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экзотические оборотни (увы, почти всё на английском)

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The Baku are a long dead race of Indian and African mystics who were killed by Garou, Simba and Ajaba during the War of Rage. They were enigmatic and wise, and kept to themselves as they followed their own paths. They were impossibly strong, but their downfall was their lack of mobility, refusal to rely on one another and because they were no good at hiding. None live today, and all their secrets and their Gifts followed them to their graves.
The Baku were the rememberers of the Earth-Mother. This is not the same role as that of the Mokolé, who is the Earth-Mother's memory. The Baku were very insightful, and could see beyond space/time, into other cycles that existed before this one. Seem complex? Read on, and I'm sure I will confuse you even more.
All things come in cycles; there have been countless incarnations of the Tellurian before this one -- alternate realities, if you will. The universe dies, is reborn, dies again, and so on to infinity. The Baku have been there -- in some form or another -- since the first incarnation of the Tellurian, and were given the responsibility of governing each cycle. They chose the races that would exist, which ones that would ascend to greatness, regulated the balance of power in the world, and made sure each "death" of the Tellurian was proper and orderly so another cycle would be born from it. Each new cycle is an experiment, so that the Baku can try different things with each world, playing with the dynamics of each incarnation until they found one that is Balanced. By peering into worlds past, the Baku could learn from the successes and mistakes made there and adjust their influence in this world accordingly. The influence they had was small, but much like making ripples in the pond, they could achieve great things by acting wisely. It was the goal of this race that the ultimate Balance be achieved, in which all things exist in total harmony.
So in this cycle, they chose the ascendancy of the Garou among the shifter children, a dynamic aspect, and set into motion plots that would ensure the ascendacy of reason (the eventual birth of the Technocracy) and that the race of vampires, who wield a unique form of static corruption, would gain much power over the mortals. The Baku are not perfect; they had made bad decisions in worlds before this, but none that affected them so badly. Their insight had always been of other worlds long past, and knowledge of the future wasn't one of their strong points. The Garou declared war on the other shifters, and attacked the Baku as they did their other brothers. However, the Simba and the Ajaba were no better, fighting the elephant changers for shrinking territory and to extort valuable and powerful Gifts. The Baku, a race that was always very small, died fairly quickly. Toward the end the entire race had become warriors in the fight to survive, and deserted the paths of enlightenment and honor, but it had not been enough to save them. They were to others an inconsequential race that was quickly forgotten among the Casualties of the War of Rage.
Now here's the problem: if the Baku were right, they were responsible for governing the end of the world so that another could be born from the current one's ashes. The Apacolypse draws nigh, and their secrets to ensuring the birth of another world is long gone. This end of the world may be more tragic and painful than any other before, because it might well die forever, with no cycles to ever come again. It shall truly be the end. Let's hope that they were wrong . . .



Baku Rank and Ways
Baku had an odd form of gaining rank and status. They had three areas in which they could advance, depending on the path they choose to follow. Only the oldest and wisest excelled in all the paths, and these were called Bodhivistas (the vampires of the Orient also use this title of esteem for their most enlightened.) Okay, pay very close attention here:
They had three separate Rank systems, and each Baku started out as rank one in any one Way. The Rank levels were acolyte (1st), scholar (2nd) and elder (3rd.) The life paths they followed could be compared to Garou Auspices, and were the Way of Knowledge (Theurge), the Way of Honor (Philodox) and the Way of Wrath (Ahroun). The Baku's title was determined by the rank she held in each of the Ways. The title for the Way of Knowledge was Buddha, the title for the Way of Honor was Indri, and the title for the Way of Wrath was Shiva. The Baku rose separately in each rank depending on the Renown she achieved. So a Baku warrior might have been an acolyte Buddha, an Indri scholar and a Shiva elder.
Each Way had its own separate Gifts that the Baku could access once he had achieved the proper rank. In the above example, the warrior could access Shiva Gifts of all three ranks, but could only access first and second level Indri Gifts and first rank Buddha Gifts. For access to breed and general Gifts, use the highest rank of the Baku. Bohdivistas have access to all the Gifts of the paths, plus forth and fift rank breed Gifts and their own awesome magics. These Gifts will be detailed later. Baku also gained physical mutations based on their rank, becoming something bizarre and awesome to behold as they approached divinity. These will be detailed later.
Rank was a very personal thing with Baku, much closer to the concept of mage Ascension than the politics of other changers. The were-elephant achieved rank separately from other Baku; once he had achieved enough enlightenment in his Way, his mind opened to learning Gifts from the spirits and other Baku. They took their Ways far too seriously to take shortcuts to power.

The Way of Knowledge
Those who focused on this path, called Buddhas, were thoughtful and comtemplative, and sought the secrets of this universe and others. They held the most station, for they commanded the secrets of other realities. Most Buddhas did little but sit and meditate, gaining glimpses into other cycles and giving guidelines to the Indri based on the understanding they achieved.
As they gained rank, they grew additional eyes on their foreheads to reflect their understanding. A Baku had an additional eye for every rank she achieved (so a scholar would have two additional eyes.) These eyes exist in all forms but Homid and Hatii (see Forms.) Each extra eye adds a die to visual Perception rolls and those Perception rolls involving supernatural awareness (Gifts.)

