есть расхождения с первой редакцией бридбука, т.к. основана на редакции 2001 года, а не изначальной.
Character Creation
• Step One: Character Concept
Choose concept.
Choose Breed. There are 2 breeds:
Note Auspice. All Nuwisha have the following auspice:
Choose Totem. There are at least 9 faces of Coyote:
Chung Kuel
Ti Malice
• Step Two: Select Attributes
Note that all Attributes start with one dot before you add any.
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3).
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
Choose Social Traits: Appearance, Charisma, Manipulation.
Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.
• Step Three: Select Abilities
Note Favored Abilities granted by Breed, Auspice or Totem. (2 from Breed and Auspice, 2 from Totem).
Choose Favored Abilities (10; may not be the same as Breed, Auspice or Tribe Abilities).
Choose Abilities (40 — at least 15 must be from Favored Abilities; there must be 1 dot in each Favored Ability, but Breed, Auspice and Totem Abilities may have no dots; no Ability may start higher than 3 without spending bonus points).
• Step Four: Select Advantages
Choose Backgrounds (7 — note that some Backgrounds may be limited).
Note Willpower granted by Tribe.
Note Magical Traits. Nuwisha have no Rage and Gnosis according to Breed. Nuwisha also have 3 Gifts chosen from Breed, Ragabash or General Gifts.
• Step Five: Finishing Touches
Record Rank (1). Determine Renown as a Ragabash. Choose Rites if any, equal in levels to dots in Rituals ability.
Choose Merits and Flaws. Note that no more than 7 Freebie Points may come from Flaws.
Calculate Soak. Nuwisha have (Stamina + armor) bashing, lethal and aggravated soak. Silver or Wyrm toxins can only be soaked with Gifts or armor.
Calculate Movement. In homid form, Nuwisha walk at a rate of 7 meters per round, run at a rate of (Dexterity + 12 meters) per round, and sprint at a rate of ((Dexterity x 3) + 20 meters) per round.
Manabozho form adds +2 meters to each of these rates. In sendeh form, all movement rates are multiplied by 1.5 (round up). In latrani form, movement rates are doubled.
Record Health Levels (7).
Spend Freebie Points (15) if haven't done so already.