Bubasti Gifts
Alms to the Poor (Level One) Beggars are an all-too-common feature of the Bubasti homelands. As a kindness (and perhaps as a bribe to the gods), the shadowcats developed this secret, which allows one to conjure up a small bit of food or money to give to a beggar. Naturally, the cat can use the alms for himself, but they taste slightly bitter and leave the palm greasy if used for selfish means. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls his Gnosis against difficulty 6. Each success creates a handful of food or cheap copper coins (no bills, silver or gold). Most Bubasti disguise this miracle by reaching into a sack or box before sharing this wealth.
Scholars Friend (Level One) A simple yet helpful Gift, this secret allows a Bubasti to read a book, scroll or tablet in any written language. This talent doesnt teach the cat any new language, nor will it help him understand esoteric concepts or missing bits of text. Even so, the ability to read anything set in front of you is a subtle yet powerful gift. System: The shadowcat spends a Gnosis point, rolls his Willpower and begins reading. The difficulty of the roll depends not he obscurity of the text: Language Difficulty Modern 5 Scholarly (Latin, Sanskrit) 6 Archaic or dead (Armaic) 7 Common pictorgrams (classic Egyptian) 8 Obscure pictograms/code (Sigils of Mu) 9 Personal codes/lost cuneiform 10 Only one roll is allowed per reading session. The gift lasts for one hour per success, and the cat must rest his eyes for several hours after finishing. A failed roll doesnt necessarily mean the werecat couldnt read the text; it may mean that he read it wrong. Storytellers are advised to keep the difficulty of the roll secret, and to base the information given on the success of the roll. One success lets the cat get the general idea, while four successes or more indicate complete understanding.
Mousemaze (Level Two) An unsettling spell of confusion, this Gift disorients a target until he blunders around in a panic. Walls shift and close in, shadows lengthen, sounds drift to his ears from all corners, and familiar places seem strange and threatening. Although the magic has no real effect on the persons surroundings, his terror and confusion send him into a frenzy, making him an easy target for the werecat lurking nearby. System: The cats player rolls Manipulation + Empathy, with the targets Willpower (or Rage, if higher) as a difficulty. Success scrambles his sense of direction and relationship. The better the roll, the more confused the target becomes. Three successes or more send him into a panic; werewolves and vampires must check for frenzy; mages must make Willpower rolls or go into short Quiet; mere humans just freak out. This disorientation lasts about 15 minutes, then slowly fades.
Spirit Ward (Level Two) By employing the eldritch enigmas of Egypt, a Bubasti can wall an area off from spirit-traffic. No spirit can move in or out of the warded place without the cats permission. Naturally, the stronger chaya can shred this barrier like papyrus; still, the wisest werecats can erect stronger barriers than their youngers can. System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling her Willpower against difficulty 8, the Bubasti erects a barrier across an area no larger than 30 feet by 30 feet. Each success the player rolls raises the Gauntlet around the area by 1 (maximum 10), and extends it so that the barrier exists in both the material and Penumbral worlds. This irritates the spirits, and they can often tell whos to blame. The Ward lasts one day per point of Gnosis in the Cats permanent pool, unless some spirit destroys it, which a chaya can do by rolling its Rage against the new Gauntlet rating. Three successes or more will turn the Ward to spirit-dust.
Banish Cahlashs brood (Level Three) By calling upon the Father of Dark Spirits, a Bubasti may command one of his brood to depart. Of course, powerful spirits or ones bound into fetishes wont be easily dismissed; doing so may demand great rituals or even a sacrifice. Small independent elementals or Banes, however, may be banished with slight effort. Calling upon Cahlash has a price: Each time the werecat performs this Gift, his fur grows a deeper shade of black and his actions become more erratic. Garou or Bastet who Sense Wyrm on him will detect the Unmakers essence upon him until he purges himself somehow. The more spirits he banishes, the deeper the taint becomes. System: The cats player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas and spends a Willpower point to attempt to dismiss a spirit. The difficulty is the spirits Gnosis, or its Rage if the latter is higher. Each success removes 10 points of the Spirits Power. Banishing a 30 power spirit, then, requires at least three successes. Getting rid of a powerful spirit might require an extended roll or two; a spirit bound into a fetish, meanwhile, sets the difficulty at 6 plus the fetishs level (a level 4 fetish would be difficulty 10, as would a level 5). Sacrificing a bit of blood to Cahlash may add to the Gifts effectiveness; for every Health Level spent this way, the Bubasti lowers the difficulty by 1. The spirit isnt under any obligation to sit still during the process, and may attack the Bastet until either the werecat stops or the spirit disappears. Nala help the werecat who botches this Gift; the Wyrm taint fills him utterly, and he must make a Rage roll, difficulty 6, or frenzy. Atonement isnt impossible, but ridding ones self of the dark taint often requires a rigorous quest without Renown.
The Many Tongues of Ptah (Level Three) As the Level Three Homid Gift: Babels Cure.
The Scarabs Flight (Level Four) By calling together the elements of her soul, a Bubasti can send them out of her body for a while. The body itself enters a deathlike trance until the Scarab return; although it doesnt decompose, all other signs (magical and otherwise) declare that the cat has died. The flying Scarab resembles an ordinary insect unless inspected with magical sense, in which case it glows brightly. System: Manifesting a soul into a beetle shape requires a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 8) and a one-Gnosis expenditure. From there, it takes wing from some orifice or crawls away unnoticed (Perception + Alertness, difficulty 9 to spot). The body remains intact for one day per success, during which time the Scarab can reenter and resurrect the cat. After the time limit passes, the body instantly decays, even if it has been preserved somehow.
Shadowplay (Level Four) As the Theurge Gift of the same name (found in the Players Guide). Unlike the werewolf Gift, the Bubasti does not have to mimic the shadows movements; once free, it can go about its business as if it were a perfect duplicate of the Bastet. Also unlike the Garou Gift, some light must be present to cast the shadow in the first place.
Deny the Hungry (Level Five) As the Level Five Homid Gift
Spirit Wall (Level Five) One of the greatest tricks a Bubasti learns is the area of calling together minor spirits from around the area and forming them into a wailing Umbral wall. Such magics do not endear a cat to the spirits in general, but by the time she achieves this Rank, a Bubasti should have enough sense to use such power wisely and enough power to protect herself when she uses it at all. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas. The difficulty can range from 6 to 10, depending on how many minor spirits are nearby. This takes two turns. To shape the assembled chaya into a wall, she spends two Gnosis points and rolls a contested roll between her Willpower and the spirits (assume a dice Pool of three dice for everyone success the Bubasti scores on the earlier roll). If she succeeds, the resulting wall blocks spirits, imposes a Gauntlet of 10 and lasts for one turn per success on the Willpower roll. If she fails, the spirits remain unbound, unformed and angrier than hell.
The Fleeing Scarab (Level Six) -- One of the Bubastis most obscure tribal secrets, this Gift allows a cat to remove her soul, incarnate it, and send it out of harms way while her body dies. The soul, which often takes the form of a flyin scarab beetle, searches out an appropriate new host body, climbs into its mouth while it sleeps, and lays the old soul into the new host. The Bubasti who knows this forbidden secret (and less than eight such cats exist) is theoretically immortal, though such longevity is purchased in other beings lives. System: Collecting the soul for transport requires three Gnosis points and a successful Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 8). Failure traps the soul in the body as it dies (although the Gift may be tried up to three times if the cat has enough time to do so). Once freed, the soul wings forth, searching for a host. It has 24 hours to find one before the soul-essence scatters. Once a host is found, the beetle climbs into his mouth and tries to take the body over. This possession demands an additional Gnosis point and a roll of the Bubastis current Willpower at the time of her death. This roll's difficulty is the host's current Willpower +3 (maximum 10). If successful, the Bastet takes over the body, retaining her old memories and the host's as well. If not, she can make one final try before her soul fades away forever. To retain command of the host, the cat makes weekly Willpower rolls against the host's original Willpower. Hence, the Bubasti rarely commandeer supernatural creatures or stubborn individuals, at least for long. After a lunar month has passed in one body, the host becomes a Bubasti with five points in the Past Life Background. Although all her previous Gifts are lost in the process, her memories remain intact. Thus, she knows where to learn them again later. A botch at any point in the use of the Gift sends the soul straight into the Oblivion spoken of by the Dead, so this magic is not lightly undertaken.
