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создание персонажа Гураль (увы, на английском)

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Character Creation
According to common assumption, only elder Gurahl are still around. However, if a Storyteller wishes to allow players to bring in Gurahl characters, it is recommended that these PCs have recently gone through their First Change and start off as cubs or Cliath, the same as any other character.
• Gurahl characters start with three Traits each of Willpower, Gnosis and Rage.
• All Gurahl have the Merit: Huge Size.
• There are no Metis Gurahl.
Rank and Renown
• Gurahl all begin as the Ragabash Auspice.
• A Gurhal gains Succor (rather than Glory) from protecting and healing Gaia and her siblings.
• As they increase Rank, Gurahl change Auspice. The renown requirements for a new rank are based upon the Auspice that the Gurahl would become. Thus a Cliath (Ragabash) must earn enough Renown to qualify as a Fostern Ahroun before advancing to that Rank. The same holds for Adren (Philodox), Athro (Galliard) and Elder (Theurge). Legendary Gurahl come full circle, and have the same Renown requirements as Legendary Ragabash.
Shape Changing
Gurahl have the same forms as Garou (Glabro, Crinos, Hispo, Ursine) and use the same rules for shifting. Common Traits exist in all non-Homid forms. Traits in italics are Negative Traits.
Common: Tough, Brawny, Enduring, Stalwart (Bestial)
Crinos/Hispo: Rugged x2, Robust x2, Stalwart (Lethargic; Dull)
Hispo: (Witless)
•  Gurahl treat all strength bonuses from Crinos form as if they were one Rank higher.
•  Hispo and Ursine forms do not benefit from the Heightened Senses that Garou get, except for the sense of Smell.
Gurhal do not use Rage to gain extra actions. Instead, each Rage Trait spent after winning a Physical Challenge allows the Gurahl to inflict one additional Health Level of Damage against an opponent.
Gurahl learn Gifts from the Ragabash Auspice after they become Cliath. As they advance, they gain access to the additional Gifts of their new Auspice. However, a Gurahl can continue to learn Gifts from previous Auspices at normal cost.
• Mother's Touch: as Theurge Gift
• Scent of True Form: as Lupus Gift
• Sense Wyrm: as Metis Gift
• Strength of Purpose: as Philodox Gift



• Adaptation: as Silent Strider Gift
• Attunement: as Bone Gnawer Gift, except usable only in wilderness
• Unicorn's Grace: as Child of Gaia (Advanced) Gift
• Troll's Bridge: as Fianna Gift
• Wisdom of the Seer: as Stargazer Gift
Gurahl may learn Rites as if they were double their actual Rank.
In addition to all Garou Rites, Gurahl have access to some additional rituals.
• Healing Winds (Accord) : This purifies all within an area of any poisons or toxins, as well as minor Wyrm-taint. However, as a side effect, the temperature in the affected locale drops by 10 degrees for a day.
• Rending the Gauntlet (Mystic) : This rite allows the Gurahl (and any others who assist in the rite) to step-sideways. This Rite may also be used to peek across the Gauntlet.
• River Portent (Mystic) : as Basic Theurge Gift "Sight from Beyond"
• Pure Earth (Accord) : A much more potent form of the Rite of "Cleansing", this completely purifies an object or location of any Wyrm-taint. The ritualist must spend three Gnosis during the casting and suffers one aggravated wound once it is completed.
• Ban (Punishment) : This Rite locks a particular piece of knowledge within the subject, keeping the secret (which must be specified when the rite is cast) from being revealed. This also prevents any outside agency (even mind probes) from taking the information by force.
• Long Sleep (Seasonal) : If cast on an unwilling subject, the Gurahl must first defeat her target in a Mental Challenge. Once enacted, the target will remain in a state of perfect hibernation until a specified time has passed. While in this condition, the subject does not need food or drink, does not age, and requires only minimal oxygen. However, if the rite is meant to last more than one month, a permanent Gnosis Trait must be expended. If cast upon a vampire, the Kindred will remain in Torpor for the duration.
• Fighting the Death Bear (Death) : With this rite, the Gurahl can literally bring a person back from the dead. The difficulty of this rite is determined by how long the subject has been dead. Any use of this Rite requires interaction with a Storyteller.