The Way of Honor
Indri were given the important task of manipulating events and people in this cycle based on the wisdom gained by the Buddhas. While the Buddhas were of other worlds, the Indri were solidly based in this reality and knew how to effect it and its inhabitants, and thus were very important. As those who followed the Way of Honor had more to do with outsiders, they were the first to be culled by the wolves and others.
Those who gained on the path of Honor sprouted additional trunks in their Crinos and Mali-fut forms, representing their increased manipulation of fate. These trunks were used for a variety of tasks, and the more trunks the better. Highly dexterous manipulation became possible, as well as a +1 Str bonus per extra trunk when lifting objects.



The Way of Wrath
Sometimes playing with the cycles is a dirty job, and this is where the Shiva came in. Named for the Indian God of destruction (or perhaps his legends were based on followers of this Way!) these Baku were terrible sights to behold. Their way wasn't not the most esteemed among their race, but was necessary and probably the easiest path to follow. They were the defenders of their kind, and their failure during the War of Rage was a bitter one.
Those who followed the path of the warrior displayed massive tusks, and their most powerful members even sprouted a second pair. At acolyte level, the tusks lengthen, doing an additional die of damage. At scholar level, the Baku sprouts another pair of tusks, making it harder for opponents to dodge a tusk attack (the diff for a Tusk Gore is lowered to 5.) At the elder level, the second pair or tusks lengthen, and the damage is further increased to +2 (for a total of Str +4.) These super-tusks only exist in Crinos and Mali-fut forms.

Many Baku started on the daunting path toward gaining full mastery of all the Ways, but only a select few ever achieved that level of enlightenment. These were the heroes of that race, the most balanced and wise of the race that was most balanced and wise. Bodhivistas gain access to spirit magics that can summon elephant herds from the Umbra or reveal the secrets of other worlds with ease. They also gained enormous control of mind and body, sensing the spirit world and effecting it with their bodies and resisting the pull of Frenzy.
A Bodhivista gains the following benifits: she can learn Bodhivista Gifts, as well as fourth and fifth level breed Gifts; she grows an additional trunk (for a total of five); Spirit Sight (as the Bastet Gift) becomes an innate abitity, requiring no Gnosis expenditure; her tusks become capable of striking spirits or creatures on the other side of the Gauntlet if she spends one Gnosis (this effect lasts for one scene); and the Bodhivista adds 2 to her rolls to resist Frenzy, making the final difficulty 9.



The Forms
I understand that these stat adjustments are probably immensely unbalancing. A Frenzying were-elephant warrior with a 12 Strength and ten Health Levels is a scary thing. But keep in mind that these are were-elephants, and are going to be much stronger than even Gurahl. Besides, they are extinct, which cuts down on the potential for player-character abuse, so it doesn't really matter that much.

Homid (man)
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: The Homid form of the Baku was always really big and rotund; petite or skinny baku were unheard of. Heights of up to seven feet tall and weight upwards of 300 lbs were common place among them. They had an additional Bruised Health Level in this form, giving them the Huge Size Merit for free (the Huge Size Merit cannot be taken again for a double-stack, assuming someone talks their Storyteller into letting them play a Baku.)

Brahtarr (near-man)
Adjustments: Str +2, Sta +2, Man -2, App -2, +1 to soak rolls from hide
Adjustments: Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -3/ Inc
Description: A big, ugly humanoid between nine and ten feet tall, covered in thick hide. Its advantage is that it channels some of the power and mass of the Baku's elephant heritage without sacrificicing agility. Its face is mostly human, though it's covered with rough grey hide and devoid of hair except for a few tufts.

Crinos (half-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -2, Sta +3, Man -3, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: This is where it gets scary. Imagine an upright-standing elephant, say twenty feet tall on average, with humanlike hands. Add in things like multiple trunks, tusks and eyes, and you have something that can probably kill with looks alone. This form is very powerful, but is as slow as a rock. Think of the Indri the Indian god, and you have a good picture of what this form looks like. Available attack forms for the Crinos include Tusk Gore, Throw, and things like punches and weapon attacks. Crinos Baku with lots of trunks recalls the traditional portraits of Cthulhu; as the Baku are the ones standing at the ends of worlds, there might be something to this . . .

