Ajaba (Night Laughter)
Создание персонажа Аджаба (опять-же, инглиш)
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Поделиться22009-02-27 12:13:20
The Ajaba, or Werehyenas, are by far one of the most dangerous specimen of the changing breeds, if for nothing else than the fact that for thousands of years, even in the savannah courts of the Lion Kings, they have held their own and survived against both Homid and Bastet odds of unfathomable impossibility. Brushed to the edge of extinction by the Simba especially, the Ajaba have turned their faces away from the stars in disgust at being forsaken by their creators and left to die like helpless runts under the thundering paws of the Endless Storm. Now they gaze into another place for hope. For survival.
Now, they gaze into the Spiral Abyss and into the loving eyes of their adopted parent, the Wyrm.
At one time in the past, the law of the grassland had prevailed and kept the balance between Ajaba and Simba. Eye for an eye was the system of justice between the two tribes, neither ever gaining a distinct advantage over the other forever or for very long. What the Ajaba lacked in strength, they made up for in numbers. What they lacked in speed, they made up for by imitating their wolf cousins and organizing into packs to better attack and defend. All of that changed when Black Tooth, a Simba King, called down the knowledge of the Yava of the Ajaba; their most closely guarded tribal secrets and the letters that spelled their utter destruction at the hands of the arrogant Simba warlord.
The grassland ran red with Hyena blood the night Black Tooth and his Endless Storm smashed the skull of the Hyena King. For the Ajaba, the murder of their king was simply the spark that would eventually detonate the apocalypse that the Simba so dreadfully deserved. The wisdom of their tribe lost with the deaths of their elders and seers, only the heartiest of Ajaba warriors survived the Hyena Court Massacre. Gathering up their kinfolk that survived and fleeing to the cities of South Africa for safety, the Ajaba spat in hatred at the stars above them and refused to cackle at the moon in thanks for their life. The stars had forsaken them. Their creators wished them ill will, like runt children. The Simba had been granted knowledge of the Ajaba Yava and for a time, it seemed as if the final nail in the coffin of the Ajaba Tribe had been driven.
But the hearts of some of the remaining Ajaba and their folk were heavy with grief and sorrow and their minds and eyes were burning with hate. When the Wyrm spoke to them like an understanding father, they listened eagerly. They listened to the truth of Corruption. Of the meaning of change and the importance of Entropics. The Wyrm whispered to the souls of the Ajaba and told them that they need only serve It in order to reclaim that which had been stolen from them. The Simba, the Wyrm said, had forgotten over time of civility and with the help of man that the Hyena ruled the nights of the grassland. They had grown fat and pridefull, forever boasting of their strength and their cunning over all the other catfolk. The Bagheera, some of them, even believed. The Wyrm offered the Ajaba a chance to herald its will. A chance to repopulate their people. A chance to wreak bloody havoc on the Simba and all else who would seek to subdue the Night Laughers. All it required was servitude in exchange for power. The Wyrm told the Hyenafolk that it would make them nightmares in the dreams of the Simba and that there would be another flood coming to the savannah under their service to the Wyrm, except instead of Hyena blood, it would be of Simba tears. This was exactly what the handful of young warriors needed to hear, and as they knelt weeping from joy at the words of their adopted parent, they laid their silver Hakkars at their new masters feet in dedication and devotion. The clutch of vengeance drenched Ajaba decided on this night to forsake the name "Rainmaker." The only tears of rain that the Hyenafolk had made that they could remember was of their own tears. From that night forth it was decided that not one more Hyena tear would fall for a slain brother only Lion blood. The life of one Ajaba is worth three Simba, according to their new litany and they took the name Night Laughers in celebration of their Camp's birth under the guidance of the Wyrm.
Поделиться32009-02-27 12:13:32
The Wyrm made good on its promise.
The first gift the Wyrm gave to its new children was a piece of the Simba Yava. The odds were now a little more even for the Laughers. Now the Simba would be less anxious to hunt the Laughers en masse.
The second gift of the Wyrm were Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk for which to use as breeding stock for the new generation of Ajaba who would rise to consume all that oppressed them and stood against the will of the Wyrm in its battle for balance through destruction.