Forest Walker
Ancient History
The brown bear Gurahl that crossed the land bridge thousands of years ago into the pure lands after the war of rage settled from Canada down into and all around America. After this, these gurahl - mostly river keepers - splintered apart and went their separate ways. Many took to the lowlands, the forests and became the first forest walkers.
The Forest Walkers are the only tribe to have their origin in the pure lands. Gaia blessed these gurahl that chose to dwell among her forests. She gave them smaller bodies to dart in and out of the dense woods and darker coats for camouflage. By this time, the Forest Walkers had settled in what was to become Canada , United States, and northwestern Mexico. By the reckoning of modern Forest Walkers, the origin of their tribe was around several thousand years ago.
Role in First War of Rage
The first War of Rage was over by the time the Forest Walkers came to be. Their legacy and destined downfall, like their other guarhl cousins, came during the second war of rage. The Forest Walkers know the War of Rage as the time when the Garou came from Europe and the Eater of Souls ran rampant in the Umbra.
Ice Stalker
Ancient History
When Sedna Stalks-the-Glacier lead the first and future Ice Stalkers into the frozen land for safety, little did she know what they were about to become. At this time, it was the ice age - around 10,000 years ago. Back then, the gurahl looked pretty much the same in regards to their ursine forms. They were large brown bears basically.
Seeking refuge from the war of rage, these gurahl found homes in the frozen tundras of modern Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and even Greenland (which was connected by land to North America at the time). These Gurahl were the first to cross the land bridge. Gaia did change these hardy gurahl, changed them into ivory haired polar bear kin to camouflage them from their enemies. She also gave them thicker coats and large, powerful feet, to grip the ice and swim with the strength of the bear giants of old. They became the first Ice Stalkers.
The Ice Age came and went. The Ice Stalker's habitat remained pretty much unchanged, albeit a little warmer. Many of the large game that they used to hunt to survive had passed on and, following new game, the Ice Stalkers traveled slightly further south, coming outside of the Artic circle in some places.
Here they were overjoyed to find that they were not the only Gurahl left. They met with other breeds and tribes of bears and the first Powwows were celebrated. Soon after, with the war of rage still carrying on - this time to other betes - the Ice Stalkers, like many of their brothers who had already done so, went into hiding for a long long time.



Role in First War of Rage
The future Ice Stalkers were some of the last Gurahl to leave the war of rage. They fought on for their territory and for their right to carry out the duties Gaia had intended for them. However, the onslaught of the Garou proved to great as time waned on. These first descendants almost fought themselves into extinction for their tenacity and their stubbornness.
The Ice age fell upon them, and they too were forced out of their homelands. However, they did not leave alone. These gurahl were accompanied (somewhat) by three tribes of garou who, tired of the war, left their homelands as well and followed them Westward. Many garou today credit the Ice Stalkers for "saving" these three tribes of garou, but these respective tribes strongly protest that they saved themselves.
Mountain Guardian
Ancient History
It is with much speculation that the rest of the Gurahl population find the origin of the Mountain Guardians. The Mountain Guardians claim to be descended from brown bears who had inhabited the Pure Lands since before even the first Swift Runner crossed over the land bridge.
Even Scientifically, their origin seems flawed - but with Gaia, very little things can be explained scientifically. Debate aside, they seemed to be some of the first Gurahl to inhabit the pure lands. This "first to inhabit" title is widely disputed by the Forest Walkers, though without any formal challenge of course.
There are numerous accounts that talk about these bears' predicament as the Ice Age set upon them. Little is spoken of their role in the first war of rage. These histories seem to support their claim as first to enter the pure lands. Back in those times, they were not a formal tribe. They were simply Gurahl, for they had not yet contact with their fellows from around the world.
The first contact they had was from a tribe called the River Keepers. This is when the future Mountain Guardians realized they needed to assert some kind of identity for themselves. There are many tales of a Gurahl named Slowfoot Groundshaker. Such tales speak of him leading the future Mountain Guardians up into the Rocky Mountains and the Cascades.
Here, they sacrificed parts of their bodies in ancient rituals to the umbra - to their totem, the Bear. Ursa Major, mother bear, smiled upon them. She gave them the strength of the mountains they had come to inhabit and bade them to guard Gaia's lands of high elevation. Their new coming brothers, the River Keepers had been ordained to guard the lowlands and rivers.
When the Uktena, Croatan, and Wendigo crossed over the land bridge, they also met these new Gurahl. These groups came to peaceful agreements to set aside the past and work together for the good of the land. However, they did spend much of their time in seclusion, weather from hibernation or caution.
Role in First War of Rage
There are really no accounts of the descendants of the Mountain Guardians participating in the first war of rage. In the second war, when the European Garou came over on ship, they had a great role assisting the Uktena, Croatan, and Wendigo; but around the time of the Ice Age, these Gurahl seemed to be taking care of things in the Pure Lands.