создание персонажа Бастет (увы, на английском)
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Поделиться322009-02-27 11:53:09
Ceilican Gifts
Mother's Blessing/Curse (Level One) -- Folklore holds that a cat had the ability to either bless or curse a pregnant woman. In the case of the Ceilican, this legend is true. A kind Bastet can offer a boon to the mother, while a spiteful one can harm her in some minor but memorable way. System: This Gift's effects are more psychological than physical, and get an extra boost from the way the Ceilican acts toward the mother whiule offering his wishes. Setting things in motion demands a Gnosis point and a roll of Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 7). While touching the nother's belly, the cat either wishes her well or ill, usually in some poetic rhyme. After that, some good or bad event befalls the woman or her child. Although the event itself is outside the character's control, the number of successes he rolls should reflect the power of the Blessing or Curse. Blessings can include an easy delivery, unusal good looks or great helath. Curses include breech birth, minor disability or poor constitution. Once one event has occurred, the gift is discharged.
Satyr's Wisdom (Level One) -- By calling upon the talents of his tribe's fae allies, a Ceilican can play any musical instrument as if he'd been rered with it in his hands. Although this talent is fleeting, it can make one hell of an impression. System: With a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 7), the cat gains a few temporary points in Expression, Performance or the optional Singing secondary Skill. For each success, he adds one dot to the chosen Trait. This lasts for as long as the Ceilican plays; afterward, the skill fades from his fingers until he either learns it for good or uses the Gift again.
Banish Burning (Level Two) -- This Gift became necessary during the Madness, when sorcerers and witch-hunters both tossed cats on the pyre to please demons and God. With it, the Ceilican may protect herself or a companion from normal fire. While the Moon Mother and Mistress of Catkind originated this Gift, Burning Cat is as well. System: Before the Bastet meets the flames, the player must roll Gnosis (difficulty 7) and spend one Willpower point to protect the Bastet. If she succeeds, no nonmagical fire will hburt the Bastet for the Gift's duration. Magical fires reduce their effects by one Health Level for every success. Banish Burning lasts one scene, and does nothing to protect the cat from smoke inhalation, oxygen deprivation or falling debris.
Sorcerer's Blade (Level Two) -- By casting this Gift on a weapon, a cat can enchant a blade so that it harms supernatural beings. A favorite trick of swashbuckling Ceilican who wandered the open roads in bygone eras, this Gift often comes from the King of Cats or Mistress of Catkind. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Occult while the cat cradles the weapon in her hands. The blade then inflicts aggravated damage until the next sunrise. Although this Gift allows the cat to enchant missile weapons, each bullet or arrow must be Gifted separately. Although the arrows may be reused, bullets cannot be.
Data Flow (level Three) -- As the Glass Walkers Gift (in the Player's Guide).
Phantasm (Level Three) -- Twisting the fibers of illusion, the Ceilican create majestic nonsense to baffle and enterain their comanions -- or horros to torment their enemies. This secret obviously comes from forbidden faerie lore, and can be quiet powerful in the hands of a cat with an active imagination. System: To cast a Phantasm, the player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge and spends a Willpower point. The resulting illusion lasts for one scene unless the cat chooses to dismiss itg, and can extend through an area roughly 10 feet square. Simpole illusions are easy; the more complex the trick, the harder it is to perform. Although the illusions have no siloid form, a casual witness might be fooled into believing that a Phantasm was real. Illusion Complexity One success Minor lights and noises Two successes Cherent and recognizalbe images or sounds Three successes Complex, interweaving imgaes and sounds Four successes Vivid mulisensory hallucinations Five sucesses Indistinguishable from the real thing with out examination Illusion Difficulty Single sound or flash of image 6 Complex pattern of light or sound 7 Complex moving pattern 8 Complex active pattern 9 Complex active multi-pattern 10
Monkey's Uncle (Level Four) -- As the Level Four Homid Gift of the same name.
Small Cousin (Level Four) -- Some Ceilican over-steeped in human culture call this Gift Blofeld's Cat after James Bond's nemesis (who, they insist, was the white cat, not the man). This Gift allows a Bastet to physically become a house cat. While this form can be limiting, it's very unobtrusive. Best of all, it doesn't hamper cat magic in any way, and screens out routine mystic senses. Unless the vitime subjects his housecat to a rigrous magical appraisal, the Bastet is free to enter and observe whatever he likes. System: The Ceilican's player spends a Gnosis point and rolls her Gnosis against difficulty 8; for each success, the Ceilican can retain her feline form for one hour. During this time, her Phsycal Attributes become those of a domestic cat, although her Social and Mental Attributes remain the same. She cannot speak, but can use any Gift that her feline form will allow. Although a person who makes a successful Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 8) might relaize that "there's something weird about the cat," her true nature remains hidden unless someone penetrates her disguise magically (with Disciplines or True Magick, for instance). Attempts to do so add 3 to their difficulty. It should be noted that few vampires or wizards bother to check every passing cat with magical sight unless they have some compelling reason to be so paraniod (over and above their usual paranoia).
Chariot of Lions (Level Five) -- This less-then-subtle Gift lets a Ceilican conjure a Chariot drawn by huge cats. Like the craft of the goddess Freyja, this chariot is made of coarse-cut wood and covered with Nordic designs. The two huge cats that pull it run as fast as the average car, and can, in a pinch, carry the Ceilican and one passenger into the air for a few moments. Only the Mistress of Catkind teaches this Gift; learning it without her blessings is a grave insult. System: The player rolls Gnosis against difficulty j8 and spends three Gnosis points. The chariot appears from think air and lasts for one scene, or for an hour -- long enough to make a quick getaway, but not long enough to use as regular transportation. by spending a Willpower point, the Bastet's player may urge the chariot intgo the air for two turns; each additional turn costs another Willpower point.
The Madness of Crowds (Level Five) -- As tales from the with-craze demonstrate, some Ceilican indulge their darker appetites after sundown. The more sadistic of these games involve bystanders whipped into a frenzy by this nasty secret, then set loose. Byh capering around a room or clearing, the Ceilican can stir up the wild side of everyone nearby, causing an orgy or riot unless her "subjects" are unusually stubborn or controlled. The same Gift can tame an angry mob, although it's generally easier to start trouble than to end it. System: The fae cat's player rolls Manipulation + Empathy to turn the mood of a crowd her way. By adding a Willpower point to the mix, she seizes control of their collective will. The difficulty of the task depends on the size of the mob, and on how inclined it is to follow her suggestion. A packed nightclub is more likely to be led into an orgy than a Baptist congregation (though the results of the latter might be more disturbing...). All targets must be within 700 feet when the cat begins to use the Gift. Circumstances and surroundings may add or subtrract from the overall difficulty; calming a disturbance raises the difficulty by 2. A person caught up in the Gift can attempt to resist with a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). The Madness lasts for one scene, and leaves the werecat's control once in motion. Size of Group Difficulty Small group (2-20 people) 6 Medium Group (20-50 people) 7 Crowd (50-100 people) 8 Mob (100-300 people) 9 Riot (300-500 people) 10
Поделиться332009-02-27 11:53:22
Khan Gifts
Rhino's Favor (Level One) -- By calling on the spirit of the rhino, a Khan may grow a temporary horn on her skull. Although the protrusion is a bit unsightly, it allows the tiger to head-butt an opponent for considerable damage. System: The Khan rolls Gnosis to grow the horn. This protrusion lasts for one scene, and allows her to gore opponents for Strength + 2 (aggravated damage, difficulty 7). Tiger skulls aren't built for ramming, however; botching such an attack inflicts normal Strength damage back on the Khan.