Mali-fut (near-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +7, Dex -2, Sta +4, Man -4, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: A form that blends the Baku's supernatural heritage with the form of an elephant, the Mali-fut form is the most commonly used form for combat. It possesses any extra trunks, eyes and tusks gained from rank and has about 30% more mass than an ordinary elephant, much of it concentrated in the shoulders and limbs. Its legs are almost bear-like, giving the Baku the ability to move its bulk quickly if necesary, equipped with large claws (which are used for gaining purchace rather than to attack). Assuming one was around in modern times, a Baku in Mali-fut form could demolish tractor trailers with little effort. Attacks include Tusk Gore, Trample and Throw. I considered calling this form the "helliphant", but that would be silly. :)

Hatii (elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -1, Sta +3, Man -2, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: An ordinary elephant, sans weird appendages and anything unusual. It was still a very intimidating form for purposes of combat, assuming the Baku didn't want to violate the Veil. Attacks include Tusk Gore, Throw and Trample.



The Baku had only the human and elephant breeds, as they did not allow metis among them. They were very similar in outlook and got along well, and there was no great difference between the breeds. Assume a starting Gnosis of 3 for both.

The Baku didn't divide themeselves into tribes. There were two species of elephant among them, the African and Indian varieties. The African tended toward the Way of Wrath, while many of those in India were Buddhas.

Rage and Willpower
Baku as a whole were level-headed and calm, but had the potential to become enraged like their smaller cousins, especially those who followed Shiva's path. Their Frenzy difficulties remained at a steady 7, and were not effected by the moon. Assume a starting Rage of 4. They were a race of strong will; Willpower base of 5.

The Umbra
Baku were highly spiritual, and could naturally enter the Umbra through reflective surfaces or achieving deep meditation.


Diff 7, Str + 2 non-Agg, 2 actions
The Baku must be in Crinos, Mali-fut or Hatii form to perform this maneuver. He grabs his enemy in his trunk and tosses him to the ground, possibly breaking bones and setting him up for a trample attack. An attack roll must be made to grab the target, and then the Baku rolls a contested Str + Brawl against the victim's Dex + Dodge; if the Baku wins the contest the victim is thrown to the ground for Str +2 non-Agg damage.

Diff 8, Str + 5 non-Agg, only action that turn
The Baku must be in elephant or near-elephant form to perform this maneuver, and this is the only action he can take that turn (no die pool splitting, extra Rage actions, etc.) He runs toward his target and if lucky hits him, bowling him over and then trampling him with his feet. Rarely has this failed to kill an opponent.



Tusk Gore
Diff 6*, Str +2* Agg, 1 action
In Hatii, Mali-fut or Crinos form, the Baku lunges his head forward and impales his enemy with his tusk. Those with especially large Tusks can inflict more damage, and a second pair of tusks reduces the diff to 5 (see the Way of Wrath.)

Baku regenerated as do Garou and most other changers. They didn't have connections to the sun or moon, so they didn't take Aggravated damage from gold or silver. However, they were mystically linked to the earth, and sharp stone damaged them greviously when wielded against them. Why they didn't take Agg from stones when it wasn't wielded as a weapon (such as when they walked on rocky ground) is open to question.

Breed Gifts: Use appropriate ones from Werewolf.
General Gifts
Level 1: Dowsing (as Bastet), Mother's Touch (as Theurge),  Crafty Trunk*
Level One Baku Gift*

Once the Baku learns this gift, he can use his trunk as dexterously as he could his hand.  He can use it to pick locks, paint, flip coins ect.  System:  One Gnosis point, Dex. + Primal Urge diff 4,  with each success the gift lasts one turn.
Level 2: Step Like the Mouse (as Stargazers: Surface Attunement), Sense Balance, Trumpet (as Bastet: Shriek)
Level 3: One With The Earth, Shatter (as metis Bastet: Fist of Cahlash),  Meditave Mastery*
Level Three Baku Gift*
The Baku can instantly enter a meditative trance at will, with no roll required. He can convert Rage into Willpower in this state, though he cannot convert Willpower to Rage. He can also enter the Umbra without a reflective surface (though he must still roll against the Gauntlet.)
Gifts of Knowledge