Отредактировано Сварливец (2009-02-27 11:59:49)



River Keeper
Ancient History
The very first of the Gurahl never had tribes. They were one people that protected Gaia's creations together. However, as the World grew and Gaia's creations went out to live all over it, the Gurahl needed to spread out their efforts.
These resulted in the emergence of tribes, one being the Cave Sentinels. The Cave Sentinels did not live and guard the caves exclusively, but they looked after a certain part of the Earth while the other tribes looked after other territories. The Cave Sentinels were simply named as such because of the caves they stayed in during hibernation.
As the world shifted and quaked, many tribes began to splinter off, claiming different parts of land. Most of these tribes are lost to time, but the River Keepers have endured. The Cave Sentinels were lost around the onset of the last Ice Age.
The early ancestors of the River Keepers were the caretakers of early civilized men that lived around the banks of rivers. Mesopotamia, with the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, The Nile River, The Thames, The Amazon. Wherever there was water, there was life and human settlements; and the River Keepers were their guardians.
By the time the war of rage rolled around, the River Keepers and a few other tribes comprised what was remaining of the Gurahl. The River Keepers were were one of the only tribes to survive. They went into hiding in northern Asia and Europe; and others crossed over the land bridge into the pure lands, settling in Alaska and Canada.
Role in First War of Rage
The River Keepers were the primary force of the War of Rage. They were the most numerous and powerful of all the ancient tribes and the last tribe to be forced into hiding. Some say that without the organization of the River Keepers, the gurahl, as a race, would have been lost long ago.
As the war raged on and its toll was taken, the River Keepers began to splinter apart. Factions went over the land bridge or fled into the woods of modern russia. But still the River Keepers fought, they were being pushed back, but there were more of them than any other tribe.
Not that the descendants of the black bear Forest Walkers were the first to run away, rather those River Keepers were the first to be attacked, and were the first to be driven from their homes. As the garou pushed eastward, they found more and more River Keepers. These River Keepers, last to be engaged in battle, were the last to fall back.
Eventually, even the River Keepers were forced out. The remaining numbers hid in the woods of northern Asia and many crossed over the land bridge. Here they splintered off even more, becoming Forest Walkers, Ice Stalkers, and then Mountain Guardians. But through it all, the River Keepers have, as a tribe, lived on.



Bear Information
The River Keepers are comprised mostly of brown bears, but dependant on the Gurahl in question, he may not have his heritage linked to that species. River keepers stem from many different species of bear. Select a species of bear below that your Gurahl is from.
Black Bears
Brown Bears
Polar Bears
Spectacled bears
Asiatic Bears
Sun Bears
Sloth Bears
Legend of the Cave Sentinels
All Gurahl have tales for Gaia's creation of their race. All Gurahl also have tales for the founding of their tribes. Many of these tales will speak of the first days - of the Mother bear, first Gurahl to walk on Gaia's green Earth. Many of these tales also begin with the summery of their origins, most of them beginning with what is considered to be the first Gurahl - the Cave Sentinels.
This is a popular legend of these ancient Gurahl as told by the River Keepers.
Long ago, much longer than you may imagine, there were bears spanning the entire world. These first bears were the most powerful and wise of all Gaia's creatures - unchallenged in might and gifted with a keen mind. These were Gaia's chosen.
Mother bear was born, many sages speculate how. Some say she came from the stars, some say she was born to a normal bear - truly the first kinfolk. Still others say that she was born normal and was bestowed the gift of shifting when she matured. In any case, the great mother bear came to be.
Humans would come to call these first bears "cave bears" and these bears were the first kinfolk of Mother Bear. She also chose select humans, ancient ancestors of the humans of today. As the years went by, more and more Gurahl came into the world.
Back then, the land was pure - the Pattern Breaker had not yet begun his treachery. All Gurahl were of one race, one people. There were no tribes - there was no need.
However, as the years went on and other changing breeds were born and the Pattern breaker soon began his destined campaign of corruption, the role of our ancestors changed. The children of Mother Bear had to go where they were needed, venturing into terrains they had never been - going to places far away and having to get their as soon as possible.
Gaia gave them the means. Many Gurahl volunteered for this opportunity. There were three that were chosen - These three Gurahl adopted new forms; a swift form, a stealthy form, and a well rounded form. These three gurahl led their kinfolk to different parts of the world to fight the Pattern Breaker and populate their lineage.
Now there was a need to identify the individuality of these new Gurahl races. Thus, the tribes were born. Bamboo Dwellers, Swift Runners, and we the River Keepers. There have always been rumors of others as well, off shoots of the three first splinters, but they seemed to be lost in time. However, there were still those gurahl who had been there all along - those gurahl that had not changed, who kept their original duty and their original territories - they took on the tribe name Cave Sentinels.
These first tribes worked together as best they could, spread out as they were. But when the war of rage set upon our ancestors and kin, The worst imaginable happened. Our ancestors were slain into oblivion. The Cave Sentinels were lost forever. Ironically, the oldest Gurahl had the shortest existence as a unified tribe. Again, rumors abound that survivors may have formed a sub-tribe, but this is largely unfounded.
We still mourn for them this day.