Skin of Jade (Level One) -- Willing himself solid, a Khan might turn his skin to the hardness of jade. It's said that the spirit of the rock itself taught this Gift to Yu Kwan, a warrior in the service of the alchemist Ko Hung. System: By spending a Willpower point and rolling Gnosis (difficulty 7), the tiger gains an additional two dice to his soak rolls. This Gift l asts one scene.
Heart of Fury (Level Two) - As the Ahroun Gift.
Ricepaper Walk (Level Two) - By attuning his inner energies, a Khan can walk cross a light or fragile surface without disturbing it, regardless of his form or weight. A 900- pound Crinos weretiger weighs no more than a wisp of paper so long as he concentrates on this feat. Once his attention shifts, the Khan's full weight returns. System: The player makes a Gnosis roll to activate the Gift. Once he does, the Khan must move immediately at half his normal walking speed across whatever surface he wants to cross, and cannot stop. Any distractions force the tiger to make a Willpower roll to keep his concentration; the louder the disruption, the higher the difficulty. The tiger can't carry any other living weight, although he may bear a significant amount of inanimate baggage.
Maker's Charm (Level Three) - Like the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker.
Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger (Level Three) - By channeling his chi energy through this Gift, a Khan may wreath his paws or hands in crackling spirit power. Thus fortified, the tiger can rip through enemies in the spirit world without stepping sideways to do it, so long as he can see them. Obviously, no spirit will teach a Bastet such a damaging Gift; he'll have to learn it from another Khan (and considering this Gifts' nature, the learning can be very dangerous!). System: The Khan spends a Gnosis point and concentrates. The next turn, his paws or hands begin to smolder in blue-white light. This light burns from blue to green to yellow to red. When it attains a pinkish hue, the Gift dissipates. This takes roughly six turns.
Asura's Bane (Level Four) - As the Level Three Bubasti Gift: Banish Cahlash's Brood, except that using it turns the tiger's pelt white instead of black. Unlike the shadowcats, tigers channel Rahjah to banish corruption.
Dragonroar (Level Four) - Bellowing like a thunderclap, the Khan vomits a ball of Fire on his foes. This burning exhalation continues to blaze until either it or its target is consumed. System: This Gift costs one Gnosis point to perform and blasts out a fireball worth one Health Level for each point of the Khan's current (not permanent) Gnosis. A successful Dexterity + Brawl roll puts the fireball where the tiger wants it. Anyone within 10 feet of the blast is burned unless he makes a Dexterity + Dodge roll (difficulty 8). If the target has already acted this turn, the Dragonroar inflicts its full damage. Next turn, it will burn for half that damage, igniting anything flammable in its range. On the third turn, the Gift's fire burns for one additional Health Level, then dies. A fire begun by the Gift will burn like any normal blaze (see Werewolf, page 197).
Call to Battle (Level Five) - As the Ahroun Gift: Strength of Will
Thousand-Thunder Strike (Level Five) - By slamming his paws together and invoking Rahjah or one of his manifestations (Shiva, Pan Gu, etc.), an angry tiger cause a shockwave that can level buildings or disrupt unclean spirits. The King of Cats, in his more regal guises, teaches this Gift to worthy Khan. System: The player spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). Each success inflicts three points of Power damage against Asura or other Banes, whichever side of the Gauntlet they might inhabit. This wave also shakes structures in a 200-foot radius. The severity of the damage depends on Khan's successes: one breaks windows, two crack plaster, three snap wood, four shatter concrete and five bend metal. The wave lasts only a moment, but can be felt for a mile or more.
Поделиться342009-02-27 11:53:35
Pumonac Gifts
Mockingbird's Mirror (Level One) -- According to legend, an early Pumonca known as Three Spiders Climb mastered the art of mimicry and ventriloquism, and passed the secret on to his friends. This secret lets a cougar imitate whomever he wishes - birds, animals, humans, even machines - and allows him to throw his new voice for some distance. As the name suggests, a Mockingbird-spirit often passes the secret along, usually in return for food. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge to imitate sounds within the normal human vocal range. So long as he's successful, his mimicry is flawless. If he tries to mirror sounds outside the normal range - subsonic vibrations, explosions, high-frequency whines, etc. - the cat must spent and a Gnosis point and the difficulty is 7. This gift lasts roughly a scene, and sounds can be "thrown" up to 100 feet away from where the werecat stands.
Wanderer's Boon (Level One) -- Travel is hard, especially given the Spartan ways of the Pumonca. This Gift allows a cougar to adapt to changing climates quickly or to ignore the pangs of hunger or thirst for some time. Bird and Bear-spirits pass this Gift along. System: By rolling Stamina + Survival and spending a Willpower point, the player allows he werecat to do one of the following things; ignore the worst effects of normal heat and cold for a week; go one day without water; or go three days without food. The difficulty for the roll is 6, although harsh conditions (blizzards, droughts, heat waves, etc.) can raise it by two or more. The Gift can be repeated, but the difficulty rises by one each time it's performed in succession.
Raincalling (Level Two) - The spirits of wind and weather are the best friends and the worst enemies a Pumonca can have. This Gift, which cam from a pact between Old Stone Face and the East Wind, allows a cougar to call forth rain. The shower is more a drizzle than a thunderstorm, but it can cool a hot day, water crops or dampen an empty creek bed in minutes. System: The cougar's player rolls Manipulation + Survival and spends a Gnosis point to call forth rain. The difficulty depends on the conditions: humid, overcast skies are difficulty 6, while dry, clear skies raise it to 10. If there aren't any clouds in sight, the Gift could take some time to manifest. The intensity and length of the shower depends on the successes rolled; one success might get a brief drizzle, while five successes would make it rain fairly hard for an hour or so. This Gift inflicts no damage and cannot flood most areas.
Stonework (Level Two) - As the Level Three Homid Gift: Craft of the Maker, except that it only affects stone, dirt, clay and glass, employs a Manipulation + Survival roll, and reshapes the object permanently.
Bayou Shambler (level Three) - Deserts and mountains aren't the only places Pumonca roam. So-called "swampcats" know the Southern wetlands well. By crooning to the spirits of the bayous and calling upon any favors owed, a Pumonca can call forth a swamp elemental, dripping with plants and ooze, to assist her. While the creature retains its own free will, a Shambler is disposed o be friendly to the cat and hostile toward anyone in her way. System: The player spends two points each of Rage and Gnosis to animate the Shambler, and rolls Willpower against difficulty 7. The resulting creature is semi-intelligent at best, smells terrible, and lasts for three turns per success. Suggested Shambler Traits are: Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, Wits 1 Abilities: Alertness 1, Brawl 3, Stealth 3 Health Levels: Two per success, and no penalties apply. Once its Health Levels are gone, the Shambler falls apart.
Thunderbolt (Level Three) - A pact with the spirits of the storm allows some Pumonca to call down a thunderbolt. So long as at least one cloud hangs in the air, the cougar can call down lightning. Most cougars learn this mighty spell from Thunderbird himself. System: The cougar's player spends a point of Rage to summon a bolt of lightning, and rolls Dexterity + Survival to hit the target. Under normal conditions (partly cloudy skies, human-sized target), the roll's difficulty is 8, large targets or stormy skies can decrease it to 7 or 6, while dry conditions or unusually small targets can raise the difficulty to 9 or even 10. The bolt inflicts two Health Levels worth of fire damage for every point of the werecat's Gnosis. Even if the Thunderbolt misses its victim, it's still a terrifying experience to be on the receiving end of a lightning strike. Would-be victims to roll their Willpower against difficulty 8 to avoid running in fear.