The third gift of the Wyrm was the knowledge, trust and respect of the Black Spiral Dancer Tribe. The Black Spirals took the Ajaba Night Laughers into their Hives and taught them the ways of Banes and Gifts from the Wyrm. The Night Laughers usually keep one to two Black Spiral Dancers in their Hives and Packs in order to boost their defensive capabilities against Simba and Garou attack until their new generation of 100 plus Ajaba pups are old enough and skilled enough to defend their people in sovereign. Their numbers grow more and more everyday. With the help of Pentex and the Black Spiral Dancers and with their re-location to South Africas more wildlife conscious society, the Night Laughers are becoming exactly what the Wyrm intended them to be; the ultimate weapon in the removal of the Bastet obstacle.
Tribal Home
The Simba have claim to the Night Laughers tribal and ancestral home, the Hyena Kings Court. Nothing can change that now, and where it is always an important concern fro both the Laughers and the Wyrm to regain what could be an extremely powerful Hive, the Night Laughers are focusing more on regrouping and fortification in between rearing their own Bon Bhats and Theurges to teach their new birthrights to the litters that will arrive in the days which are to come for the Hyenafolk. For now, the safest place for the Night Laughers to exist is in South Africa. The lion population in the wild is extremely low, and Pentex Industries has even set up a five hundred acre preserve for the Hyenafolk to inhabit just outside the city limits of Johannesburg, South Africa. There is a low power Hive here that the Night Laughers use to regain their Gnosis and re-establish their heritage under the new influence of the Wyrm over their people and at any given time up to three Pentex First Teams can be deployed from a barracks on the reserve to assist in dealing with any Bastet or Garou threat that might be too much for the Night Laughers, i.e., the Endless Storm. This is their home now under the watchful eyes of the Wyrm - the launch point for their reclamation of the night from those who stole it from them.
Поделиться42009-02-27 12:13:49
Culture and Kinfolk
The original number of Ajaba who formed what would become the Night Laugher Camp is unknown, as to ask a Werehyena what number his people were reduced too causes him great anger and makes him very quick to Rage. The Night Laughers, therefore, have purged this memory from their minds. It is believed that something close to two dozen Ajaba survived the Massacre of the Hyena Kings Court, and of those, not even half were female. In order to better assist and fortify its children for Apocalypse, the Wyrm has brought the Night Laughers and their Garou cousins, the Black Spiral Dancers, into close alliance. Black Spiral Kinfolk have bred with Ajaba to produce the bulk of the Night Laugher Camp. Ajaba Kinfolk do exists in small numbers, and when found, are the mate of choice for the Night Laughers, but the Black Spiral Kinfolk who have, in the minds of the Ajaba, kept their species from fading are just as important to them as their own. Kinfolk of the Night Laughers are kept safe and hidden away and are not allowed to participate in open conflict with Gaias forces, whatever they may be.
The Night Laughers have one leader, an Aktu, who is in charge of the Camp's education and indoctrination into the way and will of the Wyrm. She is usually the highest ranking Theurge or Philodox in the Camp. As well, their alternate leader, the Shaka, is the most talented warrior among them and acts as their tactician and field marshall in times of conflict and war.
Like many Garou tribes and camps, the Night Laughers have established a Litany which supports this system of government and protects the tribe from future genocidal attempts from their enemies, ensuring that they ALWAYS have a leader, whether it be in war or peace. Service to the Wyrm, however, leaves very little room for peace and Night Laugher young and adolescents are trained from birth by Black Spiral Ahrouns and Night Laugher Bushmen in the dirtier and more malicious arts of combat.
Secrets Sought
The full Yava of the Simba. Through malfean enigma and contemplation of corruption, the Night Laughers have been enlightened to the Simba weakness of being rendered immobile by a rope of lions mane hair, put this is merely an important piece of an unsolved puzzle. The Night Laughers seek to completely obliterate the Simba and anyone else who would come to their aide in retribution for the crimes of Black Tooth against the Ajaba of yesterday and wont stop until theyve accomplished their end by any means necessary.
The Yava of the Night Laughers is slightly different from that of the rest of the Ajaba. This is partly due to the corruption of their bloodline and partly do to the Wyrms preservation of its servants from their Simba enemies.
• Spreading sea salt on the splintered bones of a carcass or kill consumed by a Night Laugher will make that Night Laughers teeth as soft as sponge for a lunar cycle.