Tribal Background
The Cave Sentinels were not the Cave Sentinels until other bears fractured off from them and created their own tribes. Then, to identify themselves among all these other splinter groups, they took the name Cave Sentinels and formed a tribe. It is argued that although the Cave Sentinels were the first gurahl, they were not the first tribe because they took their name after the other tribes were formed.
Unlike garou, the gurahl tribes are mostly based on species. There is a lot of intermixing in these modern times, but in bygone days - probably around a million years ago - tribes were strictly per species. Cave Sentinels were made up of bears and gurahl known as "cave bears". As other bears evolved from this ancient ancestor, new tribes arose to meet their changes.
Other tribes, not focused on species did arise, but these were smaller tribes and comparatively short lived. Many of these tribes, and even their names and history are lost in time. The other tribes that came from the Cave Sentinels were the Bamboo Dwellers, Swift Runners, and River Keepers. As new species of bear arose, the very kinfolk of the Gurahl changed. These new gurahl, born to these new species of bears, looked like their bear parent. These were the first gurahl of the new tribes.
The Cave Sentinels were the first to be attacked in the War of Rage. Some say the River Keepers were, and this is partly true because the two tribes occupied much of the same territory. However, the Cave Sentinels were made up of an old species of bear, a species that prospered in an ancient earth. But at the time of the War of Rage, the earth was much different than it was when the Cave Sentinels prospered at their best. The species was dying, by natural selection, evolution, or changes to the environment - no man or gurahl is quite sure. The numbers of the Cave Sentinels were few and they knew they were a doomed species with no place in a post ice age Earth. So they did what they thought was the only logical thing to do. They sacrificed themselves so that their fellow gurahl of other tribes could escape.
The Cave Sentinels met the garou head on. Though they were mightier than any garou one on one, the garou were swifter and of greater number. In a long final battle in some wind swept prehistoric tundra, the Cave Sentinels fought their final battle. This sacrifice cost the lives of the entire tribe but bought other tribes like the River Keepers enough time to retreat to safety.
The Cave Sentinels of North America did not participate in the war of rage and went extinct as nature took its course at the end of the last ice age. However, it is believed that as the cave bear kinfolk went extinct, the Cave Sentinels chose Swift Runner - short faced bear kin to carry their lineage on.
The existence and even less so, the history of the Cave Sentinels is mostly unknown or at least thought to be the stuff of faerie tales. Most Gurahl agree that they had ancestors in prehistoric times, and that those ancestors were the kin of cave bears, but the details therein are widely debated.
Home Territories
Cave Sentinels and their kin inhabited most of Asia, North America, and Europe (to which they arrived 40,000 years ago) until the last ice age (around 10,000 years ago).



