwood oil and honey, are wound around the cat from toes to forehead. Then his head is struck off, followed by his limbs, and the whole mess is burned in an oven prepared for the rite. This ceremony, horrifying in itself, sends the cat's soul to the tunnels of Sobk to be judged.
The chase begins as the cat, now whole again, rips out of his bandages and flees into the tunnels. The Eater of the Dead pursues the soul for what seems like weeks, until he finally corners the cat. Biting off each limb in turn, he judges the soul on a golden scale. If the punishment so far is ruled enough, the soul is freed to its final journey. IF Sobk doesn't like what he sees, he devours the offender forever.
System: Standard roll, plus a Gnosis point and the preparations mentioned above. Rather than joining his Ancestor-spirits, a truly unworthy victim's essence is gone for good. Tales of this gruesome rite keep other cats very far away from Bubasti affairs.



Call the Four Winds
Level Five
Cats are renowned masters of the weather. While many Gifts reflect this talent to a small degree, Call the Four Winds affects weather patterns across whole sections of a country.
Unlike many rites, the Call demands the presence of five Bastet. One leader, the ritespeaker, decides what changes to request and begins the ritual. The others take the roles of the four corners of the earth and invoke the powers of each of them in turn. The ritespeaker acts as the center, and stands amid the others in a prepared circle, channeling their power. As the rite progresses, the power builds until the circle is swept through with elemental force. Spirits swirl screaming past the ritespeaker, who sends them up into the sky to bind the clouds and invoke the werecats' will. In time, storms gather or disperse, rain comes, winds rise, blizzards begin, tempests rage or calm.... A whole range of weather effects, from Dust storms to squalls, can be evoked with a pride of cats, this rite, and a knowledgeable leader.
System: The exacts of the Call are left to the Storyteller. These should depend on the wishes of the ritespeaker, the successes she rolls, the local climate, and the dictates of the story. A severe weather front will be harder to raise or disperse than a subtle shift, and a long-lasting change will be harder to affect than a brief storm. Unseasonal patterns, like blizzards in summer, should be considered difficulty 9 or 10, but may be possible if the story allows.

Rite of Nine Lives
Level Five
The secret knowledge granted by Seline to the wisest of her children allows them to literally return from the dead. This rite, which may only be performed once in a werecat's life, allows her to return from the dead as many as eight times before her spirit departs for good.
To begin, the werecat sets aside a ritual space outside and calls upon Seline's favor. After mixing a bit of blood, water, spit and fur in a bowl, she holds the bowl up to the moon and chants the rite. Once finished, she drinks the broth and hopes for the best. Seline will be the final judge as to whether the cat survives her death or not.
System: Standard roll, plus two Gnosis points. This rite can be performed only once, and the success of it uncertain until something kills the werecat. If successful, the Bastet recovers from her death; her spirit remains in the body and wills it to return to health. Depending on how she perishes, this may take some time. A Bastet who's "merely" mauled will return in a day or two; if she falls off a 40-story building, it may take a week to recover; a really nasty demise, like immolation or entombment, may take her weeks to confound. The recovery process is slow and painful - a Bastet who had been skinned to death may wish she had stayed dead before she heals completely. As you can imagine, a werecat who returns from death often has some serious scores to settle upon her return....
Once the cat lives again in all senses of the word, she may still face difficulties. If she was buried, she'll have to dig herself out. This may kill her a second time before she can escape. Dismemberments do not prevent resurrection - some gruesome tales speak of werecats who were hanged, drawn and quartered, only to drag their limbs from their crossroads graves to rejoin somewhere in the middle. Once recovered, the werecat loses one permanent point of each her Rage, Gnosis and Willpower. These point may never be regained; hence, a Simba who died eight times finishes his life with a maximum of two dots in each of these Traits. Any part of the cat that is destroyed (see below) is lost forever; resurrected cats often lose limbs or retain other disfigurements. Aside from that, the werecat is her old self (though some deaths leave permanent emotional and psychological scars).
Naturally, some deaths cancel out even this arcane secret. If a Bastet dies in one of these ways, she won't come back, and must face her fate like the rest of Gaia's children.