• Night Laughers are drawn to the smell of burning sage and will follow it hypnotically.
• Night Laughers must "drink the moon" every night that they wish to use Black Spiral Dancer Gifts. This requires catching the reflection of the moon in a goblet of freshly spilled gazelle or zebra blood and drinking it down. No Night Laugher can use Black Spiral Dancer Gifts on the nights of a New Moon.
Поделиться52009-02-27 12:14:00
Where Ajaba descended from almost any human racial stock, most Night Laughers are either from Afrikaner, Bantu or Zulu stock these days with a healthy mix of anglo from their Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk breeding. Most Night Laugher Homids are employed as security specialists and bush scouts and surveyors for Pentexs South African arm, although some have taken on positions as technicians and scientists inside the corporation.
Form Statistics
Sokto Crinos Chatro Hyaena
Str: +1 Str: +3 Str: +2 Str: +2
Dex: +1 Dex: +1 Dex: +2 Dex: +2
Sta: +2 Sta: +3 Sta: +3 Sta: +2
Man: -1 Man: -2 Man: -2 Man: -2
App: -3 App: 0 App: - Bite Damage: Strength +3
Поделиться62009-02-27 12:14:16
Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 3
Beginning Gifts:
Due to their close association and interaction with the Black Spiral Dancers, The Night Laughers are taught the following three gifts from birth and are possessed by ALL Night Laughers of Rank 1 and up.
Bane Protector, Sense Wyrm (Sense Un-makers Hand), Razor Claws, Lick Wounds
All Night Laughers possess the Flaw Moon-Mad and no Night Laugher can take the Merit of Pure Breed.
Поделиться72009-02-27 12:14:32
The Night Laugher Litany
The Night Laughers no longer consider themselves Catfolk and have disassociated from the Bastet Tribes almost totally. They see themselves as a separate Tribe altogether. The Ajaba were a noble folk who lived life and died bravely. They are no more. The Night Laughers readily admit that they are but dark shadows of their deceased loved ones and Kinfolk who's only reason for breath is to crack the bones of the Lion Kings to drown out the sounds of the screams of their families that echo through their tormented heads. To this end and towards a keener sense of separation from their heritage, the Night Laughers have adopted their own Litany.
Serve the Wyrm, for the Wyrm serves us
We fight the war of the Wyrm, our adopted father and mother. It fights our war in return by solving riddles for us and sharing its knowledge. It has brought us allies in this time of need and a chance to bear fruit from the butchered and hacked tree of our people and our Kinfolk. We are nothing without the strength, wisdom and blessing of the Wyrm and its will is superior to all else.
Respect the Others
We have been given this foster home by our mother and father, the Wyrm, but we have siblings and we must share with them for they are proctectors and servitors of the Wyrm and of the Wyrm's will. When in their lands and on their places and while communing with their Jamaks, show the respect that you would show the Hyena King himself.
Protect the Others
Our siblings are older and wiser than we in the ways of our master. We have lost our Tribal knowledge before due to neglect and apathy, we shall never do so again. Protect your fellow servitor and Wyrmchilde when and where you can. His blood is your blood. Better to fall defending a comrade than to be torn to shreds and branded a coward by your own folk for letting him die.
Protect the Yava
Our secrets have been revealed before, and were it not for the kindness and compassion of the Wyrm and the stupidity and arrogance of the Simba, we would be no more. Thou shall never, even under pain of death, reveal the Yava of the Night Laugher Camp. To do so is to betray the Wyrm itself , its new covenant with all Hyenafolk who will follow our example in the future, and all those who came before us who died at the hands of our enemies. Thou shall tear out thine own throat before allowing thyself to reveal the secrets of the Night Laughers.
Поделиться82009-02-27 12:14:45
One Night Laugher Life is Worth Three Simba
If a Lion takes the life of a Hyena, then three lions will be flayed in compensation. If a Simba takes the life of a Night Laugher or a life of one of the Others, then we strike back and repay his transgression threefold. This is the new law of the grassland. The Simba shall remember why it is that they fear for their cubs at night and they shall remember what it feels like to wake to the smell of their kinfolk rotting in the morning sun once again. Ours is the hammer of judgement upon the skulls of the Simba for their crimes against the innocent