Culture and Kinfolk
Little is known about the culture of the Cave Sentinels. It is believed that their customs may have been blends or early forms of what modern Gurahl practice today. The Cave Sentinels are largely credited for organizing the first Powwows and creating the first dances. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to anything specific.
Cave Sentinels used cave bears exclusively for breeding stock as well as early man
Tribal Organization
Legends tell of the Cave Sentinels being very solitary, even more so than the Gurahl of today. They are much credited with organizing the first Powwows so that they would be able to keep in touch with their kin and revel in celebration of deeds well done. Gurahl Elders often speculate that it is very likely that many tribal customs of the four remaining tribes had their roots with the Cave Sentinels, and perhaps, they weren't all that different.
Physical Appearance
Cave Sentinels, bred from cave bear stock, were hulking - massive bears. They were quite a bit larger than the bears of today and were though to be as slow or slower moving as well (notwithstanding that bears can and do move fast, just that when compared to other predators, they move and walk slower).
Similar to the brown bears of today, the Cave Bears lacked the shoulder hump as seen in Grizzly bears. Also, their canine fangs were more pronounced. Cave Sentinels, therefore, tended to be large often stocky humans in homid form. In Ursine form, they were the largest and most powerful among their species.
Strengths and Weaknesses
• Gaias Chosen - The first of Gaias protectors, the Cave Sentinels were the delegates of responsibility to the new tribes and sometimes other betes. They taught the first garou and guided them in their new responsibilities as well. This was a gift of charisma, and was their right. Cave Sentinels gain a -1 target number on all social rolls concerning convincing someone to do something for the benefit of Gaia.
• Self Sacrificing - these first gurahl were the ones who sacrificed their skins and meat to early humans. They also sacrificed themselves for the survival of other tribes in the war of rage. Cave Sentinels must sacrifice themselves in some way (not necessarily laying down their lives) if a desperate enough need arises. Story Tellers may denote the appropriate time.



About Cave Bears
Cave Bears are among the post popular of prehistoric bears. However, being extinct they cannot be studied and known as the bears of today are known. Some things are known. They appeared to be primarily meat eaters, as their teeth suggest. Also, they appeared to have been a hibernating bear, like most modern bears of today.
This is interesting, because the modern polar bear is also primarily a meat eater but does not have the need to hibernate as much as some other bear species. Cave Bears are believed to have hibernated for a couple of reasons, first because the winters would have been harsh in those times, second because food would have been scarce or harder to come by, and lastly because of the amount of their remains that were found in caves (hence their name), suggesting that these bears may have met their end while hibernating at the onset of the last ice age.
Cave bears were also a food source for early man who most likely also used their body for other things like tools and clothing. Naturally, early man made an equally satisfying snack for the cave bear.



Cave Sentinel Statistics
Ability Arthren Crinos Bjornen Ursus
Strength +4 +6 +4 +3
Dexterity +1 -1 -2 --
Stamina +4 +6 +4 +3
Manipulation -2 -3 -3 -3
Appearance -2 0 -- --
Perception +1 -1 +2 +2
Difficulty 7 7 7 6



Legend of the Swift Runners
River Keepers will often tell this tale. Its an ancient tale passed on from hundreds of generations by their Spectacled bear kin.
Long, long ago, when all Gurahl were of one tribe, the Bears roamed across Asia and Europe with purpose and duty. As the creatures of the Earth expanded across the globe, Gaia needed to send her children with them to teach them and protect them.
From the first Gurahl, she created the Swift Runners, bears gifted with long legs so they could catch up to the creatures that had already spread across the globe. They would catch up to them and protect them no matter where they may roam, and they would have the swiftness to keep up.
And so the Swift Runners crossed into the Pure Land and made a trail for the humans to follow. They taught the humans new ways and new sciences, they taught them of Gaia, and the Totem Spirits. As the humans traveled south, the Swift Runners were already there; paving the way for them, making things right. It was a great era of learning and peace.
On the other side of the world, other changing breeds were being born. They were given duties to spread across the globe and carry out their duties. The Swift Runners were largely ignorant to their new cousins. In the early days, even the Bastet had not yet trod upon the soil of the Pure Land.
Soon after, the war of rage swept across the world. As Gaias protectors fought amongst themselves, nobody was left to protect her. So the Pattern Breaker came with his evil general, He-Who-Gives-Pain-And-Brings-Death. This general murdered Gurahl, the swift runners, in the pure land. He pushed southward and killed more and more.
Finally, the Swift Runners joined together to stand against the General, fighting alone as they had been up North, they were not as strong. But together, they were stronger. They pushed the Dark General back. Still, their numbers were few, so the Bastets joined them. Together, they pushed the Dark General into the deep Umbra.
For Their Valor in battle, they were rewarded by Gaia. Not requiring their long swift legs in the thick jungles where they now lived, Gaia gave them smaller and more efficient forms with sturdy claws for climbing trees. Thus, the Swift Runners were blessed to become the Spectacled bears that we know today.