Element-Folk Favor (Level Four) -- Old Stone Face made many allies among the elemental spirits, and performed many favors for their kind before passing on. The ageless spirits remember his good deeds by aiding those who invoke their ancient ancestor. A Pumonca who performs this Gift can call up an elemental spirit (see Werewolf, pages 266-267) for help. Once it arrives, the spirit will do what it can to assist the cat; after it finishes one task, the spirit departs. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas and spends a Gnosis point to summon the elemental. The roll's difficulty is that of the local Gauntlet. The spirit, if it appears, will be friendly toward the cat, so long as she reminds him of her blood-link to Old Stone Face. No other tribe warrants the same kindness; in fact, Bubasti who have tried to swipe this Gift have been destroyed by the angry elemental spirits they called up. When the first service named has been finished, or when one hour has elapsed, the elemental departs peacefully.
The Hungry Earth (Level Four) - The Mother is not at peace. Some Pumonca know how to rouse her enough to show her displeasure. When this Gift is employed, the ground shakes, opens or given, way, covering tracks, sealing passages or burying the cat's opponents alive. System: Depending on the cat's environment, this Gift takes many different forms: among hills or mountains, it causes an avalanche; in the swamps, it begets quicksand; in deserts and plains, it causes the ground to peon up beneath a target. To invoke these disasters, the cat's player rolls Manipulation + Survival, with the difficulty being the area's Gauntlet +2 (maximum 10) and spends a Rage point. The exact effects are up to the Storyteller, but often affect a 100-foot radius for each success rolled. If the attack causes damage assume that the victim takes two or three normal Health Levels for each success. Some attacks, like falling rocks, are more deadly, but may allow the target a Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6-8) to get clear.
Earthspeaking (Level Five) - By sifting dirt and calling on the spirits within the ground, a puma receives visions of things that have happened in the area. These insights can help her follow trails, "witness" past events, or learn where things came from or went. Bird-spirits often pass this Gift along, but some worm and elemental chaya do they part too, especially if the Bastet's questions serve the spirits' ends. System: The Pumonca concentrates while chanting a single question and a plea. While she does, the player rolls perception + Enigmas to see into the past. Success reveals the answer. The more distant the even, the higher the difficulty, unless it left impressions so vivid that they never fade (like the Trail of Tears), which might reduce the difficulty by one or two. Events that occurred more than a year ago require a Gnosis point to "see". The vision comes from the perspective of the ground nearby, which might make details hard to read (imagine a worm's-eye view of a murder); some dreams pass emotional impressions, too, leaving moods that can last for hours. Time Elapsed Difficulty A week 4 A month 5 Six months 6 A year 7 10 years 8 50 years 9 100 years + 10
Thunderbird's Cry (Level Five) - As the Level Five Metis Gift: Wrath of Nala, except that the storm may last for up to an hour if the player's roll exceeds five successes.
Earthquake (Level Six) - An old and desperate secret known only to a handful of living cats, this pact allows a Pumonca to shake the earth Herself, wrecking roads and crumbling buildings. Although the epicenter of the quake is fairly small, the tremors can be felt for miles. System: As the Gift: The Hungry Earth, except that an Earthquake requires two Gnosis points and two Rage points, affects one mile, and causes damage proportionate to the cat's successes (one success can break windows; two would crack plaster; three crumble asphalt, four shatter concrete, and vie buckle metal).
Поделиться352009-02-27 11:53:50
Qualmi Gifts
Breakfast of Stones (Level One) - As the Level One Pumonca Gift: Wanderer's Boon
Turned Fur (Level One) - As the Wendigo gift: Camouflage, save that the cat must discard any clothing and gear before the Gift takes effect - the lynx is the only thing that changes color.
No Hidden Thing (Level Two) - By reading the riddles of the world as mystic patterns, a Qualmi can discover answers that aren't immediately obvious to mortals. It's hard to hid things from a lynx. System: This Gift combines the Level One Common Gifts: Spirits' Sight, Dowsing, Pathfinder's Pride, Sense the Truth, Sense Unmaker's Hand and Cat Sight. The roll is Perception + Enigmas, and the difficulty ranges from 5 to 9, depending on what the lynx is looking for and how well it's hidden. The Qualmi must spend one Gnosis, but retains the use of this Gift for the entire scene.
Wind from the West (Level Two) -- Words can be as ephemeral as the Pacific fog; by making them dance and shimmer, a Qualmi can lead a less-clever opponent into a mental maze, then leave him there to puzzle his own way out. This takes the form of a series of high-speed riddles designed to tie folks' minds into knots. Most Qualmi are especially pleased to find someone clever enough to avoid this mental snare. System: As the Level Two Bubasti Gift: Mousemaze, except that the roll is Manipulation + Enigmas, and does not cost a Gnosis point. To counter the confusion effect, the target might try to figure out the puzzle (Wits + Enigmas) before it takes effect, Oddly enough, it pleases most Qualmi when a victim can hink for himself; this often leads to a ridding contest, with the loser becoming confused by the magic. To simulate this exchange, see "Gamecraft" in Werewolf (page 223), and raise the difficulty by one after each turn. When it reaches 10, check the final result: if someone wins and another loses, the loser suffers magical confusion; if both lose, they're both confused; if both win, neither is confused. Most Qualmi take defeat well under these circumstances, and can be very generous losers.
Drop of Sea (Level Three) - Qualmi are renowned shapeshifters; this Gift, which allows them to take a variety of forms, demonstrates why. System: This Gift combines the powers of the Level Four Homid Gift: Monkey's Uncle and Level Five Swara Gift: All the Beasts Under the Sun, with the following differences: The roll is Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 7); the animal shapes run from hard-sized to bear-sized; and an observer who makes a perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 9) may see the werecat for what she is. If he wants to undo the magic, he may ask the transformed werecat a riddle (see "Gamecraft"); if she can't answer it, she changes back to her old form immediately.
Nighttime Web (Level Three) - As the Level Three Common Gift: Cheshire Prank, except that the roll is Intelligence + Enigmas.
Still Breeze Blowing (Level Four) -- Like the Lupus Gift: Elemental Gift, this magic allows a Qualmi to conjure a spirit to shift members of this tribe favor air and ice elementals over fire or earth.
Call Down the Stars (Level Five) -- Sometimes the best answer to a riddle is force. This Gift recalls the days of Strange Owl Woman, when the white men dragged iron monsters across the open lands. By confusing the spirits inside machinery with a staggering combustion to explode. This tend to fix most problems for good. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (difficulty 7) and spends a Willpower point to drive the riddle home. If she succeeds, the power source - be it gas, coal, wood, electricity, kerosene, whatever - ignites. The exact effect are left to the Storyteller, small fires may flare for one or two Health Levels per success, while car gas tanks or steam train furnaces might blow for four Health Levels per success. Some combustion must be involved - a canister of gasoline will not explode on its own. No Qualmi has dared to find out what would happen if the spirits of nuclear power plants were confused; the result might poison the entire land.
Water's Vision (Level Five) - Water sees everything. By learning to see as the water does, a Qualmi can look through barriers to see what lies beyond them. Walls, vault, the Gauntlet - nothing stops a Qualmi who wants to see around them. System: Seeing through barriers requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll against the Gauntlet rating. For each success, the lynx can see 100 feet without obstruction. Every object, from stone walls to living bodies to the Gauntlet, appears translucent and immaterial. Unfortunately, it's often hard to pick on thing out from among the series of see- through patterns; it often requires a Perception + Alertness roll to notice details. This vision stops at ground level, although the cat can see into basements or cellars if her sight extends far enough. This power lasts one turn per success.