*Total destruction of the body (cremation, dissolution in acid or toxic waste, wood-chipper shredding, etc.)
*Natural death by old age
*Death in some other Realm (the Deep Umbra, a Horizon Realm, an Umbra world, etc.)
*Imprisonment of the soul (through some forms of magic or magick, or through soul-pacts or annihilation)
*The vampiric Embrace



Wishing Waves
Level Five
By yowling spitting and dancing around a lake or sea, a werecat can stir the surface into waves. Ceilican who drowned their enemies this way gave rise to tales of witches who danced with cats to create storms at sea. Although this tribe claims to have originated the Rite, the Bubasti say otherwise. In their stories Bast herself taught her children to wreck invaders on the Nile, and supposedly used it to punish Pharaoh Snefru II, who persecuted her kind.
System: This rite must be performed on a cliff or beach overlooking the sea. To begin the tempest, each player makes the standard roll and spends two Gnosis points. If more than one cat performs the rite, all their successes are added together. Each blood-Kinfolk present adds an additional success to the total. One roll is made for each hour spent dancing, at successively higher difficulties; each new roll costs an additional two gnosis points and a point of Willpower. The turbulence extends out for one mile for every Bastet participating in the rite, and dies down an hour or so after the dance ends.
The severity of the storm depends on the successes gathered; obviously, most Bastet perform this rite as an extended roll, accumulating successes until they reach the desired effect. Each success level makes the waves a bit more powerful: One or two create choppy little waves; three to five turn the water rough; six to eight create trouble for small craft; nine to 10 make sailing difficult for large boats, almost impossible for small ones; 10 to 15 successes can capsize anything smaller than an old sailing ship, although large vessels remain unmoved. 15 o 20 can create problems for freighters and small navy ships, while 21 or more can swamp large warships and tangers. The waves often spill across shore, and might threaten the dancing cats before the rite is finished.



Rites of Need
In an emergency, a wise Bastet can perform certain rites which may carry him through the crisis. Unlike most rites, these ceremonies take only five to 10 minutes; time is often of the essence when such rites are performed.

Jamak Promise Bond
Level One
Even a cat can need a friend. When a spirit and a Bastet come to an understanding, they offer each other a pledge of friendship. This rite seals that bond; while it has no mystic repercussions, it's considered a formal oath and is taken seriously by both parties.
Standing alone in a clearing or room, the Bastet and her Jamak recite certain promises: to help when possible, to be truthful always, to respect, and to trust. Both sides agree to protect (or to refrain from harming) the other's loved ones, and to meet once in a while to share secrets and good times. The rite lowers the Gauntlet long enough for both parties to exchange a handshake or a kiss, and reduces the difficulty by two if one party wants to cross over to the other side. By the end of the rite, both cat and spirit feel flushed and happy; although it confers some responsibilities to both sides, the Bond carries a sense of fellowship and love. For a while, at least, both partners are united.
System: Standard roll. Although a Bastet can have many spirit friends, she may only choose one Jamak at a time. Carelessly breaking the Bond promises may reduce her Rank by one or two, depending on what happens and why, as the Jamak spreads word of the werecat's infedility



Rite of Fear
Level Three
A relic of the Madness and the tiger hunts, this rite sends a cloud of terror across the land, conjuring nightmares and spreading panic. Animals may stampede, riots may flare and brave men may decide that now is a good time to leave....
To begin the rite, the cat assumes her Crinos form and dances madly, howling her hatred to the moon. As her fury rises, she rips everything around her to shreds, living or otherwise, and flings the pieces across the site. Screeching, spitting, arching and slashing, she sends her fury outward to infest the minds of everyone in reach. Once there, the terror festers, bursting outward through dreams into waking and sending the locals into a panic. At the end of the ritual she falls exhausted, but has begun a wave of fear that continues until the second sunrise.
System: The Rite of Fear requires two Rage points and a standard roll, and spreads one mile for every success. Every additional cat can add to the total (like Wishing Waves), but anyone close by is at risk, including the other cats. A werecat enacting the rite is considered to be in a frenzy until the ceremony ends; when it ends, she falls asleep.
Obviously, the Rite of Fear is performed at night; a full moon lowers the difficulty to 5, and a gibbous one to 6. Across the land, savage nightmares and anxiety attacks plaque every living thing for a night and a day; any characters in the area must make Willpower rolls (difficulty 8) to get through the day without acting irrationally. Other effects are left to the Storyteller; children, old people and farm animals are especially sensitive to the Fear, and any number of things can happen.