Tribal Background
The Gurahl were all once one group. There were no tribes, and there were no different species of bears from which Gurahl came from. This parent, or basal species of the Gurahl is commonly known as the Cave Bear. The Cave Bear existed all over what is now Europe and Northern Asia.
As Gaia watched her creations expand all over the world, growing in size and number, she new she had to increase the efficiency of her children, the Gurahl. It wasnt that they were doing a bad job, its jus that their werent enough of them and they only covered so much of the Earth.
And so it was that the first Short-Faced Bear was born to a Cave Bear kinfolk. The gurahl asked of Gaia what this meant, was their race changing? No, she replied, You are only growing. Soon, more of these new bears were being born. In time, they became their own species of Gurahl.
There was now a need to designate tribes. The two different types of Gurahl were much alike but also different. They needed to find a way to divide their duties up accordingly. Realizing that they could not, each tribe instead looked after certain parts of the world. The Cave Bears, now called the Cave Sentinels claimed the land they had already been occupying. While the new tribe, the Swift Runners, moved out
across the land bridge that once connected modern day Alaska to Russia. They settled in modern day Canada. This was over two hundred and fifty thousand years ago.
The Swift Runners, named so by their long legs and slim bodies, making them the fastest of all Gurahl and bears alike, became the chief predator of those ancient tundras. They kept the land free from the Pattern Breaker and waited for man to come.
Humans were destined to cross over that same land bridge as the Swift Runners did. And when they did, the swift runners were their to greet them. They, like their Cave dwelling brothers, also provided food and clothing the humans early ancestors. They also taught them arts, and language, and writing. They taught them of the stars and of Gods and Totems, and most of all they taught them of Gaia.
As humans migrated south, so did the Swift Runners. The Swift Runners helped them settle in what is now the United States and Mexico. Many Swift Runners remained in North America with the humans. Others, with humans that wished to push further south, traveled down into South America.
All the while the Swift Runners were the teachers and guardians of humans in the new world, the pure lands. But when the War of Rage rolled around, suddenly things changed. The Pattern Breaker was able to gain a foothold as Gaias children fought amongst themselves. Its minions raged across North America, seeking to defile the pure land. There was a powerful bane, a lord of Darkness named He-Who-Gives-Pain-And-Brings-Death. He had other names, but that is the name he is remembered as. This Bane Lord swept across North America with his minions. The Swift Runners were all that were around to fight him. Even the first three garou tribes had not yet crossed over into the pure lands.
The Swift Runners were wiped out in North America, slain to the last one, kinfolk alike. The Bane Lord made his way into South America and ran into not only the remainder of the Swift Runners but the Bastet as well. The two shifters fought off The Bane Lord successfully, dispelling him into the deep umbra once again.
But the toll was high. The Swift Runners were largely defeated, their numbers were two thin. The tribe as a whole had been too spread out. By around 8000 BC, the last Swift Runner died. Their numbers were two small to continue the race.
However, the kinfolk persevered, and adapted to the new world. When the ice age hit, they began that change, Gaia had gifted them once again - willed them to survive. She took away their long legs and gave them great claws for climbing instead. She made them smaller, to exist in the jungles of South America. And when the last ice age was over, a new bear was born, the Spectacled Bear.
Home Territories
Swift Runners and Short-Faced bears lived in Canada and northern North America around 250,000 years ago. They migrated south into southern North America and South America and remained there until the beginning of the last Ice Age, over ten thousand years ago.