The Baku are a long dead race of Indian and African mystics who were killed by Garou, Simba and Ajaba during the War of Rage. They were enigmatic and wise, and kept to themselves as they followed their own paths. They were impossibly strong, but their downfall was their lack of mobility, refusal to rely on one another and because they were no good at hiding. None live today, and all their secrets and their Gifts followed them to their graves.
The Baku were the rememberers of the Earth-Mother. This is not the same role as that of the Mokolé, who is the Earth-Mother's memory. The Baku were very insightful, and could see beyond space/time, into other cycles that existed before this one. Seem complex? Read on, and I'm sure I will confuse you even more.
All things come in cycles; there have been countless incarnations of the Tellurian before this one -- alternate realities, if you will. The universe dies, is reborn, dies again, and so on to infinity. The Baku have been there -- in some form or another -- since the first incarnation of the Tellurian, and were given the responsibility of governing each cycle. They chose the races that would exist, which ones that would ascend to greatness, regulated the balance of power in the world, and made sure each "death" of the Tellurian was proper and orderly so another cycle would be born from it. Each new cycle is an experiment, so that the Baku can try different things with each world, playing with the dynamics of each incarnation until they found one that is Balanced. By peering into worlds past, the Baku could learn from the successes and mistakes made there and adjust their influence in this world accordingly. The influence they had was small, but much like making ripples in the pond, they could achieve great things by acting wisely. It was the goal of this race that the ultimate Balance be achieved, in which all things exist in total harmony.
So in this cycle, they chose the ascendancy of the Garou among the shifter children, a dynamic aspect, and set into motion plots that would ensure the ascendacy of reason (the eventual birth of the Technocracy) and that the race of vampires, who wield a unique form of static corruption, would gain much power over the mortals. The Baku are not perfect; they had made bad decisions in worlds before this, but none that affected them so badly. Their insight had always been of other worlds long past, and knowledge of the future wasn't one of their strong points. The Garou declared war on the other shifters, and attacked the Baku as they did their other brothers. However, the Simba and the Ajaba were no better, fighting the elephant changers for shrinking territory and to extort valuable and powerful Gifts. The Baku, a race that was always very small, died fairly quickly. Toward the end the entire race had become warriors in the fight to survive, and deserted the paths of enlightenment and honor, but it had not been enough to save them. They were to others an inconsequential race that was quickly forgotten among the Casualties of the War of Rage.
Now here's the problem: if the Baku were right, they were responsible for governing the end of the world so that another could be born from the current one's ashes. The Apacolypse draws nigh, and their secrets to ensuring the birth of another world is long gone. This end of the world may be more tragic and painful than any other before, because it might well die forever, with no cycles to ever come again. It shall truly be the end. Let's hope that they were wrong . . .

Baku Rank and Ways
Baku had an odd form of gaining rank and status. They had three areas in which they could advance, depending on the path they choose to follow. Only the oldest and wisest excelled in all the paths, and these were called Bodhivistas (the vampires of the Orient also use this title of esteem for their most enlightened.) Okay, pay very close attention here:
They had three separate Rank systems, and each Baku started out as rank one in any one Way. The Rank levels were acolyte (1st), scholar (2nd) and elder (3rd.) The life paths they followed could be compared to Garou Auspices, and were the Way of Knowledge (Theurge), the Way of Honor (Philodox) and the Way of Wrath (Ahroun). The Baku's title was determined by the rank she held in each of the Ways. The title for the Way of Knowledge was Buddha, the title for the Way of Honor was Indri, and the title for the Way of Wrath was Shiva. The Baku rose separately in each rank depending on the Renown she achieved. So a Baku warrior might have been an acolyte Buddha, an Indri scholar and a Shiva elder.
Each Way had its own separate Gifts that the Baku could access once he had achieved the proper rank. In the above example, the warrior could access Shiva Gifts of all three ranks, but could only access first and second level Indri Gifts and first rank Buddha Gifts. For access to breed and general Gifts, use the highest rank of the Baku. Bohdivistas have access to all the Gifts of the paths, plus forth and fift rank breed Gifts and their own awesome magics. These Gifts will be detailed later. Baku also gained physical mutations based on their rank, becoming something bizarre and awesome to behold as they approached divinity. These will be detailed later.
Rank was a very personal thing with Baku, much closer to the concept of mage Ascension than the politics of other changers. The were-elephant achieved rank separately from other Baku; once he had achieved enough enlightenment in his Way, his mind opened to learning Gifts from the spirits and other Baku. They took their Ways far too seriously to take shortcuts to power.

The Way of Knowledge
Those who focused on this path, called Buddhas, were thoughtful and comtemplative, and sought the secrets of this universe and others. They held the most station, for they commanded the secrets of other realities. Most Buddhas did little but sit and meditate, gaining glimpses into other cycles and giving guidelines to the Indri based on the understanding they achieved.
As they gained rank, they grew additional eyes on their foreheads to reflect their understanding. A Baku had an additional eye for every rank she achieved (so a scholar would have two additional eyes.) These eyes exist in all forms but Homid and Hatii (see Forms.) Each extra eye adds a die to visual Perception rolls and those Perception rolls involving supernatural awareness (Gifts.)

The Way of Honor
Indri were given the important task of manipulating events and people in this cycle based on the wisdom gained by the Buddhas. While the Buddhas were of other worlds, the Indri were solidly based in this reality and knew how to effect it and its inhabitants, and thus were very important. As those who followed the Way of Honor had more to do with outsiders, they were the first to be culled by the wolves and others.
Those who gained on the path of Honor sprouted additional trunks in their Crinos and Mali-fut forms, representing their increased manipulation of fate. These trunks were used for a variety of tasks, and the more trunks the better. Highly dexterous manipulation became possible, as well as a +1 Str bonus per extra trunk when lifting objects.