Taghairm Rites
Bastet aren't social animals as a rule, so when they gather, certain rituals must be observed. These rites create an aura of fellowship and trust - essential ingredients for a gathering of territorial Folk - and keep things proceeding smoothly.
During each taghairm, one Bastet is chosen as the ritespeaker, either by the roup or by the host of the gathering. From then on, that person carries the respect and responsibility of her office. Most regular taghairms have permanent ritespeakers; these cats gain additional status with the post (see "Renown" in Chapter Three). Although the ritespeaker performs most Taghairm Rites in that location, she'll often appoint assistants in case she leaves between gatherings, or to help her perform elaborate rites.



Level One
Like the Garou Moot Rite, this ritual opens all taghairms, charging the participants with mystic energy. Unlike the Garou, werecats rarely keep sacred sites. Instead, the Caliah refreshes the Gnosis of all participants and generates a sense of wonder and togetherness. As the ritespeaker chants the histories, rivalries are put aside and quarrels silenced. For a few minutes, at least, everyone present a hamaal, one family.
System: Standard roll. For each two successes (rounded up), each Bastet present receives a temporary point of Gnosis. If these points exceed a cat's usual rating, they fade in the morning. This rite can only be done once per month for the same group or by the same ritespeaker.

Grooming the Newcomer
Level Two
When a new Bastet enters an existing group, she must be welcomed with this ritual; until then, she's considered naa, an untrustworthy stranger. First, the ritespeaker questions the newcomer, often using Gifts like Sense the Truth and Righteous Gaze; she then asks others whether or not they've heart of the newcomer. Some taghairm groups test new visitors with questions, quests or ordeals to see how worthy they might be. If the examination satisfies the ritespeaker and the host of the gathering, they both welcome the newcomer into the group. All attendees rise and greet their new cousin with gestures of affection and offer her gifts of food and drink. From then on, that Bastet is always welcome.
System: Standard roll, often performed after a variety of Gifts



Level Two
Some grudges can only be settled by force. To keep the peace, a host might demand that quarreling Bastet enter a ritual combat to decide the issue. All attendees and their allies agree to abide by the decision.
The formalities depend on the host's tribe, the grudge and the location of the gathering. The combatants are obliged to follow the host's rules regardless of their tribe. The Balam, Khan and Simba favor death-matches more than the other tribes do; Ceilican and Qualmi prefer tests of wits, while Bagheera and Bubasti respect test of judgment. The Swara often send both parties questing in the Penumbra, opening a "window" to watch their progress. Pumonca let the elements decide, and sponsor tests by fire or exposure. No use of Gifts or outside assistance is allowed. The rite ensures that both sides play fair; those who cheat are magically marked.
As the duel begins, the ritespeaker chants a litany extolling challenge, fairness and honor. From there, she watches what transpires, watching especially for fair play. If someone does chat, the ritespeaker feels a sharp tingling and calls the contest to a halt. The cheater's skin or fur blazes with a sickly yellow or green light. His punishment depends on the host. If a winner is declared, the dispute is considered over. While this often ends the problem, a few Bastet take their grudge home with them and handle it without witnesses next time...
System: Standard roll, plus a Gnosis point, from the ritespeaker. The cheater's glow lasts for one day and costs him five to 10 point of Honor (see "Renown") until he redeems himself.

Level Three
Taghairms are gatherings of trust; if someone breaks that trust, the others throw him out. The rite marks such betrayals, and carries the stigma of shame to other gatherings. A werecat's future companions may judge him by this sign. When the host has declared an Exile, the other cats must vote. If the majority agrees, the ritespeaker begins the ritual. In some cases, the gathering must decide unanimously; in others, the host may simply demand a majority vote. The rite itself involves a revocation of the Grooming ritual, a recitation of the exile's crimes and usually a few choice words. As the ritespeaker spins a cloak of words, the exile's forehead begins to glow; by the end of the rite, the sigil of an oathbreaker appears. As the glow fades, the sigil remains and the other cats chase the offender from their gathering. If they catch him, they'll beat him to a pulp, but leave him alive to remember his shame. The mark fades from view by morning, but remains a part of the exile's soul. Any subsequent Grooming rite reveals the mark; only the forgiveness of the host ( a separate rite of the same Rank) or some powerful quest will was ha way the mark. System: The ritespeaker makes her standard roll and spends a point of Rage to apply the brand. Some Gifts , like Sense the Truth and Righteous Gaze, expose the mark to the viewer. An Exile loses all Honor and Wisdom Renown. Sometimes, falsely convicted (or powerful) Bastet can get help from supporters or sympathetic parties; more often, the effects of this rite linger for a lifetime.