Culture and Kinfolk
Swift Runners selected the only bears around for them to mate with, that being the Short faced bear. Of human stock, they had the human prehistoric ancestors to choose from. They chose the smartest and strongest of human tribes.
Much of the Swift Runner culture is sadly lost to the ages, but some of it is passed down through the generations by the Spectacled bear kin. Most of what is remembered are the fests and Pow Wows.
Swift Runners had grand celebrations once a year, similar to Pow Wows. They invited all the tribe members from all around, kinfolk (human and bear alike), plus many other human friends. The giant celebrations were always times of peace. There were games played, grand feasts, and stories told. Such festivities often lasted days.
Other times of the year, the solstices, the equinoxes, and other times - the Swift Runners and kin also gathered into smaller more humble celebrations for which they would praise Gaia and give thanks. These were times when rank was often awarded and many formal rites and businesses were attended to.
Tribal Organization
Like most Gurahl of today, the Swift Runners were also solitary beings. However, they were more like the Black Bear is now, in that they were a lot more Gregarious than the others. Swift Runners tried to get together often throughout the year, making grand events out of it. Rank was strict and well known. Each Swift Runner knew the elders in his area.
One reason posed that the Swift Runners were so close knit was their steadfast loyalty to humankind. Wherever the humans went, the Swift Runners followed. This mean that they often traveled in mass together.
Physical Appearance
Swift Runners had prehistoric humans as mates when seeking homid progeny. These Gurahl resembled their prehistoric parents in appearance. These humans were after the Neanderthals most think of when talking about primitive man, rather they were the first homo sapiens. Ursine Swift Runners came exclusively from Short-Faced Bear parenting, for these were the only bears around. The Short-Faced Bear was the largest bear to ever exist. Named so for its pushed in, bull dog or lion-like face. The Short-Faced bear also was not as bulky as, say, the brown bears of today. They were thinner and leaner. Also, they had long legs, making them capable of quick bursts of speed. It has been debated that the Swift Runners could have mated with the Cave Sentinels who crossed over the land bridge prior to the war of rage. This is highly possible, but no bear can reflect on a legend or cave scripture referring to such. In any case, most of the Swift Runners and Short Faced Bears had already traveled much farther south than the Cave Sentinels that finally came over into North America.



Strengths and Weaknesses
• Rage of the Garou - Swift Runners were able to use rage the way garou do AND the way gurahl do, increasing number of actions, their strength, stamina, or health levels.
• Short Temper - Swift Runners are prone to frenzy in the same way the garou are.
About Short-Faced Bears
For its time, the Short-Faced bear (or bull dog bear) seemed to have been the most powerful and deadly predator in North America. This was around the time of the last ice age (Pleistocene Era). It lived from Alaska all the way into northern South America.
Classified as Arctodus Pristinus, the Short-Faced bear was the largest bear that had ever lived. It was also the swiftest and probably the most dexterous. The Short-Faced bear had long limbs and a thinner, more lean body than bears of today. The Short-Faced bear stood at about four feet at the shoulder and was at least twelve feet long. The Short Faced Bear died out around 10,000 years ago



Swift Runner Statistics
Ability Arthren Crinos Bjornen Ursus
Strength +4 +5 +4 +4
Dexterity +1 +2 +1 --
Stamina +4 +5 +4 +4
Manipulation -2 -3 -3 -3
Appearance -2 0 -- --
Perception +1 -- +2 +2
Difficulty 7 6 7 6



Gurahl Rites
Gurahl possess the Rite of the Opened Caem, Rite of Passage, Rite of Cleansing, and the Rite of Caern Building; all Garou rites the bears originated. Many Gurahl create new Rites from time to time, and some have mastered the ability to improvise rites through their understanding of Gaia. 

Rite of Rending the Gauntlet (Level One) -- Gurahl are so tied to the earth that they find it difficult to enter the Umbra. In order to walk through the spirit-world, they must enact this special rite. The Gurahl spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Rituals versus a difficulty of the Gauntlet in the area. Utilize the "Stepping Sideways" chart in Werewolf to determine how long this takes. Shifting into half-bear form, the Gurahl rends the Gauntlet, and opens a physical hole into the spirit world, through which he can then step. The hole closes immediately. 

Rite of the Healing Winds (Level Two) -- This rite requires the attendance of a Chinook, a spirit of the frosty North Wind. The Gurahl are able to take the Chinook and channel its chill power to purify the land. This purification detoxifies poisons in water, air, plants, and animals. The Chinook spirit also decreases the local temperature about 10 degrees, but only for a day, so lasting damage is rare. Polar Gurahl regularly summon and bind Chinook spirits, then send them to their brothers and sisters to aid purification throughout the world. A roll of Manipulation + Rituals is required for the rite to be successful. A badly polluted area will require a difficulty number of eight or nine. Sometimes the Chinook is defeated by a Bane floating in the Umbra, and the rite is unsuccessful. 