The Way of Wrath
Sometimes playing with the cycles is a dirty job, and this is where the Shiva came in. Named for the Indian God of destruction (or perhaps his legends were based on followers of this Way!) these Baku were terrible sights to behold. Their way wasn't not the most esteemed among their race, but was necessary and probably the easiest path to follow. They were the defenders of their kind, and their failure during the War of Rage was a bitter one.
Those who followed the path of the warrior displayed massive tusks, and their most powerful members even sprouted a second pair. At acolyte level, the tusks lengthen, doing an additional die of damage. At scholar level, the Baku sprouts another pair of tusks, making it harder for opponents to dodge a tusk attack (the diff for a Tusk Gore is lowered to 5.) At the elder level, the second pair or tusks lengthen, and the damage is further increased to +2 (for a total of Str +4.) These super-tusks only exist in Crinos and Mali-fut forms.

Many Baku started on the daunting path toward gaining full mastery of all the Ways, but only a select few ever achieved that level of enlightenment. These were the heroes of that race, the most balanced and wise of the race that was most balanced and wise. Bodhivistas gain access to spirit magics that can summon elephant herds from the Umbra or reveal the secrets of other worlds with ease. They also gained enormous control of mind and body, sensing the spirit world and effecting it with their bodies and resisting the pull of Frenzy.
A Bodhivista gains the following benifits: she can learn Bodhivista Gifts, as well as fourth and fifth level breed Gifts; she grows an additional trunk (for a total of five); Spirit Sight (as the Bastet Gift) becomes an innate abitity, requiring no Gnosis expenditure; her tusks become capable of striking spirits or creatures on the other side of the Gauntlet if she spends one Gnosis (this effect lasts for one scene); and the Bodhivista adds 2 to her rolls to resist Frenzy, making the final difficulty 9.

The Forms
I understand that these stat adjustments are probably immensely unbalancing. A Frenzying were-elephant warrior with a 12 Strength and ten Health Levels is a scary thing. But keep in mind that these are were-elephants, and are going to be much stronger than even Gurahl. Besides, they are extinct, which cuts down on the potential for player-character abuse, so it doesn't really matter that much.

Homid (man)
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: The Homid form of the Baku was always really big and rotund; petite or skinny baku were unheard of. Heights of up to seven feet tall and weight upwards of 300 lbs were common place among them. They had an additional Bruised Health Level in this form, giving them the Huge Size Merit for free (the Huge Size Merit cannot be taken again for a double-stack, assuming someone talks their Storyteller into letting them play a Baku.)

Brahtarr (near-man)
Adjustments: Str +2, Sta +2, Man -2, App -2, +1 to soak rolls from hide
Adjustments: Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -3/ Inc
Description: A big, ugly humanoid between nine and ten feet tall, covered in thick hide. Its advantage is that it channels some of the power and mass of the Baku's elephant heritage without sacrificicing agility. Its face is mostly human, though it's covered with rough grey hide and devoid of hair except for a few tufts.

Crinos (half-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -2, Sta +3, Man -3, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: This is where it gets scary. Imagine an upright-standing elephant, say twenty feet tall on average, with humanlike hands. Add in things like multiple trunks, tusks and eyes, and you have something that can probably kill with looks alone. This form is very powerful, but is as slow as a rock. Think of the Indri the Indian god, and you have a good picture of what this form looks like. Available attack forms for the Crinos include Tusk Gore, Throw, and things like punches and weapon attacks. Crinos Baku with lots of trunks recalls the traditional portraits of Cthulhu; as the Baku are the ones standing at the ends of worlds, there might be something to this . . .

Mali-fut (near-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +7, Dex -2, Sta +4, Man -4, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: A form that blends the Baku's supernatural heritage with the form of an elephant, the Mali-fut form is the most commonly used form for combat. It possesses any extra trunks, eyes and tusks gained from rank and has about 30% more mass than an ordinary elephant, much of it concentrated in the shoulders and limbs. Its legs are almost bear-like, giving the Baku the ability to move its bulk quickly if necesary, equipped with large claws (which are used for gaining purchace rather than to attack). Assuming one was around in modern times, a Baku in Mali-fut form could demolish tractor trailers with little effort. Attacks include Tusk Gore, Trample and Throw. I considered calling this form the "helliphant", but that would be silly. :)

Hatii (elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -1, Sta +3, Man -2, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: An ordinary elephant, sans weird appendages and anything unusual. It was still a very intimidating form for purposes of combat, assuming the Baku didn't want to violate the Veil. Attacks include Tusk Gore, Throw and Trample.

The Baku had only the human and elephant breeds, as they did not allow metis among them. They were very similar in outlook and got along well, and there was no great difference between the breeds. Assume a starting Gnosis of 3 for both.

The Baku didn't divide themeselves into tribes. There were two species of elephant among them, the African and Indian varieties. The African tended toward the Way of Wrath, while many of those in India were Buddhas.

Rage and Willpower
Baku as a whole were level-headed and calm, but had the potential to become enraged like their smaller cousins, especially those who followed Shiva's path. Their Frenzy difficulties remained at a steady 7, and were not effected by the moon. Assume a starting Rage of 4. They were a race of strong will; Willpower base of 5.

The Umbra
Baku were highly spiritual, and could naturally enter the Umbra through reflective surfaces or achieving deep meditation.