Festival of Dreams
Level Four
By inhaling smoke from burning wood and herbs; steam; psychoactive drugs or all three, the collected group enters a vision trance. Depending on the circumstances, they may experience memories of the past, future sight, soul-seeing or simple hallucinations. These complex insights are often consulted for future plans, battles or other tasks which involve the whole taghairm.
As the other cats gather in an enclosed circle, the ritespeaker and her assistants begin the fires. Tossing in herbs, wood and stone, they chant, sign and play music as the vision smoke rises. The other Bastet breathe deeply, sharing their essence with each exhalation. As the visions begin, a feeling of peace descends to keep the taghairm from scattering. One by one, the Bastet hit their personal limits and stagger out into fresh air. The last werecat to remain receives a special vision that only she remembers. As the ritual ends, the smoke clears; the remaining Bastet receives gifts of water and affection from her companions, and is celebrated for the rest of the night.
System: The exact effects of the Festival depend on the Storyteller and the issues confronting the taghairm (see the Balam Gift: Vision Cloud). If the cats are looking for a vampire lord's haven, the dream might offer clues; if they want to uncover the solution to a problem, an answer may present itself. Visions of past glory or defeat might spur the group out of a rut, while warnings of upcoming disaster might galvanize them into action. Whatever occurs, the visions should be highly symbolic rather than literal.
The Festival lasts several hours and takes a toll on its participants. Each half-hour or so, everyone in the room must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 5 or flee, coughing. After the second roll, the difficulty rises to 6; after the third, to 7, and so forth. By the end of the third hour, the difficulty will be 9. The last character in the room receives a special vision, which the Storyteller creates based on the needs of his chronicle. Because of her resolve and fortune, the other werecats award her an extra three points of Cunning Renown