Rite of the River-Portent (Level Two) -- In this rite, the Gurahl catches a fish out of a creek with its claw, rends it open, and reads the omens within. Through this rite, the Gurahl may gain information about herself, the present, and the future. A Intelligence + Enigmas roll (difficulty 8) is required to deter mine the depth and clarity of the portent. 

Finding the Ancient Cache (Level Three) -- Many of the greatest secrets and treasures of the Gurahl are locked in hidden caches deep in the earth, protected by powerful spirits or hibernating Gurahl elders sworn to protect the secrets buried within. This rite allows a Gurahl in the vicinity of an ancient cache to discover the gateway to it. A Wits + Enigmas roll, difficulty eight, is required to get a general sense of where the opening is, and seven successes must be accumulated in order to locate it exactly. This rite can be cast several times as the Gurahl gradually gets closer and closer to the opening (make sure you record the number of successes you have already collected). The gateways to the caches are often fastened with complicated locks that can only be opened by solving an enigma. 

Rite of the Pure Earth (Level Three) -- This rite purifies the earth in the local area, completely destroys any presence of the Wyrm, and reconnects the land to the healing life-force of Gaia. It is a much more potent rite than the Rite of Cleansing. The ritualist utilizing this rite must bleed into a bowl of pure water and salt. The resulting concoction is sprinkled over the area to be purified (either through the use of an air spirit or by hand) and the rite concludes with a mighty growl given by the ritualist. The ritualist takes three aggravated wound levels of damage during the course of this ritual. Additionally, he must spend three points of Gnosis. The purified earth is not prevented from being further infected with the Wyrm, and will again become corrupt if not protected. 

Rite of the Ban (Level Four) -- The Gurahl possess many secrets, which they protect with this rite. The Rite of the Ban prevents the subject of the rite from speaking of a named secret (the secret is named at the start of the rite). Indeed, though the subject may remember the secret, there is no way an outside force (a mind-probing mage or psychic) can compel that person to give up the information. The Rite of the Ban is so powerful that, even if a person was somehow forced to tell the secret, the Ban itself would erase the information from the mind of the subject. The Rite of the Ban is usually enacted on those Gurahl who are about to go among outsiders, so the vast knowledge they hold cannot be spread.  This rite is painful for the ritualist, for it is the nature of the Gurahl to learn and teach. Still, this rite is necessary, especially in a world where some Garou hunt the secrets of the Gurahl. This rite can be used on humans, Garou, and even Kindred. 

Rite of the Long Sleep (Level Five) -- This enables the Gurahl to place a person in a state of suspended animation, during which she does not age, eat, drink, or require much oxygen. People who are Incapacitated will remain alive while under the effect of this rite, their spirits trapped within the ward. This rite has been used successfully on Garou and humans as well as Gurahl. The Gurahl rolls a Manipulation + Rituals roll against the target's Stamina + Survival. The target may agree to the rite: this lowers the difficulty by a factor of three. A Gurahl may perform this rite upon himself. Vampires can be placed in Torpor with this rite.  The rite must be set with a condition relating to the passage of the moon or the sun, such as "Wake when the Moon grows full 13 times" or "Do not wake until 20 years has passed." The number of successes should be used by the Storyteller to determine how long the rite actually lasts: a rite with only one success may not last the desired 20 years. This rite requires the sacrifice of one permanent point of Gnosis. 

Fighting the Death-Bear (Level Five) -- With this rite, a Gurahl may revive a recently slain person. The Gurahl must fight the Death-Bear, a powerful Incarna who jealously guards the spirit of the fallen. If the Gurahl can defeat the Death-Bear, then he is allowed to retrieve the spirit and return it to his or her body. The ferocity of the Death-Bear should depend on the strength of the ritualist. If the Gurahl dies while fighting the Death-Bear, there is a strong possibility the Death-Bear will take the spirit of the ritualist, leaving the spirit of the fallen to return to her body or wander into the Umbra. In the past, Gurahl made compacts with the Death-Bear which enabled them to rebirth fallen comrades simply by placing the bodies  in Gaia's soil. Many of those compacts have broken or lapsed and now the Gurahl can only rebirth the fallen through battle.


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