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Simba Gifts
Majesty (Level One) - The first trick a good kings learns it to how to impress his subjects. By employing the ancient right of command, any Simba may demand espect and expect to get it. System: Like the Level One Common Gift: Command Attention, except that it lasts a whole scene and involves Manipulation + Intimidation. Other Simba are immune to its effects.
Submit (Level One) - The second trick in a ruler's arsenal is the ability to make his subjects obey whether they want to or not. By mastering their bodies, a Simba can force others to fall to their knees or roll over on their backs in submission. They can say whatever they like, but their reactions betray their cowardice! System: Like the Philodox Gift: Roll Over, although Simba of Ranks One or Two will have to spend two Gnosis to use it. The Gift won't change a target's mind, but it will master his body if the player rolls at least three successes in a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 7). This lasts one turn per success. Simba are immune to this Gift if it is used by one of their kind.
Armor of Kings (Level Two) - As the Children of Gaia Gift: Luna's Armor.
Rallying Challenge (Level Two) - By sending her inner power outward, a Simba may rally herself to accomplish things normally outside her range. With a shattering cry, she raises her physical strength or force of personality to unusual heights. System: Like the Level Two Bagheera Gift: Ojas Surge, except that it only boosts Strength, Stamina or Charisma, takes one turn (and a thunderous roar) to achieve, and can only be done once per scene.
Fireroar (Level Three) - As the Level Three Khan Gift: Dragonroar.
Shadow the Moon's Light (Level Three) - There is a time for everything, even for stealth. As nocturnal hunters, the catkings have perfected a secret which allows them to dim the light as they approach. While it can't actually extinguish the moon, this Gift stifles natural, magical and technological lights equally well. Sytem: To dim the local lights, the werecat's player rolls Manipulation + Stealth. The dimness lasts for one turn per success. Light Source Difficulty Weak (torches, lamps) 6 Bright (fires, moonlight) 7 Harsh illumination (headlights) 8 Powerful lamps (halogen bulbs, yard lights) 9 Overwhelming (spotlight, sunlight) 10
The Bountiful Dominion (Level Four) - A ruler must be prepared to provide for his subjects. By laying this Gift upon the land, a Simba can make the local crops grow quickly, the soil turn fertile and the waters run clear. This Gift comes from the hand of Manu T'Chaa, who ended a famine with his wisdom and passed the secret to his descendants. System: As the Level Four Metis Gift: Redeem the Waste, except that the magic doubles crop growth and health, purifies water immediately, and costs one Gnosis per success.
King of Beasts (Level Four) - As the Philodox Gift: King of the Beasts, except that it affects all animals within 300 feet.
Command the Multitude (Level Five) -- Like the Level One Gift: Submit, except that it affects everyone in a 200-foot radius and requires a Gnosis point. To make things easy, the Storyteller may simply have the player roll three successes with Willpower (difficulty 9) to dominate a strong-willed crowd. Lesser foes, like normal humans or animals, reduce the difficulty to 6.
Rising Sun (Level Five) - It is said that the lion carries the sun in his heart; the saying may contain more truth than poetry. Some powerful Simba can cause the land around them to blaze with sunlight, even at night. According to tribal caliah, Taa Mlimba used this magic to drive the vampires from his lands ages ago. Although it's not as effective against the undead as true sunlight, this Gift is certainly potent. System: Conjuring sunlight requires two Gnosis points and a Charisma + Primal Urge roll (difficulty 7). Once this is done, the surrounding rock and earth begin to glow. Each turn, the light grows brighter, until the rocks blaze like the sun; after six turns, it fades away. This light, blinding as it is, doesn't hurt most living things, and leaves the rocks stone cold; against vampires and other things that fear the sun, however, the Gift inflicts one dditional cumulative aggravated Health Level for every turn after the first (one during the second turn, two during the third, etc.). Thus, at its height, the light causes five Health Levels of damage. While this damage may be soaked with Fortitude, most Kindred will remember such an encounter ....
Royal Privilege (Level Six) - This deeply despised trickery allows an ancient and powerful lion to steal another werecat's Gifts, even those which traditionally belong only to that tribe or breed. Black Tooth has gathered a lot of his power through this deadly secret. Those who've met him claim he invokes his "privilege" by killing other Bastet, then taking their secrets from their spirits as they die. While there may be other Bastet who know the Gift, they don't have many friends. System: This Gift comes from the Unmaker, and may be restricted to one or two corrupt old lions in the Storyteller's domain. Using it is simple, yet difficult: To learn a new Gift, the werecat who knows it must be killed. As the victim dies, the Simba invokes this terrible power, ripping the secrets from the dying flesh. This requires two Gnosis and a Manipulation + Occult roll. The difficulty is the dying cat's Rank +5. For each success, the lion may learn one Gift he didn't know before, providing the slain Bastet knew it instead. To "keep" these Gifts, the Simba must pay experience points for them, a stolen Gift that remains "free" can be used once, then forgotten. Only Simba know this trick - some Bubasti have tried to acquire it, but have died in the process.
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Swara Gifts
Diamond Claws (Level One) - As the Level One Common Gift: Razor Claws. This magic is especially helpful for the Swara, who wear their claws down through daily use.
Impala's Flight (Level One) - As the Level Three Common Gift. This results in a truly impressive speed.
Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) - As the Level Four Common Gift of the same name. That this talent is so common among the Swara is a closely-guarded secret.
Weight of the Heart (Level Two) - As the Swara know, the weight of emotions comes from the weight of the heart. Making the heart swell creates euphoria, while shrinking it generates terror and despair. By working the weight of another being's heart, a Swara can induce crazy mood swings from a distance. Nothing diffuses a fight faster than making the aggressor walk away in near-suicidal depression. Tales credit this Gift to Hatti, who knows the ways of the heart better than most people do. System: A Manipulation + Empathy roll changes the target's mood. The more radical the shift (from joy to sudden weeping), the higher the difficulty. Even so, this is an easy Gift to use - its difficulties range from 4 to 8. The victim - if even aware that something has changed his mood from the outside - can resist the Gift with a Willpower roll at difficulty 8. Otherwise, the Gift lasts one scene, and inflicts no damage.
Clearwater Passage (Level Three) -By turning herself into liquid, a Swara can pass through barriers without fully passing into the Umbra. Like water, she trickles through cracks, seeps around obstacles and soaks through materials. Once she reaches the other side, the cheetah reforms into a solid shape and continues on her way. It's said that Shi'a the Water Ghost taught this Gift to the Swara elder Nyolo in return for a kiss. He nearly drowned, but survived her embrace long enough to pass the Gift to his friends before joining his love beneath the waves. System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 7) to turn her Bastet into water, and the cat remains in that state for two turns per success. While liquid, she cannot be harmed by any physical attack except fire (from which she takes the usual aggravated damage). She may reform at any time, but must use the Gift again to turn into liquid again. If she's been "absorbed" while in a watery state, the Swara bursts out of the material when she turns back into solid form.
Dance of the Chaya (Level Three) - One of the greatest favors a Bastet can offer a spirit is the chance to ride in his skin for a while. Although most cats would never consider such a "loan," many Swara see voluntary possession as a service, not a chore. This Gift, which begins with a frenzied dance, allows a chaya to enter the werecat and "take control" for a while. The spirit gets a body to ride, and the werecat gets certain... benefits. The Dance is seen more as an act of love or affection than a servitude - a sentiment few Bastet would ever understand. System: A smart cheetah performs a spirit calling before he starts the Gift, and scans the Umbra to see who responds before opening himself to the possession. More often than not, the cat will be familiar with ghost or spirit before he offers it a ride. Once the Dance has begun, the player rolls Charisma + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Gift lasts about two turns per success, and allows the Swara to do things that would usually be impossible - wild contortions, great feats of strength, flight, etc. The exact effects of the Dance will depend on the spirit, the Bastet their circumstances, and the relationship between the three, but should emphasize drama over game systems.