Humbabas Escape (Level One) One of the tribes first and most valuable tricks, this Gift allows a wereleopard to dislocate her limbs and slide through small openings. Though the Bagheera claim that the wise cat Humbaba invented the trick, the Simba maintain that he originally learned it from Mouse-spirits. System: The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics to dislocate her cats limbs. The harder the attempt, the higher the difficulty becomes. Undoing her wrist to get out handcuffs would be difficulty 6, while dislocating your spine and ribs to get through an air shaft would be 10. While the cat is out of joint, her Stamina rating drops by two. Simple adjustments dont cost any Gnosis, but large-scale body-shifts cost one point.
Treeclimber (Level One) As the Common Gift of the same name. Leopards excel at climbing, and most kuasha teach this secret first. Lawgivers Legacy (Level Two) In the distant past, it is said that the Bagheera were intended to be the arbitrators of the cat-folk. The position never materialized, but this Gift offers an edge to Bagheera trying to exercise this ancient right with minimal force. With it, a panther can raise her voice to drown out all others without actually shouting, and it adds a note of command that makes even Simba take the panthers words seriously. System: This Gift works like the Level One Common Gift: Command Attention, but the effects last for an entire scene. Anyone who wants to contest the Bagheeras authority must win a resisted Willpower roll with the panther (difficulty 7).
Ojas Surge (Level Two) By channeling ojas, the mystical energy inside us all, a Bagheera can boost his physical and perceptual abilities beyond their normal limits. To do so, he attains a posture and meditates for a moment, then guides the ojas through his body, directing it to whatever his needs might be. System: To perform the Gift, the panther must meditate first. This usually takes some time, and depends on experience; it usually takes a First Rank Bahgeera five turns (minutes) to center himself, while a Fifth Rank cat can do it in one. As he attains this state, he rolls his Gnosis (difficulty 7). Each success he wins can then be applied as a dot in one or all of the following Attributes; Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Perception or Wits. The Surge also brings a rush of ecstasy, a tingling wash that sharpens the senses and lightens the heart. The Attribute bonuses last for one scene, and cannot be stacked. The feeling of well-being lasts all day. The Surge can be done as many times as the Bagheera desires, but each additional try after the first raises the difficulty by two and doubles the meditating time. If an attempt to channel the rush fails, the cat gets depressed and cannot try again that day. A botch may provoke a frenzy.
Cobras Dance (Level Three) Long ago, a panther named Tola entered into negotiations with King Snake. After weeks of discussion and debate, the two came to an understanding of sorts. No one knows what secrets Tola offered King Snake, but he learned this Gift as part of the exchange. The Dance allows a cat to freeze prey with a glance. Some old Bagheera claim to know other secrets of the serpent folk, but if any other gifts have survived, theyre not well known. System: To begin the Dance, a panther sways in place; the player rolls Manipulation + Expression and spends a Gnosis point. This requires at least one turn spend dancing, and the effect lasts one turn per success. The rolls difficulty depends on the target: hypnotizing most animals is easy (5), while freezing a hostile vampire is anything but (10). To break the spell, the target must win a Willpower contest with the cat (difficulty 8).Otherwise, hes held stunned and helpless until the gift wears off. Once the Dance takes hold, the cat can do whatever she likes such as leaving, talking or mauling the target.
Travelers Tongues (Level Three) As the Rank three Homid Gift: Babels Cure.
The Paradox of Time (Level Four) To most followers of Hinduism, time is not the linear stream Westerners believe it is. Rather, all times are one time, viewed from a perspective that shifts. In other words, it only appears to move because we believe it does. A skilled Bagheera can employ this seeming paradox to utterly confuse an enemy or enlighten a pilgrim. By showing him the relative nature of time, the panther can offer him a glimpse of his folly or baffle him for minutes on end. System: While the cat talks to his target in low, hypnotic tones, the player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas against the targets current Willpower rating. For each success, the subjects perceptions skew slightly, disorienting him for two turns. Until the Gift wears off, he subtracts three dice from all Dice Pools due to terminal onfusion. Mages who understand the Time Sphere are totally immune to this Gifts effects.
Potters Clay (Level Four) As the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker.
Part the Curtain (Level Five) Like the Level Four Common gift: Walking Between Worlds, this spell allows a leopard to cross into the Near Umbra. This variation, however, lets her bring others across as well. The Mistress of Catkind is said to have brought this Gift to several Bagheera elders during the British occupation of India. Working with allies from the Swara and Khan, these old cats turned several staid English manors into shrieking chaos. System: All systems resemble the aforementioned Gift, except that the Bagheera can take one additional ally through for every point of Gnosis she possesses.
Shivas Might (Level Five) In one of the most impressive feats of godlike destruction this side of a nuke, a Bagheera may change into a form reminiscent of Shiva the Destroyer or Kali the Dark Mother (depending on the cats gender). In a burst of holy light, the Bastet becomes a 12-foot-tall, six armed Crinos-form werepanther wielding flaming weapons. Until the ground is littered with bodies, the engine of feline wrath hacks everything around it foe and otherwise into bloody giblets. Obviously, this is a last resort, but a very effective one. System: The player invoking this godlike manifestation spends two Rage points and Two Gnosis points, then immediately rolls for frenzy (difficulty 3). If he wins five successes or more, the Bagheera springs into Crinos form, grows three feet taller, and sprouts four more arms, each bearing a flaming weapon. This destroyer form, the Juddho, goes into a sudden killing frenzy which lasts for one turn for every point of Rage in the Bastets permanent rating. If he fails, nothing happens; a botch brings on a fox frenzy instead. The stats for Juddho form are: Strength + 6 Dexterity + 3 Stamina + 6 Appearnace 0 Weapons Strength + 4 (aggravated) No one is safe from Shivas Might anyone in sight will be attacked. The Bagheera is totally incapable of any form of rational communication or combat strategy. Until the Juddho form disappears, he knows only how to kill. In his mind, he wanders through the hells of Asura, slashing and biting everything he meets. When the Gift finally fades, the panther drops to 0 Rage, assumes his breed form, and falls asleep for at least four hours.