Diff 7, Str + 2 non-Agg, 2 actions
The Baku must be in Crinos, Mali-fut or Hatii form to perform this maneuver. He grabs his enemy in his trunk and tosses him to the ground, possibly breaking bones and setting him up for a trample attack. An attack roll must be made to grab the target, and then the Baku rolls a contested Str + Brawl against the victim's Dex + Dodge; if the Baku wins the contest the victim is thrown to the ground for Str +2 non-Agg damage.

Diff 8, Str + 5 non-Agg, only action that turn
The Baku must be in elephant or near-elephant form to perform this maneuver, and this is the only action he can take that turn (no die pool splitting, extra Rage actions, etc.) He runs toward his target and if lucky hits him, bowling him over and then trampling him with his feet. Rarely has this failed to kill an opponent.

Tusk Gore
Diff 6*, Str +2* Agg, 1 action
In Hatii, Mali-fut or Crinos form, the Baku lunges his head forward and impales his enemy with his tusk. Those with especially large Tusks can inflict more damage, and a second pair of tusks reduces the diff to 5 (see the Way of Wrath.)

Baku regenerated as do Garou and most other changers. They didn't have connections to the sun or moon, so they didn't take Aggravated damage from gold or silver. However, they were mystically linked to the earth, and sharp stone damaged them greviously when wielded against them. Why they didn't take Agg from stones when it wasn't wielded as a weapon (such as when they walked on rocky ground) is open to question.

Breed Gifts: Use appropriate ones from Werewolf.
General Gifts
Level 1: Dowsing (as Bastet), Mother's Touch (as Theurge),  Crafty Trunk*
Level One Baku Gift*

Once the Baku learns this gift, he can use his trunk as dexterously as he could his hand.  He can use it to pick locks, paint, flip coins ect.  System:  One Gnosis point, Dex. + Primal Urge diff 4,  with each success the gift lasts one turn.
Level 2: Step Like the Mouse (as Stargazers: Surface Attunement), Sense Balance, Trumpet (as Bastet: Shriek)
Level 3: One With The Earth, Shatter (as metis Bastet: Fist of Cahlash),  Meditave Mastery*
Level Three Baku Gift*
The Baku can instantly enter a meditative trance at will, with no roll required. He can convert Rage into Willpower in this state, though he cannot convert Willpower to Rage. He can also enter the Umbra without a reflective surface (though he must still roll against the Gauntlet.)
Gifts of Knowledge
Level 1:
Level One Buddha Baku Gift
Once this Gift is learned, the Baku gains the Eidetic Memory Merit.
Level One Buddha Baku Gift

Using this Gift, a Buddha can part the veil of time and space and peer into cycles that existed before this one. The mysteries they witnessed this way were known only to them, and can only be guessed at now. The more enlightened a Baku became, the easier it was to use this Gift; the roll is Per + Enigmas, with the difficulty equal to 10 minus her rank in the Way of Knowledge. The Baku must also spend 2 Gnosis unless he is an elder (Rank 3), in which case the Gift costs one Gnosis. Possible info gained from looking into other worlds: the solution to a puzzle, possible consequences of a course of action, insight into other members of the World of Darkness, revealing hidden influences in this cycle by witnessing its more obvious applications in another.

Level 2

Clarity (as Stargazers)

Visit the Grave: Elephants are often observed going to mass burial sights called "elephant graveyards" to die, and some Serengetti tribes associate them with death because of this. By going to an elephant graveyard, spending a point of Gnosis, and rolling her Gnosis against the local Shroud, a were-elephant could visit the Ivory Kingdom of the dead this way

Level 3

Level 3: Farsight (as Bastet), Open the Spirit Passage (as Theurge: Parting the Velvet Curtain)