Ghost Caress (Level Four) - This secret, called the "Ghost Caress" because most people blame ghost s for its effects, recalls the time when all things were still one. By tapping the spirits that bond objects together, the Swara can send sensations across a distance. To use the Gift, a Cheetah must hold something that contains the essence of the person she wants to affect; locks of hair, prized possessions, or items of clothing are good examples. Focusing her intention on the item, she does whatever she wants done to the item, not the target. A sympathetic pulse passes between the two objects and, if the cat has been successful, transfers a feeling from the item to the target. Although the magic can't physically harm someone, it can drive him nearly crazy as phantom pains or pleasures was over him without noticeable cause. System: To reach across space, the Swara's player spends a Willpower point and rolls Gnosis. The difficulty depends on the distance between the Bastet and her target. Whatever she does to her focus from that point passes the sensation on to the person on the receiving end. Each success gives her one action to perform. When those actions are done, the spell ends. This Gift passes sensations only, not damage; it can send the feeling of being slapped, but it will not do harm. Likewise, it cannot move the target at all; a Swara who simply lifts a handkerchief cannot lift the person who owned it. Distance Difficulty Nearby (one mile) 7 A ways off (two to five miles) 8 Distant (six to 10 miles) 9 Really distant (10 to 50 miles) 10
Judgment of Pestilence (Level Four) - As the Level Five Feline Gift of the same name.
All Beasts Under the Sun (Level Five) - As the Black Fury: The Thousand Forms.
River of Blood (Level Five) - The soil of Africa has been bathed in the blood of its inhabitants for millions of years. A Swara can call that spilled blood together through the soil and give it form, creating a pool, a river, a mass of tentacles, or a variety of other things. This bond to blood seems to be limited to African soil; if a Swara has ever used this Gift outside his native land, no tales of the event survive. System: It costs a Rage point to pull a large amount of blood together. A successful Manipulation + Primal-Urge roll is also required. The roll's difficulty depends on location; a place that's seen a lot of bloodshed (a watering hole, the site of a massacre, etc.) is only7, while a remote mountain peak would be 10. It takes several turns for the blood to coalesce into solid form; once it does, the cheetah can work it into any of the following shapes: a wall, a column, a shower, a geyser, a pool, a river, a rope, a bridge, or a mass of "arms" which wrap the target in a liquid embrace. All forms have Strength or Health Levels based on the cat's successes. For each success, the blood attains two dots of Strength or two Health Levels. Although it remains liquid, the River of Blood can be as solid as thick sand or as fluid as water. This Gift lasts for one scene, then the blood drains back into the earth. The Swara who performs the Gift will be sad for hours afterward; the blood of immeasurable death has passed through his hands.
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Bastet Breed and Common Gifts
Cat Claws (Level One) -- By calling on her heritage, a Bastet in Homid or Sokto form can unsheathe her claws and attack as if she was in beast-form. System: A simple Stamina + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7) brings out a cat's claws. They remain out as long as she cares to keep them, but damned peculiar and hurt to use (+1 to all combat and Dexterity difficulties). Once resheathed, they must be called forth again.
Sweet Hunter's Smile (Level One) -- With a charming look, the werecat wins his target over; if that look shifts into a snarl or a stare, the victim feels uneasy and may back away, intimidated. System: By rolling Manipulation + Primal-Urge, the Bastets adds a die to all subsequent Social rolls for the remainder of the scene. This only works on one target at a time. Difficulty is the subject's Willpower if she's hostile to the werecat, 6 in most situations, and 4 if she's already inclined to like or fear him. At storyteller's option, the player may add two dice if he scores four successes or more.
Jam Technology (Level Two) -- As the Garou Homid Gift of the same name. Garou sensing for the Wyrm at this time will notice a slight shimmer coming from the werecat who uses this Gift, as the Bastet version invokes the power of Cahlash.
Eavesdroppers Ear (Level Two) -- By listening carefully, a Bastet may hear things outside the normal human range, or understand something spoken some distance away. This is said to be a Gift from Whispers. System: A simple Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 6) boosts the cats hearing into the high and low sonic spectrums, and adds two dice to her Perception Dice Pool for hearing rolls only. The Gift lasts one scene, and makes the Bastet susceptible to sudden loud noises (which might inflict one to three Health Levels of normal damage in extreme cases like explosions or high-frequency alarms). Craft of the Maker (Level Three) --As the Garou Homid Gift: Reshape Object
Babels Cure (Level Three) -- By flexing Rahjahs powers, a Bastet can translate any human language in her vicinity. Invoking the Unmaker will turn everything into gibberish. System: To render languages either clear or unintelligible, the player rolls her Manipulation + Linguistics (difficulty 6). This Gift works on spoken words, writing and even body language. Everyone within 50 feet will understand all communications for the duration. Cahlashs inversion of the Gift scrambles everything the same way. Either version lasts for one turn (or minute) per success, and each can cancel the other out.
Whats the Password? (Level Four) -- By communing with the odd spirits inside computers, a werecat can call up the passwords to files, accounts or encryptions. Although few nature-bound Bastet know this trick, many of their city cousins have at lest heard of it. Most of those who do know it charge hefty favors for the teaching .... System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas, spends a Gnosis point, and hopes the Net-Spiders will be generous. These encounters should be played out -- computer spirits can be pretty weird, and may want a bribe. The difficulty depends on the targets value. A successful Computer or Hacking roll can reduce this difficulty by 1 for every two successes (same difficulties; see The Werewolf Players Guide, pages 194-199). Information Difficulty Checking accounts 5 Corporate records 6 Important documents 7 Secure accounts 8 Corporate secrets 9 Government secrets 10
Monkeys Uncle (Level Four) -- With this Gift, a werecat can assume any human form in seconds. Changes can include physical prowess, attractiveness, racial features, gender and age. Legends credit this Gift to Coyote, although the Bubasti claim to have discovered it first. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 5). Really extreme changes, like changing from Dr. Ruth into Arnold Schwarzenegger, raise the difficulty by one. For each success, the player can add one dot to her characters Physical or Social Traits for the Gifts duration. Monkeys Uncle lasts for one hour per success, applies only to the Bastet herself, and may be detected with a resisted roll (Perception verses Gnosis, difficulty 8) by someone with magical senses.
Black Friday (Level Five) -- This dreaded Gift, the bane of the Information Age, allows a Bastet to crash a computer network in seconds. By communing with Net Spiders (see Whats the Password?) and promising a few favors, a lucky werecat can wreak system havoc without even touching a keyboard. Its rarely done because of its tendency to backfire (wiping out ones own computer files!), but causes untold headaches for the programmers of Pentex. System: The player rolls his Manipulation + Enigmas to convince the Spiders to do his dirty work. Obviously, he has to have some way of reaching them first, such as a Gift, a short visit to the Penumbra, or a message typed into the doomed system. Once the deal is set in motion, the Spiders eat the systems data; a skillful data retriever can undo the damage, but itll take days or weeks to fix. The Gifts difficulty depends on the size and complexity of the system in question. Protected networks add one to the amount of successes needed; magickal systems include Trinary computers or Technomagickal networks (see Mage: The Ascension). A botch causes the Spiders to wreck your own data instead. Note that this kind of tampering immediately sets off alarms on guarded systems; a would-be saboteur would be wise to amscray ontopray! Network Difficulty Successes Needed Small Office 6 one - two Large Office 6 three - four Small Corporate 7 four - five Large Corporate 8 four - five Internatioanl/Government 9 five - 10 Secret Government/Magickal 10 five - 15
Deny the Hungry (Level Five) -- With a gesture or spray, a spiteful werecat can destroy crops and fertile land, spoil food or toxify drinking water. Legend lays this Gift at the feet of the Bubasti, who were said to punish disrespectful communities with famine and drought. Some Simba use it for the same reasons. Sadly, its easier to destroy than to create; undoing this damage requires a different Gift all together. System: The player spends a permanent Rage point and rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Each success withers one mile of crops, spoils a waterhole or lake, or renders one ton of food or drink unusable. Only the Redeem the Waste Gift, a Rite of Cleansing, or powerful Life and Prime magicks (see Mage) can undo the destruction. Cropland will remain infertile for a year, water will be poisoned for the same time. Spoiled food is rotten forever, and those who eat it anyway will grow ill. These effects, and the casting of the Gift, clearly comes from the Unmaker, and may be detected by appropriate Gifts.