Balam Gifts
Hunters Mists (Level One) - As the Black Furies Gift: Curse of Aeolus
Storm of Pests (Level One) - By singing a plea to Tzinzie and his kind, a werejaguar can call up a cloud of mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, or some equally obnoxious bugs. These creatures dont so much damage as distract their prey, although they might, at the Storyteller option, carry diseases like malaria or yellow fever. By drawing the victims attention to the biting pests, the Balam may prepare either an ambush or an escape. System: The jaguars player rolls Manipulation + Survival. In most rainforests or coastal areas, the difficulty is 5. In other places, the difficulty rises to 7, and goes to 9 in areas where bugs are scarce. For each success, an area roughly 10 feet square is filled with flying bugs, reducing all Dice Pools by 2 for one turn per success. After that, the insects desperse. The cat is not immune to bug bites, but usually knows what to expect and can act normally.
Ancestral Wings (Level Two) According to their folklore, the Balam were once two tribes. One of the original families, the Olioiuqui, had wings. By digging into this ancestral past, a werejaguar can invoke their gift and fly for short distances. System: The player rolls Intelligence + Primal-Urge against difficulty 8 and spends a Gnosis point. If successful, brightly-colored wings burst from the Balams shoulders and carry him aloft. While winged, the cat can fly at 15 yards per turn in any form, and may carry up to 200 pounds of additional weight. This Gift lasts for one scene (or one half-hour), after which the wings atrophy and harmlessly drop off.
Smoking Mirror (Level Two) - As the Level Three Common Gift: Farsight.
Touch of the Tree-Frog (Level Three) - By touching a victim with her paw, teeth or even spittle, a Balam can paralyze him for minutes on end. Some jaguars take this opportunity to get away, or to deliver a warning; others make more sadistic use of that time. This Gift stems from the Tree-frog-spirits, whose fluids coat the arrows of the ancient folk. System: the Jaguar spends a Gnosis point to activate the Gift; once done, it lingers in her skin until she brushes against someone. Unless the target makes a Stamina + Awareness or Prima-Urge roll (difficulty 8), he is frozen for one turn per point of the Balams current Gnosis (the score she had before she cast the Gift). He may, if hes lucky, break the paralysis with a Willpower roll (difficulty 9); if not, he remains helpless for the duration.
Wandering Forest (Level Three) - As the Red Talons Gift: Trackless Waste.
Vision Cloud (Level Four) - Among the old folk, the jaguars were respected for their insight. Many Olmacs and Maya came to them for visions, and the tribe responded by evoking this ageless Gift. By calling to the spirits of the air and the plants, a modern jaguar can still conjure the Vision Cloud, a swirling fog which wraps itself through the clearing or cave, bringing mystic insights to those who seek them - and to those who do not. System: By rolling Manipulation + Enigmas and spending a Gnosis point, the Bastet is allowed to call up the Cloud from nothingness. This misty kaleidoscope fills an area up to 50 feet square including the Bastet himself. The hallucinations which ensue are left to the Storytellers discretion, but should foreshadow possible future events, reveal lost lore, or offer clues that clever characters can decipher (see Storytelling in Werewolf, pages 59-61 for ideas).
Jungles Vengeance (Level Four) - By tapping into her ties with the land, a Balam urges the jungle to turn against any invaders. The assault begins innocently enough, with vines that trip and swarms of hungry bugs; if the outsiders dont get the hint and leave, however, the Vengeance turns nastier. Pools of quicksand, poisonous plants and insects and clouds of noxious gas spring into existence right in the invader path. Ultimately, the Gift whittles a determined force of trespassers down into a handful of desperate survivors easy pickings for an angry werejaguar and her friends. System: the player puts a point of Rage and two points of Gnosis into the Gift, which then swells into a series of scattered but purposeful events. Although the Storyteller has the final say about exactly what happens where and to whom, the land and its pests begin a subtle campaign to drive invaders out. These events escalate from annoyances to fatalities as the Storyteller desires. Although they wont be powerful enough to destroy a band of supernatural foes, most mortals will be driven to near-madness before the Gift runs its course.
Feed the Gods (Level Five) - By reaching out with his hand, a powerful jaguar can rip the heart out of an enemy from a distance, pull it to his palm, and consume it in a burst of fire. This Gift kills the target if it succeeds. Only strong magic can rebuild the ashes of the heart or grow another one in its place. System: the Balams player rolls Gnosis against difficulty 7, and spends two points of Gnosis as well. The cats successes must double the targets Stamina rating; any armor, magical defenses, or dots in Fortitude, Glamour, the Spirit Sphere, Avatar or innate countermagick subtract one success for every dot of protection. Hence, this Gift isnt a very effective method of sacrificing supernatural beings. Against unarmored humans, however, its devastating. The victim keels over and dies, as his heart flares into flame. It takes two turns to burn the heart into ash; by then, the victim is irrevocably dead unless someone has the power to rebuild his heart from powder and return the soul to its body. This Gift is totally useless against those already dead (but not undead - vampires can still be destroyed this way).
Heal the Wounded Land (Level Five) - As the Level Four Metis Gift: Redeem the Waste.


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