Gifts of Honor
Level 1: Persuasion (as homid), See No Untruth (as Philodox: Scent of the True Form and Truth of Gaia, must speak with target)
Level 2: Form Like Clay, Command Respect (as Silver Fang: Awe)
Level 3:  Wise Mind Once this Gift is learned, the Baku can make a Perception roll to see through any illusion, Command (as Silver Fang)
Gifts of Wrath
Level 1: Resist Pain (as Philodox), Knock Down (as Ahroun: Falling Touch)
Level 2: Skin Like Stone (as Khan: Skin of Jade),  Quake The Baku can cause small earthquakes within a 100 yds of where he stands. He spends a Rage point and rolls Str + Survival; all within the area of effect must match his successes on a Dex + Athletics roll to remain standing
Level 3:  Unstoppadble Charge: The Baku can begin charging at a target within his line of sight and continue going, even through walls or other barriers. He cannot be stopped unless he reaches his target, meets an object he cannot smash, dies en route, or chooses to end the Gift. He spends a point of Willpower and begins running at full speed toward his intended victim. He will always charge in a straight line toward his victim as long as he is within visual range (even if the target runs behind a wall or is obscured from sight.) The Baku can turn on a dime if necessary to maintain a straight charge to the target (assuming the target teleported behind him, the Baku would do a complete 180' and continue toward the victim; however, if he teleported several miles away, he would be out of the Baku's visual range and the Baku would stop charging.) He can cancel the Gift at will and come to a complete stop within 5' if necessary (to keep from falling in a pit or running into a lake), though he will have to activate the Gift again. Any barriers between him and his target (trees, walls) take double trample damage, which should be enough to blow through most anything; if this isn't the case, the Baku inflicts his own trample damage on himself and the Gift ends.) Once the Baku reaches his target, he inflicts normal trample damage and the Gift ends.
Shattering the Earth: The Baku spends 2 Rage and a Gnosis and rolls Str + Survival, diff 7. All within a hundred yards of the Baku (except the Baku himself) must roll Dex + Athletics, diff 9, to remain standing. If they succeed, the must soak 3 dice of damage; if they fail, they must soak 3 levels. Buildings can be damaged by this.
Using Baku in a Chronicle
The Baku race is a tragic victim of the War of Rage, one that could have contributed to the world a great deal had they survived. Because of their senseless death (ironically brought about by their own tinkering), all of reality may be in danger as this cycle draws to a close and there are none to usher in the new one. Characters might unearth records of Baku culture or manage to find accounts of their extinction during the War of Rage. A Storyteller running a Chronicle focusing on the Apacolypse could increase the tension and mood of hopelessness by revealing that the Baku are no longer around to fulfill their purpose. Baku are best used sparingly as a background information, rather than the focus of a Chronicle or allowing them as to be played as characters.
If a Storyteller wants to allow them as PCs, then its his/her choice. But they are immensely powerful if played as war-machines, which a player eventually will, though a hjistorical game or one focusing on the last of their kind struggling to survive is a possible option.






Werebats or Cyan, the term they call each other, were once ages ago creatures of Gaia. The Cyan were seduced to the side of the Wyrm, millennia ago. Their sacred galleries and grottos were spoiled and defiled, all in the name of the Wyrm. Centuries upon centuries did they serve it. Silent spies, vile hunters, horrors of the night. Once, they all sang the song of the Earth Mother deep in their mystical galleries far underground. Then, It came. With sweet whispers and seductive promises it lured them. Why were they made to fear the light of day? Why did her light hurt them? Its light soothed their eyes. Its light cooled their dens. Its love, was the smothering of darkness, the cool blanket that nurtured them when they slept.
The choice was easy.
Their warriors turned into horrors as they preyed on innocent mortals. The lore keepers, turned to insane kennings. Their judges turned their laws into perversions. The mystics turned loose the horrors of the deep, as the simple fools turned into deadly deviants. Last, their songs of Gaia, became croaks and squeaks of the vileness that is the Wyrm.
Ages pass....
One day, one of the insane Galliards has a brief moment of pure rational thought. Maybe, the Earth Mother created them not to fear the day and her light, but to guard her from the night, from Its light. This one pure rational thought, spreads through the Cyan, like a lightning bolt. A warm glow enters their nests and back into their hearts. An instant later, every crystal in their grottos, shines a light of pure love. Even though they had turned their backs on the Mother, She had never turned from them. Her children. Her protectors of the night.

The Forms

Homid: The Whelp
Stat. Adjustment: None
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change description: This is the natural state for human characters. Does not regenerate damage, but may carry silver without harm.

Glabro: The Watcher
Stat. Adjustment: Str +2 Sta +1, Dex +2, Man -1, App -1
Shift Difficulty: 7
Change Description: Relatively human, the ears are more curved, like Mr. Spock. The Cyan gains 50% of weight, all of it tight muscle. Agility is greatly enhanced with muscle gain. Eyes become narrow and piercing. Teeth and nails are more pronounced. Height increases by six inches.

Crinos: The Warrior
Stat. Adjustment: Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +3, Man -2, App 0
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change Description: The Werebat gains an additional 50% height and and additional 100%-200% weight. The body becomes hairy and wings sprout from broad shoulder blades, giving the werebat a gargoyle-like appearance. A prehensile flanged tail, compliments the form while also steadying flight. Fangs and wicked claws deal aggravated damage. The head is of a snarling bat.

Hispo: The Giant bat
Stat. Adjustment: Str +1, Dex +2, Man -3, App 0
Shift Difficulty: 7
Change Description: The giant bat's wingspan is at least 7'. This bat looks like the kind in Fright Night. Weight is that of their homid form.

Chirioptera: The Warden
Stat. Adjustment: Dex +4, Dtr -2, Man 0, App 0, Per +3, Wit +2
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change Description: The teeth of the bat still cause aggravated damage. One can fly 3x normal running speed. Sonar is also capable in this form and also is in Crinos and Hispo too. Sonar is 100' x 50' at the end of the cone. Anything in the cone is detected as moving objects of varying pitches. This form is that of an average bat. Species are picked by brood.