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Create Element (Level One) -- As the Garou Metis Gift. Most Bastet favor the five Oriental elements (fire, wood, metal, earth and water), but those born in the Western Hemisphere often know them as earth, air, fire and water. An Eastern Bastet may create raw ore and wood, but cannot conjure air. Neither version can create precious metals, refined ores, gasses or poison.
Sense Primal Nature (Level One) -- As attuned as they are to the Jamaa, Metis Bastet can easily sense whether one of those entities has a strong influence on a person, place or thing. System: This Gift works like the Level One Common Gift: Sense Unmaker's Hand, except that it detects as strong affinity for Rahjah, Nala or Cahlash (Weaver, Wyld or Wyrm). Examples include Banes Cahlash), Technomagi (Rahjah) and some Garou (Nala, though some may tend toward the other two). However, the difficulty is one higher than that of Sense Unmaker's Hand.
Blinding Moonbeam Gaze (Level Two) -- By calling upon Mother Seline, the werecat shoots bright beams of moonlight from her eyes. These dont inflict real damage, but can blind or distract an opponent, and provide illumination as well. Superstitious people often run away when confronted with a giant moon-eyed cat. System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). The light blasts forth on the next turn, and lasts for one turn per success. The moonlight offers the illumination of a high-powered flashlight, and can blind an opponent during his next turn if hes surprised and hit in the eyes with the light (Dexterity + Brawl, difficulty 8).
Whisker Sight (Level Two) -- By attuning herself to her surroundings, a Metis Bastet can get as sense of her surroundings. Anything within reach -- even if its behind her, or invisible -- is plain to all her senses. System: Roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). Success grants the character total sensory perceptions within a 10 foot radius. This doesnt automatically reveal hidden or invisible objects, but it allows her to try a normal Perception roll to notice things that would normally be beyond her sight. The Gift lasts one scene.
Spirit-Touch (Level Three) -- This Gift functions like the Level Four Common Gift: Spirit Claws, except that it works anywhere.
First of Cahlash (Level Three) -- By channeling in raw destructive power, an angry Bastet can destroy any material thing with a snarl. Although the Gift isnt terrible effective against living (or undead) creatures, its potency can be avowed by a multitude of puzzled technicians and drivers in various rainforest-clearing projects. System: The werecats player spends a Rage point and rolls her Rage against difficulty 6 (for inanimate objects) or 8 (for living or undead beings). Each success either destroys 10 pounds or (10 cubic feet) of matter, or inflicts one aggravated Health Level. The later damage can only be soaked by a Gnosis or Glamour roll (difficulty 6) Spirit or Prime countermagick, or vampiric Fortitude. Affected targets literally burst or fly apart. The First cannot affect spirit-matter of any kind; even Materialized spirits or ghosts are immune. New attacks require new rolls and expenditures.
Moons Gateway (Level Four) -- By calling upon a Lune for help, the Bastet opens a Moon Bridge between caerns or Den-Realms. Such travel only occurs at night. The Gateway forms as a glowing fog, which slowly swirls into the shape of werecats intended destination. Anyone who wants to use the Bridge must enter before the summoner. when she passes through, the Gateway disperses. System: The player spends one Gnosis point per 100 miles and rolls Intelligence + Alertness. The Gateways difficulty depends on the werecats familiarity with her destination, from 5 for her own Den-Realm to 10 for an unknown location or any Otherworldly Ream. The two travel points must involve either a Den-Realm or some other mystical location (a caern, a Node or Chantry, a Horizon Realm, etc.). A botch lands the traveler(s) in some strange or dangerous place. Traveling out of material reality is always tricky; those lost on such trips are often lost forever ....
Redeem the Waste (Level Four) -- Part of Metis role is the salvation of despoiled wilderness. To do so, hell often sniff around, paw at the earth, rub his scent around and urinate in various places, essentially claiming the place as his own. While this isnt a true Rite of Claiming, it resembles it in many ways. By dedicating himself to this land, he can summon forth a healing power to save it from toxins and other desecrations. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Survival (difficulty 7) and spends a Gnosis point. Each success makes one square half-mile of damaged, cursed or barren land fertile again; uprooted trees wont re-plant themselves, but new trees and plants will rapidly grow. This healing is permanent until someone takes the time to despoil the land again.
Moon Sense (Level Five) -- By meditating upon a pool of moonlit water, a Bastet may see anything that transpires beneath Selines glow. Although its difficult to see distant or hidden locations, a rigorous search can see anywhere on Earth. System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas and spends a Gnosis point. The Bastet must be staring into outside water. Any place touched my moonlight (even near windows, indoors, and within the Penumbra) may be sensed with all six senses, as if the Bastet were standing in the moonlight itself. The waters surface must be calm; raging waters will reveal nothing. The searchs difficulty depends upon the distance scanned and the Bastets familiarity with it. If she observes for more than a minute (or requires more than three rolls), another Gnosis point must be spent. A person with mystical senses might realize hes being spied upon with a successful Perception + Occult or Enigmas roll (difficulty 6). He would, if he discovered this, see a giant moonlit cat slowly fading away. Naturally, discovery terminates the Gift. Subject Difficulty Successes Needed Near & familiar 6 Two Distant & familiar 7 Three Unfamiliar 8 Three Seen pictures 8 Five Never been 9 Five Distant & alien 10 Five
Wraith of Nala (Level Five) -- This Gift whips up a wild storm that devastates the werecats vicinity. This tempest springs up out of nowhere and lasts for five minutes or less, then calms and disperses. Nala herself teaches this Gift in dreams. System: The Wrath works like the Level Five Common Gift: Soothe/Summon Storm, except that it requires only five successes (difficulty 8). This conjures a sever thunderstorm which lasts only a few minutes and remains beyond the werecats power once its in motion
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Kitten's Cry (Level One) -- Also called "Pathetamew" for its pitiful sound, this Gift imbues the werecat's voice with a tone so pathetic that anyone who hears it goes out of his way to comfort her. This compulsion extends to attackers, who break off hostilities unless they're attacked in return. Most Bastet consider this a dirty but useful trick. System: The Bastet's player rolls her Manipulation + Expression; the difficulty depends on the circumstances and the target. If the roll succeeds, the target immediatly stops whatever he's doing and offers sympathy for the werecat's pain. Some folks, of course, have no pity in their hearts. The Gift inspires hard-souled enemies to torment the Bastet even more than they normally would. Relationship Difficulty Lover/relative 4 Friend 5 Passerby 6 Total stranger 7 Rival 8 Enemy 9 Foe in combat 10
Mark as Mine (Level One) -- By spraying a given area or object with urine and must, a Bastet stakes a claim on it. Any shapeshifter will know that a werecat has marked the place, and any other mystically-inclined being (a mage, a vampire, etc.) will recognize the sign as a "Keep Out" warning. This usually lasts until someone else removes the Gift with some other magic, or until the Bastet sees fit to destroy the Mark himself (not likely!). System: This costs a temporary Gnosis point for each object or area treated. Anyone making a successful Perception + Empathy roll will feel distinctly uneasy when coming within 10 feet of the Mark, as if they were trespassing in someone else's house or stealing someone else's valuables. Through sensory magics, an intruder may actually see the Mark, even after the spray dries, and may remove it through appropriate use of magical powers. The Bastet may remove the Gift himself by spraying it a second time. This Gift does work on live creatures, but does not harm them in any way.