The Uushaela are the cyan of the Americas. These werebats saw the approaching white man as a stain on the pure unmolested lands of the American plains. These cyan took their human mates from the nomadic Indians. Their warriors counseled and helped train Indian braves. The judges gave counsel to the chiefs. Their mystics taught the tribal shamans powerful spirit magick. The Galliards taught them art and music. Their fools taught them how to frighten the enemy.
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: No Resources
Beginning gifts: Camouflage, Sense Magic
Physical: All Uushaela are Native American. Their bat forms resemble grey or white bats of the northern climates. Some South American Uushaela have brown pelts spotted with red.
Quote: "Once the eagle flew for days on end. Then your kind came and captured or killed it. Worse, you turned its once majestic form into your own twisted ideal of your existence. I will see the eagle fly majestic and free once again."

This brood of Cyan hails from Eastern Germany. Most, if not all the "Gothic" architecture was influenced by the Cyan of that area. In fact, most winged gargoyles, were modeled from Cyan in Crinos form. Also, this brood has the most number of kinfolk. It was said in ages passed, that a Strogoth could fly around an Ostrogoth city and never incite the Delirium among the flock. There were that many kinfolk.
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: any
Beginning gifts: Razor Claws, Sense Wyrm
Physical: These Cyan have black fur with eyes of red. In homid form, they prefer to dress in black, but what they wear is from a few eras back. A favored expression of Strogoths in Crinos is a leering tongue, just like all the gargoyles that are seen.
Quote: Are you lost little one? You are? Then take hold of my hand, dear. I shall safely guide you through the night.



These bats call the dark craggy mountains and gloomy forests of the Carpathians home. These Cyan saw the coming of lord Dracul. When they were thralls of the Wyrm, they aided Dracul by acting as his spies and assassins. Now however, they are fighting a war with his unholy servants for their homeland. An alliance was drawn with the Shadowlords, but it quickly deteriorated. Now they fight on both fronts, the minions of the Wyrm on one front and the greedy Shadowlords on the other. This brood has the closest ties to the Vampire clan known as the Gangrel. Indeed they both share the same kinfolk, The Gypsy.
Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: any
Beginning gifts: Shroud, Aura of Confidence
Physical: The Volsaga have the blackest of pelts. In Crinos, they are huge and monstrous. Try and picture a Tzimisce covered in fur. Monstrous.
Quote: Once, our cliffs and mountains sang to the mother. Then the Devil came. He drowned their songs in blood. We shall get them to sing again, with the blood of Dracul!

The Nightwings call the British Isles home. In ancient days, they allied themselves with the human magi known as Verbena. This alliance has lasted for ages. These Cyan make most of their nests in primordial forests. Some take to the dark caves. When the Inquisition came, these Cyan took the Verbena into hiding in these same caves. The Verbena were eternally grateful. The Nightwings and Verbena share their Caerns and Nodes. Many Verbena nodes have a couple of Nightwings perching in the trees, keeping a watchful eye. One other thing of note, many kinfolk of these Cyan have the ability to Awaken. In fact, about 5%-10% of Verbena are Kinfolk of the Nightwings. This mixing of blood makes the alliance all the more stronger.
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: Any
Beginning gifts: Beast Speech, Sense Magic
Physical: As their name depicts, these Cyan have black fur, black as night. In homid, they prefer to were cloaks or capes. They are also very fond of silver.
Quote: Hello father. What? Lost are ye? Well c'mon, I'll show ye the way to the mission. The moon's comin' up and it's best if we stay out of the Moors. Werewolves ya know....

These strange Cyan hail from Scandanavia. Their Theurge's once taught the Norse Vitki magick. In the myths of the Norse, it was said that the Vaettr sprang from the body of Ymir when Odhinn slew him. It's said that their warriors gave their rabid gift of Berserk to the norsemen. Their Caerns are hidden from mortal sight, beyond the Bifrost bridge. Past Asgard, and into the realm of the Jotuns. They were cast there after their fall into the embrace of the Wyrm. Now, they are trying to reclaim their ancestral homes in the golden lands of Asgard.
Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: Any
Beginning gifts: Razor Claws, Resist Pain
Physical: These Cyan are big. In homid form, they have massive shoulders. In Crinos, they are about the same size as a Get of Fenris. Their fur is Red to black. They are the largest of the Cyan and probably the most barbaric.
Quote: Hailsa! You are a worthy foe giant. What did you say? No you can't leave. It's too late for that.



Auspice and Breed Gifts
All Cyan have the Auspice gifts of werewolves. Their breed gifts also come from the werewolves. Just make the gifts suited to bats. For example, Silver Claws is changed to Silver Wings. Damage is Str + 3 aggravated.

Brood Gifts
Uushaela: Whether from North America, or South America, choose their gifts from either the Wendigo or the Uktena.
Strogoths: Take their gifts from the Black Furies.
Volsaga: Their gifts come from the Shadowlords.
Nightwings: They take their gifts from the Fianna.
Vaettr: They take their gifts from the Get of Fenris.


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