Killers Leap (Level Two) -- As the Lupus Gift: Leap of the Kangaroo.
Perfect Cover (Level Two) -- Cats must excel at covering their tracks and lairs, especially in these dangerous times. To help them, the spirits have passed this Gift on to the wild members of the race. By scratching around the place, trail or object to be hidden, the Bastet obscures it from normal and magical view. System: After the Bastet "buries" all traces of the hidden thing, the player rolls Perception + Survival and spends a Gnosis point. From that point on, the place or object is safe from any form of mortal perception until it moves or is moved. Any magical senses (including Awareness) scanning the area add 1 to their difficulty to notice the hiding place for every success the player rolls. The difficulty of the roll depends on the size of the object and the surroundings: hiding a haunch of deer in the underbrush would be 5, while concealing a cave entrance in a lightly-wooded area would be 9. The Gift cannot conceal obvious objects, like a car on the side of the street, nor does it make things disappear. Rather, it uses surrounding cover, like shadows and underbrush, to make the hidden spot seem overgrown. A letter on a table covered with paper could be hidden, but a jewelry box on a bare mantle could not. A Bastet may use this Gift to conceal himself, and many do.
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Level 1
Banish Sickness -- Cats have long been renowned for their healing prowess. Which a purr and a lick, a skillful Bastet can cure minor diseases and chase venoms away. Although a Bastet never takes ill herself, this Gift is helpful when a loved one is unwell. System: Curing a simple illness like the flu requires a Manipulation + Medicine roll (difficulty 6). Severe diseases and venoms demand a Gnosis point and a roll against difficulty 7. Chronic illnesses or really lethal poisons demand two Gnosis points and a difficulty of 8 or higher. Vicious diseases that eat a victim alive, like AIDS, leprosy, etc. may demand three Gnosis, or even remain incurable by magical means.
Catfeet -- As the Level Three Lupus Gift, but obviously easier for Bastet.
Command Attention -- A werecat can call on his feline presence to draw attention the instant he steps into a room. Everyone in a given space ( a room, a clearing, whatever) will immediately stop what they're doing to notice the Bastet's entrance. Their reaction from that point on will depend on what the character does, and upon their feelings about him; an attractive Homid will get a different reaction than an angry Crinos-panther would. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7) to get everyone's attention for one turn. This Gift also reduces the difficulty of his next Social roll by 1 for every success he rolls for the Gift. This bonus only applies once, upon entering the space.
Dowsing -- By pawing or sniffing at the ground, the Bastet tries to locate nearby water sources (underground streams, pipes, etc.). With luck, she'll be able to tell whether or not that water is safe to drink. System: A roll of Perception + Primal-Urge will determine the water's location, if any exists within 100 feet of the Bastet. The difficulty depends upon the water's distance and quantity; a muddy puddle beneath debris would be 9, while a pure rushing stream on the other side of a wall would be 5.
Lick Wounds -- As the Theurge Gift: Mother's Touch, this power heals normal or aggravated wounds (but unlike the Theurge Gift, can be used to heal oneself). This Gift may be used as many times as the player wants, but each healing "lick" costs another Gnosis point. Bear in mind that even a cat may be loathe to lick up toxic waste or raw sewage! Some substances, like silver or Wyrm-poison, might damage the healer in proportion to her healing -- that is, by one Health Level per Health Level healed -- if it's still in or on the wound when she licks it.
Open Seal -- As the Level One Ragabash Gift.
Pathfinder's Pride -- Cats have a remarkably good sense of direction. With this gift, a Bastet may improve that knack to find his way out of most kinds of mazes, deserts or woodlands. Worthy folk may learn this Gift from Bird-spirits, but no werecat willingly admits to it in public. System: Invoking this Gift requires a Perception + Subterfuge roll. The difficulty depends on the area's complexity: a large flat desert or small forest would be 5 or 6, a vast expanse or complicated maze might be 7 or 8, and a primordial rain forest would be 8 or 9. Magical confusion spells, like the Garou Gift: Trackless Waste, can be undone with difficulties 9 or 10. Pathfinder's Pride does not provide any kind of travel; the werecat merely discovers the way out -- getting to the exit is her problem.
Razor Claws -- As the Ahroun Gift.
Sense The Truth -- As the Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.
Sense Unmaker's Hand -- As the Metis Gift: Sense Wyrm.
Silent Stalking -- this common trick allows a Bastet to move without making any sound. Even squeaky or shifting surfaces, like wooden floors or piled twigs, can be passed over without noise. System: The player rolls Dexterity + Stealth, difficulty 5. Failure renders the Gift unusable for the rest of the scene. Note that this Gift doesn't make the werecat himself invisible or silent in any way, nor will it prevent any damage (broken twigs, for instance) in his wake -- it stifles the sound of his footsteps, nothing more.
Spirits' Sight -- Although werecats cannot normally travel though the Gauntlet, this Gift allows them to see through it for a short time. Plenty of good secrets can be discovered this way, but the Gift's effects tend to frustrate the hell out of the Bastet who can't get through, like a cat watching a bird on the other side of a window. System: The player rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty of the local Gauntlet) and spends one Gnosis point to look into the Penumbra. The Gift lasts one scene and ends if the Bastet is knocked unconscious.
Treeclimber -- By extending and sharpening his claws, then invoking this Gift, a Bastet may travel up or down any vertical surface, from tree bark to concrete. System: Climbing this way requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll. Really hard or slippery surfaces, like ice or steel, are difficulty 8, while easy ones like rock or bark are at difficulty 6. A character traveling this way moves at 10 feet a turn or so, and may have to make new rolls if the circumstances change (in an avalanche, for example).
Level 2 Call Spirits -- By speaking the ancient language of The-World-That-Was, a Bastet may communicate with nearby spirits as if they normally speak her language. This Gift weaves between the Gauntlet and the material world, and carries words both ways. System: The player rolls Gnosis against the local Gauntlet. If she's standing inside the Penumbra already, no roll is necessary. Once she learns this Gift, the werecat understands spirit-speech for the rest of her life, although some truly alien spirits might be beyond normal comprehension.
Cat Sight -- As the Level Three Metis Gift: Eyes of the Cat
Eerie Eyes -- As the Garou Homid Gift: Staredown
First Slash -- As the Level Two Ahroun Gift: Spirit of the Frey
Night Terror -- By standing vigil over a sleeping person or animal, the Bastet can evoke the famous cat-fear, causing his target to have nightmares for several nights running. System: The werecat must sit beside his victim for several minutes while she sleeps, spend one Gnosis point, and roll Wits + Occult or Enigmas (whichever is higher). If he rolls well, she'll have nightmares for one night per success. Five successes or more will cost the victim a temporary point of Willpower until she can sleep normally again. The Gift cannot be reused on the same person until the original nightmares have passed.
Night's Passage -- By attuning himself to the shadows from which he was born, a Bastet may walk through dim or dark areas while effectively invisible. Others may hear him or spy him with magical sight, but until he makes his move, the werecat remains hidden from view. This Gift even fills sudden lights, so long as some shadows still exist to hide in. System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Dexterity + Subterfuge or Occult (difficulty 7), the cat effectively "disappears." Although he'll remain substantial, the darkness will mask his presence for the rest of the scene, or until he attacks someone. At that point, the Gift disperses, and the Bastet is left with his natural hiding talents only. Supernatural beings can use their own magics to detect the cat by rolling perception + Occult, difficulty 8. Otherwise, nothing short of total illumination will reveal the skulking werecat